View Full Version : Different weights of balls

02-06-2013, 09:41 PM
I wonder do any of you guys have different weights for all of your balls? I ask because right now I have a 14lb spare ball and 13lb strike ball. I bought my strike ball first but after a few months and noticing that my ball doesn't carry as much I want my next strike ball to be heavier so I intentionally bought a 14lb spare ball to get use to the weight. I also use my spare for practice swings at home.

02-06-2013, 09:45 PM
All my balls are 15lbs except for my spare which is 14lbs. I also have 2 other balls that are 14lbs just in case I have back issues.


02-06-2013, 09:58 PM
I started with a 12# Storm, then went to a 14# Hammer, finally split the difference and got a 13# Wisdom. I'm 66 and could probably use a 14#, at least that's the plan.

02-06-2013, 10:26 PM
I have four strike balls, all are 15 lbs. My plastic spare ball is 14 lbs. I find that the lower weight gives me just a little extra speed to help me throw it straighter.

02-07-2013, 12:33 AM
When I 1st started bowling in the league several years ago, I started with a 14 lbs ball. Someone suggested for me to use a 15 lbs ball after seeing my release. Since then I've been using 15 lbs. on ALL my bowling balls (Hammer 1st Blood, Hammer Taboo Blue/Silver, Hammer Taboo, Storm Natural Pearl).

02-07-2013, 01:14 AM
strike balls are 15 and my spare ball is 16

02-07-2013, 08:52 AM
Marauder and NeXXXus are both 15, still waiting on my storm ice which will also be 15. when i pick up my old 14lb ball it feels extremely light lol

J Anderson
02-08-2013, 02:47 PM
All nine of my bowling balls, from the Ebonite Signature that my dad bought for me in 1975 to the DV8 Hell Raiser that I won from BowlingBall.com, are 15 pounds. Even the ones that are drilled for my left hand.

I am a firm believer that all your equipment should have the same weight and feel.

02-10-2013, 12:02 PM
If you get a 13 pound ball for a strike ball you better find out what kind of weight block it has. Some ball makers will put a weight that looks like a hockey puck in all balls that are under 14 pounds. So if it has a weight block like that those type of balls will not hook much.
If you want to know what kind of weight block is in a ball you are buying go to bowlingball.com on this site and you can check balls that you are interested in there plus they show what kind of weight block is in that ball. Or you can go to a pro shop near you and you can ask them what kind of weight block is in a ball you want. Some ball makers will put the good weight blocks in balls under 14 pounds and some don't. So ask about that before you buy. Your 13 pound strike ball might have the hockey puck type. If it does it will keep you wondering why you can't make your ball hook more. The puck is probably why. See bowling balls here-bowlingball.com