View Full Version : New Bowling Ball Suggestion Help

02-17-2013, 11:00 PM
Hey, im looking for a new ball. I bowl in an older house with wood lanes and I throw somewhere around 17 mph. The THS is medium to light, depending on the day. :o Balls I already own: Storm Frantic, Brunswick Slingshot, Brunswick Urethane, and Brunswick Wild Ride. I really like my Wild Ride, however its time to find its replacement.

02-18-2013, 12:24 AM
I enjoy my Storm Tropical Breeze on the lighter oil. I get a lot of revs with it and it can still get a very strong hook when the lanes break down.

02-18-2013, 02:08 AM
As Greenday said above me, a Tropical Breeze would be a nice addition for light oil conditions.

02-18-2013, 02:39 AM
...older house with wood lanes and I throw somewhere around 17 mph. The THS is medium to light... I really like my Wild Ride, however its time to find its replacement.

I get the feeling you like your reaction with the Wild Ride, but at the same time, I feel you are looking for a different motion than you currently have with any of your equipment. Based on your equipment, I assume you have a lot of the "skid/flip" motion, with perhaps a minimal to mild midlane read.

The Wild Ride is a ball I really enjoy throwing as well, although the favorite has to be the Evil Siege (in the same family, but more recent release). I assume this was a ball you used to get a more defined midlane read (lower RG core) and a smoother backend (moderate differential). Unfortunately, most reactive bowling balls that I know of manufactured today have a differential above 0.040, so finding that same mild reaction will come from how the ball is drilled for you.

From what I can find, the Brunswick Meanstreak Brawler's stats line up with the Wild Ride best if you are looking for about the same amount of hook. The shape of the hook will be considerably different. With a higher RG and higher Differential, it will want to go longer and snap harder. You could adjust this with a control drilling and surface changes, if you so desired. It will probably be quite similar to the Frantic, unless you make those changes. This is all assuming you wish to stay with Brunswick equipment.

Two balls I've really come to love on the wood lanes I've bowled on are the Brunswick Karma Solid and Brunswick Swarm. Both have a similar coverstock (one solid, one pearl) and they both seem to read wood well for me. The Karma is still available, but presumably not for too long. The Swarm is an older ball, but there are a few distributors (15lb from Grand Prix Bowling Supply, if your pro shop can order from them) that still have some in stock and would be overjoyed to sell some of them. (Shameless Plug, although I am in no way associated with them. I simply know they have some in stock.)

02-18-2013, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the response!! CeKnauss, u are right. I think I'm definitely looking for a ball with. Similar reaction as my old wild ride. For some reason I feel the skid/flip reaction hasn't worked out well for me. (Not sure if its the lanes or my style)

02-18-2013, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the response!! CeKnauss, u are right. I think I'm definitely looking for a ball with. Similar reaction as my old wild ride. For some reason I feel the skid/flip reaction hasn't worked out well for me. (Not sure if its the lanes or my style)

If you don't want the skid/flip reaction and would prefer more of a banana shaped hook (I refer to them as banana shaped and hockey stick shaped), the Tropical Breeze would be no good. As I said, I love it for lighter conditions, but I also love the skid/hard snap reaction in a ball.

02-18-2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks for the response!! CeKnauss, u are right. I think I'm definitely looking for a ball with. Similar reaction as my old wild ride. For some reason I feel the skid/flip reaction hasn't worked out well for me. (Not sure if its the lanes or my style)

I also generally prefer an arc over the snap, depending on where I bowl. Pretty much any low to mid-performance solid reactive should give you the shape you desire. Storm's Manic, Tropical Heat, Brunswick's Karma Solid, etc.

A ball I recently purchased and was surprised with the reaction is the Radical Torrid Elite. It is definitely a rolly ball. It is pearl, so it has some snap, but the really low RG makes it arc almost the whole lane (and I used a pin up layout, which generally goes longer and snaps for me, but not as much with this ball). Definitely something to look into if you wish.