View Full Version : How would this effect ball reaction?

02-25-2013, 12:38 PM
For my third thread of the morning i have another question. I recently got a used HRR and i took it to my proshop to get it surfaced back to oob finish. He was really busy over the weekend and after looking at the ball he only sanded the top half of the ball(finger holes up being the top half) and the bottom half is still polished. My ball tracks above the finger holes. I believe it was labeled as helicopter tracking here so this would mean that as my ball is rolling it gets half sanded half polished traction. Its not a big deal to get it completed as my proshop guy is cool and does all my resurfacing for free but i was just wondering how much this effect the reaction?

02-25-2013, 12:44 PM
It is technically against USBC rules to use a ball with an inconsistent sanding/polish. (See Rule 18/4 in http://usbcongress.http.internapcdn.net/usbcongress/bowl/rulebook/2012-2013Rulebook/Rulebook_12-13.pdf)

If you are just open bowling, it will probably read the lane in a rather odd manner, based on how much of the various surfaces touch the lane.

02-25-2013, 12:51 PM
wow i didnt know that. i planned on getting it finished anyway but thanks for the information. As far as i know my league isnt sanctioned so idk if that matters or not.

02-25-2013, 12:58 PM
If it isn't sanctioned, you should follow whatever rules the league or house has set. If there isn't anything specific, then you could still bowl with the surface that way, but it could make the reaction unpredictable.

02-25-2013, 01:45 PM
Can't believe he only did half a ball, if he did then it's very likely he only did the first stage of the initial sanding (500 grit) and stopped there.

The OOB on a HRR is 500/2000, so it's less than half done no matter how you look at it.

02-25-2013, 01:53 PM
its possible. The part that is sanded has the same amount of shine or reflection as my 2000 grit too reckless. 500 grit would be pretty dull no?