View Full Version : Three years later, I am in a very different place mentally

02-26-2013, 05:21 PM
3 years ago I was fitted with my first finger tip drilling. I kept grabbing the ball, and it kept sticking in my thumb. I frequently pitched it 12 feet down lane. I struggled walking straight, walking period. Pushoff, swing. I often ended up pitching the ball out instead of placing it on the lane. Mechanics just got in the way.

Next year I joined my first league, bowled anywhere from lousy to just okay.. Then something happened. I began to feel comfortable and confident on the approach. My expectations rose and when I failed to meet them I was disapointed in myself. Now I am feeling more competitive. My goal is to outbowl the team anchor. He has a big target on his back now.

Anyone else go through this emotional process or am I being compulsive here?

02-26-2013, 07:13 PM
Well my journey started only started 4 months ago. I was upset that I had my own finger tipped ball but saw these guys who would bowl as much as I did, only with house balls and 2 finger hooking it. I personally don't like that style. Their scores were always better. Now I'd challenge them any day cause I'm more consistent 'cept I don't see them there anymore. Joined my first league which is sports, so I'm learning to read lanes better. Earned my first 200 game and 2 more in the same week. Now I'm setting personal goals of 600, 700, and 800 series, plus a 300 game! I know that's all mental. Just gotta learn to play more inside now. I'm enjoying the journey though

02-26-2013, 07:13 PM
Naw, it feels good to be able to look back and see how much you've improved. It's only been a few months of being coached and my average hasn't drastically changed, but in just the past few weeks, all of a sudden it's all been clicking and I've been bowling well above my average.

02-26-2013, 07:27 PM
I know where you are coming from. 3 years ago I was just chucking the ball down the lane. I bowled once a week, just 3 games in my league. I was using a no thumb, one hand delivery, and I wasn't even aiming the ball. Now, if you count my practice sessions in my warehouse, I bowl at least 100 games a week, I work very hard on a one hand, thumb in delivery, as well as a two hand delivery. My goal back 3 years ago, be better than my friends, who had been bowling for a year. My goal now is to get good enough to enter a regional tournament. 3 years ago I had one ball, today I have 8. The game has taken hold of me, and I have a drive to get better every day. I have even given up my other hobbies to focus on bowling. Heck, I even watched the Xrta frame coverage of the Masters this week, and thought about buying tickets to go watch it in person. My ultimate goal is one year from now, I want to bowl in a qualifier for the Masters, and who knows, maybe make it into the Masters. My friend missed the cut by 6 pins, and I want to be able to go to the Masters with him next year.

02-26-2013, 07:37 PM
Well considering 3 years ago i was ending on the wrong foot, not sliding, basically being an all around crap bowler, i think I'm in a lot better place, both mentally and physically, I have learned a huge deal about the sport, and still continue too.

02-26-2013, 10:10 PM
Three years ago I was in my fourth year in my Saturday league which is bi-weekly (half season) and averaging 150. That was actually an improvement over the 132 I carried my first year. I can remember seeing some of the other bowlers and wishing I could bowl like that. Two years ago I decided to get serious. I made a goal to be competitive on the PBA50 and that gave me 8 years to get there which seemed realistic. Now I bury those other guys and have found even better bowlers to challenge myself with. I threw the ball 30+ MPH then and now can hook it at 20 MPH. I've learned so much it's insane. It's also cool to have those who have been bowling since they were kids coming to me for advice.

02-26-2013, 11:06 PM
2yrs ago I came back to bowling after about a 12/13yr lay off and struggled! then some league mates in my sport league pointed out my weaknesses and I worked on them and now I have a 179 THS and 149 sport. Last yr I was 160 THS and 130 sport. I found that not trying to muscle the ball,proper footing & armswing and trusting my ball has done wonders this year.

Good luck to all and good scoring!


02-27-2013, 12:02 AM
i was better when i was 14 then i am now age 15-21 i didnt bowl but a lot is coming back to me its amazing how much of the little things u forget and bad habits u start when u only bowl to goof off

Mike White
02-28-2013, 10:35 AM
Three years ago I was in my fourth year in my Saturday league which is bi-weekly (half season) and averaging 150. That was actually an improvement over the 132 I carried my first year. I can remember seeing some of the other bowlers and wishing I could bowl like that. Two years ago I decided to get serious. I made a goal to be competitive on the PBA50 and that gave me 8 years to get there which seemed realistic. Now I bury those other guys and have found even better bowlers to challenge myself with. I threw the ball 30+ MPH then and now can hook it at 20 MPH. I've learned so much it's insane. It's also cool to have those who have been bowling since they were kids coming to me for advice.

Bill, is this your USBC Member ID? 1901-2857

Judy clemons
03-05-2013, 02:14 PM
It is a constant struggle physically and mentally. there will be days when you are in perfect sync and the next you will seem totally out of whack. We are our on worst critics in that we demand perfection ... we get lost in the competive side and forget that we were doing this for fun because we were enjoying it. You gotta remember every
time you bowl it is going to be something different it is an art. Your bowling ball is your paintbrush and lane
is your canvas and each game is going to be a self portrait or maybe a genuine
masterpiece but it is going to be a very
long and hard working process... as long
as you enjoy it you will reap the rewards.

by: Judy Clemons tweener 144
monday mix Showplace Lanes
Euless, Tx
:-) I love bowling
I am a proud member of Bowling Boards.com

09-27-2013, 09:56 AM
Bill, is this your USBC Member ID? 1901-2857

Bill H Freitas, Sidney Oh, and your ID #1901-2857, YES this is his name and ID! Now we know that he is a creative writer!! LOL I doubt he ever served the Gulf War, or that he played college football,, soooo many things I question now..... I doubt his daughter has had many 300's, and 800s as posted by Bill..... !! Bill Come Forward and let the TRUTH OUT!! We will Forgive you! Just be REAL!

The Truth Bill, will set you FREE!!! Iceman