View Full Version : Question on fitment of the ball

03-07-2013, 01:42 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm noticing the more I use my ball, the bigger the finger holes seem to be getting (I have inserts). It's drilled for fingertip grip, but I can pretty much slide my fingers in past my first knuckle now, not far, but its noticeable. Should I get the inserts replaced, or just use some tape on my fingers? How "tight" do you want it to be? This may be one of the problems with why I can't throw a hook because I sometimes feel I still have to grip the ball on the backswing.

03-07-2013, 02:15 PM
Not being able to throw a hook can be several factors. Maybe a video of your release can help?

How "tight" do you want it to be?

It's a personal preference. I know some people who like it really snug. I like it somewhat lose. If you like it snug, there are a few things you can do. Either use bowling tape to wrap around the fingers OR use a shim to place between the finger insert and the hole. I've seen people use a small business card. If the card is too thick, use a small piece of tape instead.

03-07-2013, 02:44 PM
To be honest as i suggested in your other thread and as ecub said, post of video of you bowling. Your problems with hooking are probably due to your technique, not the ball or finger grips.

03-07-2013, 04:06 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm noticing the more I use my ball, the bigger the finger holes seem to be getting (I have inserts). It's drilled for fingertip grip, but I can pretty much slide my fingers in past my first knuckle now, not far, but its noticeable. Should I get the inserts replaced, or just use some tape on my fingers? How "tight" do you want it to be? This may be one of the problems with why I can't throw a hook because I sometimes feel I still have to grip the ball on the backswing.

I'm going to keep it simple, get some new grips. If your fingers are sliding deeper in the holes than normal, their getting wore. Grips are cheap, replace them. Then you can relax and concentrate on your shot making.

03-07-2013, 05:48 PM
You should replace your grips a couple times a year. That being said, I can't put my fingers in almost to the second knuckle. It is a fit thing. If your span is correct and the hole size is correct than you should not have any problems holding on to the ball. Have your pro shop operator take a look at it for you. Have him check your fit AND watch you bowl.

03-07-2013, 10:33 PM
Found out what I'm doing wrong tonight. My slide is sloppy and I always jerk my slide foot sideways to the right so I can kick my right leg back and it ends up screwing up my aim. Need to focus more on my form and my slide..I think i need new shoes too because my shoes don't slide at all. Crappy dexter sport shoes w/ no slide lol

J Anderson
03-08-2013, 10:47 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm noticing the more I use my ball, the bigger the finger holes seem to be getting (I have inserts). It's drilled for fingertip grip, but I can pretty much slide my fingers in past my first knuckle now, not far, but its noticeable. Should I get the inserts replaced, or just use some tape on my fingers? How "tight" do you want it to be? This may be one of the problems with why I can't throw a hook because I sometimes feel I still have to grip the ball on the backswing.

My fingers change from day to day, mostly my thumb but there are times when I can barely get my ring finger in the ball. In fact it was so bad one Wednesday that I went to the pro shop the next day to have it changed to the next size larger. I put the ball on the counter to show Chris, and wouldn't you know, it fit perfectly.

I think this is one of those gray areas where its more a question of what feels right rather than an absolute you should a certain number of thousandths of an inch clearance.