View Full Version : Floor Dumping? Huh?

The German Shepherd
03-09-2013, 08:59 AM
So while I was practicing yesterday, a guy approached me and asked how I liked my Wrecker. I told him I really liked it and that it really is a lot of ball for a pretty reasonable price. He also mentioned words to the effect of, "I expected an old man like you to be a floor dumper, but you're not!" I just smiled benignly and kept bowling.

Now what is a floor dumper??? :eek:


03-09-2013, 10:06 AM
So while I was practicing yesterday, a guy approached me and asked how I liked my Wrecker. I told him I really liked it and that it really is a lot of ball for a pretty reasonable price. He also mentioned words to the effect of, "I expected an old man like you to be a floor dumper, but you're not!" I just smiled benignly and kept bowling.

Now what is a floor dumper??? :eek:


When you take your clothes and just drop them (or throw them) on the floor, that's floor dumping.

So in bowling if your just dropping or just throwing the ball on the lane (not making a good shots) your floor dumping.

At least thats my thought on it.

03-09-2013, 02:07 PM
Bowl is guessing and neither of us know. I guess that makes all three of us too old.

03-09-2013, 02:59 PM
Okay here's a couple I found in the old Bowling Glossary and I assume is where floor dumper came from and my guess was pretty close:

To release the ball without bending the knee, which usually makes it travel through the air before plopping down on the lane.

The practice of dropping the ball at or before the foul line; not usually desirable.

The German Shepherd
03-09-2013, 04:07 PM
We Malott has very little knee bend. No way HE could be a dumper...

Old lefty
03-11-2013, 07:47 PM
No Jay,I would say Malott is more of a floor THUMPER......I see your back in the game big time ,lots of different toys,Good for You!:cool:


The German Shepherd
03-11-2013, 10:46 PM
No Jay,I would say Malott is more of a floor THUMPER......I see your back in the game big time ,lots of different toys,Good for You!:cool:


Hiya Barry! Good to hear from you! Don't be a stranger!


03-18-2013, 03:15 PM
We have a couple of floor dumpers on our league both drop the ball
at the foul line or maybe just a little behind it with a big bang when
the ball hits the lanes/approach but they are both in their late 60's or
early 70's I guess.

03-22-2013, 04:02 PM
Well, there's an alternate description of "The Big Bang Theory" :)

03-25-2013, 12:10 AM
well, there's an alternate description of "the big bang theory" :)


03-25-2013, 06:14 AM
i floor dump sometimes on my first shot of the night, when i forget to hold the ball.

03-25-2013, 08:07 AM
So while I was practicing yesterday, a guy approached me and asked how I liked my Wrecker. I told him I really liked it and that it really is a lot of ball for a pretty reasonable price. He also mentioned words to the effect of, "I expected an old man like you to be a floor dumper, but you're not!" I just smiled benignly and kept bowling.

Now what is a floor dumper??? :eek:



I'll also assume that it means just "dumping the ball at the foul line". If that had been me, I would've asked the jackass, if he'd like to bowl a few games and put his money where his mouth is, that is if he had enough money to stuff inside a pie hole that big !!

Your a better man than I to just smile and let that one go !! LOL

03-25-2013, 08:42 AM
"floor dumping"

there is this 6 year old in my youth league that up until recently was bowling with two hands by running up to the foul line and basically slamming the ball into the ground, does this count as floor dumping? LOL

03-25-2013, 08:49 AM
We have a young guy in our league who cant weight anymore than 100 pounds who throws a 16 pound ball, you can hear his ball hit the lane from 10 lanes over, and it spins on its axis. It works for him though, he has about a 180 average, though if he lowered the weight to something he can handle better, I bet he'd add 10+ pins to his average.

03-30-2013, 08:19 PM
got a guy in our league that does this, my bro got a video of him doing it a while ago. will get it online for you to see. im suprised he's never broke a finger