View Full Version : Will a heavy oil ball lose energy on a THS pattern?

03-10-2013, 03:05 PM
From stuff I have read about aggressive/heavy oil balls it seems that heavy oil balls are too hard to use on THS pattern or dry alleys. The take I come away with is that there is too much friction on THS pattern alleys which cause a heavy oil ball to lose energy going down the alley because it needs more oil to work right so it stores energy to get to the pocket instead of losing energy. If you use a heavy oil ball on a THS pattern it seems that you have to stay in as much oil going to the pocket as possible which means playing down the center of the alley where most of the oil is. Has anyone here try using a heavy oil ball on a THS pattern and was able to make it work right? Or is it a waste of time because you are fighting the conditions too much?

03-10-2013, 07:21 PM
I've seen many low rev and/or low axis rotation use heavy oil balls with no ill effects. Most of the lefties around here use heavy oil balls on THS while stroking up the second arrow.

James The Bowler
03-10-2013, 07:49 PM
It all depends on how you bowl and what the drilling is. Some balls are able to be drilled for a lighter oil condition to have the best results on the alley where you bowl. It also depends on the surface that is on the ball.

03-11-2013, 03:08 AM
Depends on the THS! I bowl in a 6pm vegas league in summer and have used a Defiant on a 38' christmas tree pattern and I have used my Defiant on a dry-wet/dry THS on 9pm league. Defiant works well,though I tend to use medium oil(beserk,Bullwhip,etc)because they handle better.


03-11-2013, 09:41 AM
All depends on the persons style and the THS. A low rev guy, it probably wont burn up, a high rev guy like myself it may not burn up on the fresh, but will eventually. It also depends on the volume of oil that is put out on the THS. Usually on a THS you have a bit more oil in the middle, so in theory you may not see any burn. It all depends on the variables of each bowler and the THS they bowl on.

03-11-2013, 01:53 PM
I havent noticed a prob as long as a keep moving left i think i averaged a 215 using a hrr for all three games last week. From game 1 to 3 i made a move of about 10 boards though

03-11-2013, 04:46 PM
My teammate is a low rev lefty, and he is looking at buying a new ball. He only has one ball and quite frankly is crap. I'm buying a new ball this week myself. I ordered a Misfit Pearl. I recommended he try the Brutal Nightmare. He asked me why I was getting a lower end, cheaper ball, and suggested a high end expensive ball for him, and we're playing on the same lanes. I told him it's simple, rev rate. My rev rate is so high, if I bought a Brutal Nightmare it would hit like a pillow most of the time. I would use all it'd energy too early. With him having a lower rev rate plus being lefty were he will be playing on fresher oil all game, a stronger ball would work better for him. So it depends on how you throw the ball as much as anything.

03-15-2013, 12:40 AM
I tend to use a heavy oil ball my first game of my league on Wednesdays. It uses a THS but a THS just describes the shape of the pattern and how it is distributed. My league uses a heavier THS. It still doesn't require pinpoint accuracy like a sports shot, just a heavier oil ball.

03-15-2013, 07:44 PM
I am a low rev rate player and my old ball was a columbia 300 action packed. medium oil ball. And at the time i got that ball it worked perfect for the way the lanes were oiled (medium oil THS) But recently they switched it up and gone to a Heavy oil THS and my old ball would not hook at all. go out and never rev up and come back unless i played WAY outside like 1st arrow. Now with my new brutal nightmare I have been able to play multiple lines depending on if its fresh heavy oil (monday night league) or practice (thursday after noon medium to dry) But what i have just learned to do it adjust by moving left and playing more out then in rather then a straighter line and in. I can play in the middle or outside where i seen high rev rate guys cant. (Not saying its not possible just the guys i see and bowl with cant/dont) or just going to my old ball and i can play how i would with the Brutal nightmare. Its kinda nice to have 2 balls. never had that luxury before lol Helped my game greatly.
My team mate is a 2 finger HIGH!!! rev rate bowler. he gets lots of splits or 10 pins in the beginning or ball just doesnt hook and misses the head pin all together. but after it starts to break down and he finds his mark he is good. he has a 225 average.