View Full Version : Thumb Slumb Slugs use them or lose them?

03-19-2013, 06:00 AM
Hey All I am new to the Board I own a Cyclone ball as my strike ball and a strait ball for the 10 pin but in my league. I've seen others with thumb slugs and I didn't know what they were used for since where I got my ball drilled didn't put on in my ball I got my ball drilled at a different bowling alley from where I bowl cause he was an olympic bowler and pro, now he drills balls and a pro shop owner, reason I know this is because I used to be on a league with his dad well truthfully his dad would sub and and visit and watch us bowl when I bowled at AMF now I bowl at Kingpin Lanes in J-Town cause was closer to me anyway I bought my second fingertip ball from chuck, the guy at AMF and he drilled it cause kingpin already screwed up on drilling one of mine and moms balls and recomended her a ball that don't even hook when she specifically asked for a ball that hooked for a back up ball and when we got it drilled there the kid drilled it upside down, anyway what is the purpose of a thumb slug what does it do I don't even know if chuck uses thumb slugs but if it will help cause I see a lot of bowlers with them and my thumb keeps rubbing all the time where I had a blister before from bowling cause I practiced twice meaning two seperate days before I bowled monday night on my league so will it keep the ball from rubbing my thumb on he inside of my thumb cause I am already using protective tape not a roll precut what do you recommend I do get a thumb slug or not or get a roll of protective tape so I can rap it around my thumb where the blister was let me know what you think?

What is the purpose of haveing a thumb slug? What does it do? Alot of bowlers use them at my bowling alley on my league and I have a spot on the side of my thumb that rubs will the slug prevent that from happening cause when I first got my new ball wich is my second fingertip ball which is one to fit my style of bowling now and its a cyclone ball incase you were wondering anyway first time I got it I went practicing two times in one week and rubbed a big blister on my thumb now will a slug prevent that from happening again or should I open the thumb hole some more and put some tape in it or what should I do, what are the advantages and disadvantages to haveing a thumb slug?


03-19-2013, 07:55 AM
What is the purpose of haveing a thumb slug? What does it do? Alot of bowlers use them at my bowling alley on my league and I have a spot on the side of my thumb that rubs will the slug prevent that from happening cause when I first got my new ball wich is my second fingertip ball which is one to fit my style of bowling now and its a cyclone ball incase you were wondering anyway first time I got it I went practicing two times in one week and rubbed a big blister on my thumb now will a slug prevent that from happening again or should I open the thumb hole some more and put some tape in it or what should I do, what are the advantages and disadvantages to haveing a thumb slug?

I have a spot on the side of my thumb that rubs

Rubbing on the side of the thumb is a fit problem, depending on which side it is. you would need to adjust the left or right lateral pitch of the hole. Using A thumb slug would really wouldn't make much of difference in the rubbing.

Most use a thumb slug for the feel because they are made from urethane. Also they make it easy to plug and redrill a ball quickly because you don't have to wait for plugging material to set up.


03-19-2013, 11:04 AM
Here's a URL to help narrow down thumb sores or calusses...

03-19-2013, 10:23 PM
I prefer thumb slugs over a regular hole because my thumb will clear the ball quicker. As for your rubbing issue, you're either bending your thumb (doesn't sound like it), the thumb pitch is wrong or the span is off.

03-19-2013, 11:11 PM
I don't use a thumb slug. Of course, I don't use my thumb either! Actually I do for some spares and if the lanes are really toast. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe using a slug allows you to make small changes in thumb pitch without having to plug the thumb hole. They can just install another slug and then drill it with different pitch as long as it doesn't get drilled though the side of the slug. For me it's just a waste of $10.

03-20-2013, 06:14 AM
Well I use them because when thumb coming out of the ball I do not like the feel of transition from inner to outer core. No matter how smooth the thumb hole is, you can always feel a slight ridge. With a thumb slug it is one smooth line bottom to top.

03-20-2013, 10:41 AM
i started using slugs to get the same feeling on my thumb from ball to ball.

03-20-2013, 11:51 AM
i started using slugs to get the same feeling on my thumb from ball to ball.

This. I can't tell one ball from another by feel, which is good.

03-20-2013, 12:30 PM
Well I use them because when thumb coming out of the ball I do not like the feel of transition from inner to outer core. No matter how smooth the thumb hole is, you can always feel a slight ridge. With a thumb slug it is one smooth line bottom to top.

I agree.

03-22-2013, 06:30 PM
For the love of god....punctuation.

I like the way a slug feels.

04-03-2013, 06:58 AM
[QUOTE=ecub;81026]Here's a URL to help narrow down thumb sores or calusses...

Ed it says my span is too short so I need to get my ball plugged and redrilled and when I do I am gonna get a thumb slug so its so won't have to keep having it plugged and redrilled and so my thumb clears the hole faster and I do use alot os moisterizer accept when I am bowling I use the rosin bag alot each time I go up to the approach I grab the rosin bag and get some rosin on my hands so I can grip the ball better cause the hole is drille kinda bit I think it needs some tape in it some black tape or I need to wear some patches in order to grip the ball better I dunno when I have it redrilled I have the thumb hole done a little tighter and a slug put in this thursday. thanks for the help everyone!!!!