View Full Version : Bowling Club / League website.

04-02-2013, 03:33 AM
Hi all long time not posting, for that i apologize.

Was just wondering if any of you bowl in a club or a league that has a website. ours is all still done on a notice board at the alley or some odd posts on a facebook group. This got me thinking about how to bring the sport more update I was thinking about making a website for my club / league. but then was thinking maybe to make an app later on that a club could download and use. I have a rough idea how it could work but was wondering if anyone already has a website or app for there club / league for inspiration or if this would be of interest to anyone if i did make an app?

04-02-2013, 07:25 AM
Our alley has its website with leaue and tournament stats, pictures of 300/800 players, pictures of tournament winners. www.quilles600.com

04-02-2013, 10:15 AM
Does your bowling center use LeagueSecretary.com? If so, then maybe you can have the bowling center you bowl at, have a link to LeagueSecretary.com. If you're not familiar with LeagueSecretary, it provides a list of your league standings, team/bowler info, etc.