View Full Version : Is my mental game backwards?

04-08-2013, 10:30 PM
We car pooled to the tournament this weekend. Not driving I was at the mercy of others and we didn't show in time to get any practice in. 8:30 am so I was still stiff especially after the 45 minute ride. By the time I got my shoes on it was my turn for frame 1. Got the spare so no big deal. Then I started putting on my tape, braces, etc. Before I knew it it was the fifth frame and I was shooting horribly.

So what did I do? The total opposite of what everyone has always told me. People say that when you're going for a 300 in the final frames, don't think about it. I'm still waiting for someone that has actually bowled a 300 to tell me that. Let's face facts; how can you not think of it at all? So from the sixth frame to the end of the game I got on the approach, eyes my target and said to myself, "you need this shot for a perfect game". I struck out to save the game. They weren't all nice flush strikes. Some were light, some crossed over but the results were the same, a big X on the scoreboard. I even had several were the head pin came off the wall, across the lane to take out the ten pin. So it wasn't pretty. Then again, pretty is for practice, not when money is on the line.

I had the same feeling in my gut as when going for a 300. So I'm wondering; do I need the extra motivation to perform at an optimal level or am I just off my rocker. My friends and family say both.

04-09-2013, 12:12 AM
I don't think that your mental game is backwards at all. I think that you thrive on the pressure that arises when you need to be clutch; whether it's finishing the final frames to achieve a 300 or to save a game that did not start out too well.

04-09-2013, 07:05 AM
Bill.......Of all people you're the last one I would think to ask that question.

Having shot hundreds of tournaments in my young (LOL) life, I learned very early, to never, I repeat, NEVER, drive to a tournament with someone else. Did it a couple of times, learned the hard way, NEVER, did it again. You are the master of your own time. My guess is that IF, you had driven, and met the team there, a) you would've been there sooner to get a practice game in, b) had all of your equipment on and ready to go, and c) had time to "mentally" take in the surroundings, calm down from the drive, and get your mind into working order that early in the AM.

As usual, we all learn our lessons the hard way, but next tournament, just tell the guys," I'll meet you there !" You'll be happy that you did. And by the way, probably the only thing I thought about on my last 300 game a month ago, was the 12th one. And all I said to myself was "Just make a good shot". It was one of the cleanest strikes I threw the whole game. So the lesson here is don't over think the game. RELAX, and let your muscle memory do what it's programmed to do.

04-09-2013, 10:44 PM
To me it's kind of like throwing a no-hitter in baseball. When you walk to the mound that last inning, you know you have a no-no going. You don't focus on it but you know. Most of my 300s (all non-sanctioned leagues/tournaments so far) I didn't focus on it but I knew. Hell, I knew from the third frame on. The only time I didn't know was the day my mother passed. My mind obviously wasn't at the bowling alley at all that day.

Even as a kid I preferred to hear the crowd cheer for my opponent rather than for me. I ttok great pride in shutting them up. I remember being 8 and telling my mother to root for the other team when I batted, not for me. Guess I've always had a me against the world mentality.

J Anderson
04-10-2013, 08:01 AM
To me it's kind of like throwing a no-hitter in baseball. When you walk to the mound that last inning, you know you have a no-no going. You don't focus on it but you know. Most of my 300s (all non-sanctioned leagues/tournaments so far) I didn't focus on it but I knew. Hell, I knew from the third frame on. The only time I didn't know was the day my mother passed. My mind obviously wasn't at the bowling alley at all that day.

Even as a kid I preferred to hear the crowd cheer for my opponent rather than for me. I ttok great pride in shutting them up. I remember being 8 and telling my mother to root for the other team when I batted, not for me. Guess I've always had a me against the world mentality.

This may explain why you bowl your lowest scores at your home lanes.

04-10-2013, 10:44 AM
Sounds more like a lack of confidence in your ability. Having the thought in your mind, the night of bowling, that you're better than most of the bowlers in the league, is helpful to get your mind on the right track. Then get up as though everyone is in awe of you bowling ! Imagine if you were bowling in a televised match on TV with the PBA and how many people would be watching. You have to learn confidence sometimes, not to the point of being egotistical, but having the confidence and knowing that you can beat your opponent. Won't always happen that way, but you can at least give it the old college try. Right?

04-10-2013, 09:44 PM
hahahahaha. You don't talk about the perfect game until it's a perfect game! Yup. Baseball is greatness.

I think mental aspects are just that: mental. Your results may vary. Perhaps there are some who MUST concentrate to be good and others who MUST not concentrate in order to be good.

Speaking of perfect games: I FINALLY got my Old Man back. He is a huge baseball fan, like myself. I have never had a perfect game before, but I've taken strikes into the 8th frame a couple times, and once I made it to the 9th frame. On NUMEROUS occasions (I can think of at least 5) my Old Man will see that I start out with 5, 6 or 7 and say, "Wow, you have a perfect game going! Don't screw up now!" And it's good natured ribbing. I don't care. If it's meant to be, it will be.

I'm a better bowler than him, though (although our averages are only 10 pins apart right now...), so I've had a few more opportunities. Last night he took strikes into the 6th frame, and I FINALLY paid him back! hahahahaha. I told him I had a question when he came back, and my question was, "So how many more strikes would you have to roll this game to get a 300?" hahahahahahaha.

So... He told me I'm out of The Will now. And I told him I'm glad he told me now so I could take my finances into account when it comes time to pick out a nursing home for him. hahahaha. We have a fun relationship.

04-10-2013, 10:07 PM
Bob, I don't think it's a lack of confidence in my ability. I usually play near the level of my opponent so I know I can hang.
I do think it has something to do with feeling guilty about not putting in as many years as some of these other people have. About a month ago I went head to head with a nice man who had heart surgery two months ago (quadruple by-pass). Naturally he has been struggling. Instead of pouring it on I used a different ball than I should have for the conditions. I swept him but I couldn't get myself to run the score up like I could have. I just felt it would have been disrespectful. He's one of the good guys and I didn't want to embarass him. In hindsight it was probably more disrespectful.

04-15-2013, 05:15 PM
Yeah, I agree with the disrespectful comment. I've had a heart attack, and when I came back, I was all in and my opponents didn't give me any slack. That's the way I wanted it, and always will want it. Don't be slacking on me, cause I ain't gonna slack on you, even if you're bowling on one leg !

Once you step onto the approach, you leave your friendship behind the lanes. I'll chat and have a great time with you, but it's "HEADHUNTER TIME" when I've got the ball in my hand. Just the way I roll !!

04-15-2013, 11:01 PM
Well we crushed the other team tonight to win our league. I went 261, 203, 203 Needed 7 pins the last game to win when I got up in the tenth so I went hard and straight for the win instead of trying for a strike. We took 26 of 30 points.

04-17-2013, 10:44 AM
Congrats ! Looks like you shot good. We've still got about 6 or 7 weeks to go and then the rolloff. They're doing the rolloff differently this year as a step ladder tip rolloff with the top 16 teams, based on points won for the entire season. Should be very interesting. I don't think my team will be in contention this year as we won it last year. Next year hope to have a more competitive team as we're making some changes.