View Full Version : Ball layout imfo

04-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Is there a video or book that tells me how to layout a bowling ball! Thanks

04-11-2013, 08:49 PM
Here are some good articles for the broad strokes...


Covers it all pretty well.


This is a good guide to understand what the measurements and values actually do for you.

04-11-2013, 09:29 PM
Is there a video or book that tells me how to layout a bowling ball! Thanks

Just what do you mean by "Layout" a ball?
Do you mean How to choose what layout to use? or How to physically mark up the ball with your chosen layout?

Here's a Basic example of how to layout (Mark up) a ball using a Dual angle layout:

also look at the:
Motion Enhancement Guide (Pro Sect User Guide)

Also for using the PSA/Pin buffer method:

Dual angle info here:
Dual Angle Layout Technique

Gradient Line Balance Hole Technique

Double Thumb Drilling Technique

04-12-2013, 12:55 PM
I wonder what the minimum number of tools I would need to drill my own balls. I'm a machinist. I can use a mill to drill the holes. I have the drill bits. I could even oval the holes if I wanted to. I imagine I would need the information listed above and one of those armadillo things that measures the ball. And a ball scale. That's probably the big expense.

04-12-2013, 02:26 PM
I wonder what the minimum number of tools I would need to drill my own balls. I'm a machinist. I can use a mill to drill the holes. I have the drill bits. I could even oval the holes if I wanted to. I imagine I would need the information listed above and one of those armadillo things that measures the ball. And a ball scale. That's probably the big expense.
You will need a quarter scale and grease pencils to lay the ball out, as for the
armadillo it is used to find the bowlers PAP by taking a grease pencil and then
tracing the oil line around the ball the line closest to the thumb hole and then
matching it up with the lines on the armadillo and marking the PAP at the notch
at the end of the armadillo.

Yes you will need a dodo scale or as most refer to it just as a ball scale to make
sure the static weights are legal and they are very expensive new. Now if you can
find a bowling center / PRO shop that is closing up or maybe check on ebay then
you might get a good deal on a used scale.

04-12-2013, 06:48 PM
Pro-sect is $79.95 The scale a few hundred...the new presses and bits are beacoup dollars so it seems as if you're more than 3/4 of the way there. (or in machinist terms 00.75)

04-12-2013, 07:43 PM
An eBay search finds a guy who makes his own ball jigs and has an adapter that turns the jig into a scale. It's super cool. I think he wants like $600 for the whole set-up. He has a youtube video that shows how the scale assembles and works. I wish so bad I could get my hands on one or get his blueprints because I know I could replicate it exactly. I could make it just from what I can see in the video but getting the marks on the scale to match 1/4 oz increments is something I wouldn't know how to do.

Let me think though; if both sides were balanced perfectly and then you added 1/4 oz to one side and then moved a sliding weight until it was balanced again, that would tell where the marks should be! Now if I only had the time to make it.:(

04-12-2013, 07:49 PM
That sounds like most things in my life. When I have the money I don't have the time. When I have the time I don't have the money.

Wish I knew growing up that the only people that appreciate blue collar workers were other blue collar workers lol Guess I'm a waste of tax dollars seeing as I never used my college education the Army paid for.

04-12-2013, 09:39 PM
An eBay search finds a guy who makes his own ball jigs and has an adapter that turns the jig into a scale.

Thats the KMT personal ball jig with the DoDo scale attachment.


If you want to see some up close and personal pictures of the parts and stuff look at these two pages.

KMT DODO Scales Review

KMT JIG Review
