View Full Version : Need a back up, low rev ball

04-13-2013, 11:58 AM
Here is the story:

Got the wife a Disturbed a few weeks back. Once she got used to the weight change (13-14) she broke her high score record, and keeps going up. She has very slow rev rate (well under 200) and I would say average speed (14-15).

Any how, last night in league, right after she just broke her own league high score, BAM!...The ball return eats her Disturbed and massive lane damage. The center is good about this stuff and is working on her ball right now (keeping my fingers crossed on this one...).

Long story short, we need a back up ball pronto! I seems silly to go out and get another Disturbed, so I need some advice on a good ball that will help a rev challanged thrower.

We mostly throw on Med conditions...but with the low rev rate, I'm not sure that Oil is an overwhelming concern....

Was thinking an IQ or a DV8 Diva?

04-13-2013, 01:03 PM
Just going by the numbers...

IQ little lower RG, higher differential, higher total hook potential. So if drilled the same it would start up a little sooner and hook a little more. Better for a little more oil.

Diva Higher RG and Diff so drilled the same would go longer and have a more angular backend.

Depends on what you are looking for the backup to do.

Assuming you drill it the same the diva would be closer to the same overall hook amount with a different shape where the IQ would have a more similar shape but more hook overall.

04-13-2013, 02:05 PM
Just going by the numbers...

IQ little lower RG, higher differential, higher total hook potential. So if drilled the same it would start up a little sooner and hook a little more. Better for a little more oil.

Diva Higher RG and Diff so drilled the same would go longer and have a more angular backend.

Depends on what you are looking for the backup to do.

Assuming you drill it the same the diva would be closer to the same overall hook amount with a different shape where the IQ would have a more similar shape but more hook overall.


I am leaning toward the Storm products....wifey likes Diandra.....

04-13-2013, 04:29 PM
Both are good balls. When it gets drilled a 4" pin to PAP distance will help the core rev up easier.

04-15-2013, 12:13 AM
Both are good balls. When it gets drilled a 4" pin to PAP distance will help the core rev up easier.

Thanks for the tip! Still learning a lot about ball layout....I figure my local pro shop guy won't be around forever!

04-16-2013, 12:58 PM
Columbia 300 VOW is a really nice ball as well as the Motiv Venom Toxic. I own both and they are really great on light-medium oil. I have a rev rate around 250(Considered a stroker)and the ball really moves when it hits the dry. The Venom Toxic is a little tamer,but,still has good pop when it hits the dry.

VOW is an early hooking ball if I recall and the Venom Toxic is a late hooking ball.
