View Full Version : What does CG kicked out on a bowling ball mean?

04-13-2013, 07:42 PM
In a January Bowling This Month magazine article the writer says " After experimenting with various other pin down layouts for myself, I arrived at the one that works the best for me: 35x4 3/8x70. The pin is still half inch below the ring finger; approximately 1/4 inch to the right of the grip center, and the CG is still kicked out, just not as much."

The CG is probably the balls center of gravity. According to Ruocco on talkbowling.com you don't have to worry about where the CG is only if the ball has mass bias then that matters where it is on a ball layout. So what is with this CG kicked out statement? Is this part of a dual angle layout where the CG has to be positioned in a certain spot on the bowling ball? :cool:

04-13-2013, 08:29 PM
On asymmetrical balls the drill angle of the dual angle layout, the first number, you draw a line from the pin, through the CG to the MB. Then the line to the PAP is marked according to the degree you lay the ball out at. Some balls this first line will not go straight through the CG, the CG will be off this line thus being considered "kicked out". My best reacting ball has the CG kicked out 3" to the right.

04-13-2013, 11:03 PM
If you are using a dual angle layout on a symetrical ball would you kick out the CG on that kind of ball? :cool: