View Full Version : Michael bowls a 300!!!!!

04-14-2013, 11:04 PM
Yes, he did it! HE DID IT!

Some of you newer guys may not know who I'm talking about, but he's a loved member around here.

Mike was in the market for a couple new balls on Wednesday evening, and I told him that the Storm IQ Gold Pearl would be the ball for him! I told him, "Oh wise, wise, iron worker Mike, this is your ball. You WILL bowl a 300 with this. Your first ever!"

A bit apprehensive in my confidence, Mike purchased this ball.

4 Days later, the ol' beaten down iron worker (his words) bowled his FIRST (but not last) 300 game!

Congrats again to him. I couldn't be happier for him. I know he'll cherish and wear that ring he's going to get everywhere.


04-14-2013, 11:26 PM
Tell Mike congrats on his 300 game and I'm sure there
will be more to come.

What happened to Mike it doesn't seem like he has posted
in a while looks like its not been since back in January of

04-14-2013, 11:55 PM
CONGRATS to Mike the Iron Worker!

Well deserved, blue collar dude. Cheers!

04-15-2013, 12:32 AM
Nice accomplishment.

Honestly, around my home center, 300's have become so common that hardly anyone cheers when they are announced during league. Hopefully he got his on tougher conditions so he can brag about it! Still, it's something I've never been able to do, even on the blocked conditions of my house.

04-15-2013, 01:52 AM

why does he not grace us with his presence though? :(

04-15-2013, 04:26 AM
I miss Mike around here... although I have not been on much... Btw Congrats to ya Mike AKA ICEMAN

04-15-2013, 06:39 AM
Congratulations! That's a great game and more to come.

The German Shepherd
04-15-2013, 07:55 AM
Outstanding! Well done to Michael and please let him know that we all knew it was coming.


04-15-2013, 08:41 AM
Awesome to hear! Tell Iceman hello for all of us!

J Anderson
04-15-2013, 10:33 AM
Obviously Michael, a.k.a. Iceman, has been taking all the mental energy that he used to use posting and replying to posts here and applying it to his game!

04-15-2013, 11:09 AM
All hail the ICEMAN!

04-15-2013, 12:26 PM
iceman ftw!

04-15-2013, 02:24 PM
Im happy for anyone accomplishing a goal. Congrats on that 300 and I hope to be able to post my first 300 on here sooner than later!

04-15-2013, 02:41 PM
Great to hear about a 300.

04-15-2013, 11:06 PM
Great news. Tell Mike I said congratulations!! Now for him to get that 800 series!

04-15-2013, 11:21 PM
Congratulations to Michael; A.K.A. Iceman; for the 300 with Goldie!!!

04-15-2013, 11:49 PM
I'll be sure to tell him. I told him to get on here and make an appearance. Give the people what they want!!

04-15-2013, 11:59 PM
We must summon the iceman....

Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman

04-16-2013, 12:46 AM
We must summon the iceman....

Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman Iceman


Its like a BEETLEJUICE reference. HAHA!

04-16-2013, 11:12 AM
I had a dream a while back…. Or at least I think it was a dream. I was lying in bed thinking about what occupies my mind most of the time, bowling when the window blasted open and a very sweet smell of butterscotch came directly toward my left nostril!

(My right nostril is almost always clogged with whatever resides in one’s nose that prevents air from entering.

Funny thing, The Dude had said the day before that I should get the Yellow IQ, and that it would give me that 300, that has been so damn elusive. The smell was so darn sweet, and REAL! I had no idea what a Storm IQ pearl was.

I don’t do drugs, smoke, or even drink, but it was an intoxicating experience that caused my eyes to roll back, and toward the forehead leaving only the whites showing. It scared my wife; she thought I was headed for those lanes in the heavens. When I came out of my, (what else can I call it Storm TRANCE), I got dressed and went straight to the Pro shop and had one drilled just as I saw it in my vision!

James, BP Pro shop, drilled the ball!

4 days later, ( my FIRST outing with the 15lb butterscotch life saver, it went rolling down the lane 12 times in a roll giving me,,, my first 300 game, after so many 289’s, 290’s, 278s!! But instead of a huge butterscotch lifesaver rolling down the lanes with my head in the middle of where the hole would be,( like in my DREAM), ,, it was the above average of its kind in magnitude, yellow ball that makes dreams a reality!

The Storm IQ Pearl, one gem of a ball, and the stuff that dreams are made of!! The sweet smell of 300, came to me in a dream, that became a reality in the form of a ball called Storm IQ Pearl!

p.s. My wife came to me with a jigger of clear liquid, handed it to me and said drink it! ( I don’t drink, but do obey my wife! To my surprise it was a butterscotch snopes!! It just made the experience perfect! I ordered my ring that same night! Should be here in two weeks, will take a picture of that puppy and post it when it arrives.
Thank YOU STORM, and thank you Dude for picking the ball that gave this Old broken down Iron worker his first 300 game. Remember, I just started bowling 3 years ago at 61!!

04-16-2013, 11:18 AM
Glad to see you post! We missed you!

04-16-2013, 11:19 AM
I had a dream a while back…. Or at least I think it was a dream. I was lying in bed thinking about what occupies my mind most of the time, bowling when the window blasted open and a very sweet smell of butterscotch came directly toward my left nostril!

(My right nostril is almost always clogged with whatever resides in one’s nose that prevents air from entering.

Funny thing, The Dude had said the day before that I should get the Yellow IQ, and that it would give me that 300, that has been so damn elusive. The smell was so darn sweet, and REAL! I had no idea what a Storm IQ pearl was.

I don’t do drugs, smoke, or even drink, but it was an intoxicating experience that caused my eyes to roll back, and toward the forehead leaving only the whites showing. It scared my wife; she thought I was headed for those lanes in the heavens. When I came out of my, (what else can I call it Storm TRANCE), I got dressed and went straight to the Pro shop and had one drilled just as I saw it in my vision!

James, BP Pro shop, drilled the ball!

4 days later, ( my FIRST outing with the 15lb butterscotch life saver, it went rolling down the lane 12 times in a roll giving me,,, my first 300 game, after so many 289’s, 290’s, 278s!! But instead of a huge butterscotch lifesaver rolling down the lanes with my head in the middle of where the hole would be,( like in my DREAM), ,, it was the above average of its kind in magnitude, yellow ball that makes dreams a reality!

The Storm IQ Pearl, one gem of a ball, and the stuff that dreams are made of!! The sweet smell of 300, came to me in a dream, that became a reality in the form of a ball called Storm IQ Pearl!

p.s. My wife came to me with a jigger of clear liquid, handed it to me and said drink it! ( I don’t drink, but do obey my wife! To my surprise it was a butterscotch snopes!! It just made the experience perfect! I ordered my ring that same night! Should be here in two weeks, will take a picture of that puppy and post it when it arrives.
Thank YOU STORM, and tank you Dude for picking the ball that gave this Old broken down Iron worker his first 300 game.

My Ritual obviously worked :D

Congrats mike, great bowling. as far as the alcohol is concerned, careful, your wife might be jealous of your 300 and want to end your bowling career lol

stick around, the forums have been lacking in comedic relief without you; that is until we find you a new home ;)

04-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Thanks to all of you for your comments!!!! I appreciate all the good vibe’s very much! Now the 800! This winter I have had a 700 725 and a 749. ONE MORE goal, and St Peter, I am yours!!

04-16-2013, 08:35 PM
congratulations on your 300!!! awesome feeling, isn't it?

04-17-2013, 12:02 AM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/300game4142013mike2_zpsc78042d4.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/300game4142013mike2_zpsc78042d4.jpg.html) HOW SWEET IT IS!!! LOL

04-17-2013, 10:41 AM
Congrats Michael!!! Great work and let's see another!!

04-17-2013, 12:36 PM
Great story Iceman! Kudos to The Dude... as we know, The Dude abides - and apparently, you do as well, my friend. Cheers! 8D

04-17-2013, 04:42 PM
Mike don't forget to tip your pro shop operator ;) Congrats again wish I was there to see it, makes me feel proud when someone throws a honor score or series with a ball I drilled them. I'm one proud papa Mike lol.

James Graham
Lord Field Amateur II Staff
“Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time”.

04-18-2013, 09:28 AM
Mike don't forget to tip your pro shop operator ;) Congrats again wish I was there to see it, makes me feel proud when someone throws a honor score or series with a ball I drilled them. I'm one proud papa Mike lol.

James Graham
Lord Field Amateur II Staff
“Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time”.

I'll give you a tip James,,,,, KEEP DRILLING them balls The way you do!! LOL....... Thanks again PAPA!!! Or is it Lord Field now??? One thing I appreciate very much is the time YOU and Bruce took at BP Pro Shop to watch me bowl, find my PAP, and drill a ball that complemented my style of bowling!!!! Those balls, drilled with all that in mind, went down the lanes with a whole new look!!!! Your only as good as the Driller that lays out your balls!! You want a ball that complements your style, not fights it!

04-18-2013, 09:31 AM
What about game 3? why didn't you shoot another 300 and get that 800?

04-18-2013, 11:00 AM
What about game 3? why didn't you shoot another 300 and get that 800?

I was soooooo shook up, people buying me drinks, grabbing and ripping bits and pieces of clothing off me, wanting my autograph, I was so distracted! Remember I don't drink at all, but found myself downing beer and butterscotch snopes! WELL,,,, lol time everything settled down, I didn't know which lane I was on.... lol,,, every thing looked a blur!!! I know it was over 100,,, but can't remember much about that third game.... lol

Next time I will have to compose myself and go for that 800!! Who knows.... LOL God I love bowling!!!!

04-18-2013, 07:54 PM
Ok Mike, were there any nerves during that attempt? The truth.

04-18-2013, 11:34 PM
Ok Mike, were there any nerves during that attempt? The truth.

Not really,,, I am so use to ALMOST GETTING IT, I thought to myself, well here goes another one South!! A few weeks ago I had a league 290.... first frame Stone 10 pin,,, then 11 stirkes. I have had so many almost games,,,, I figured this was going to be another 279,,280 ect ect... I think if this was the first time I had been in that position, I bet it would have been nerve racking!!! At 64, most of my nerves are dead, and gone, dried up!! LOL

04-21-2013, 12:49 AM
Ok, the USBC only gives one award per year, per bowler. Did the league request your 11 in a row award? If so, are you sure you will get a 300 ring?
If I'm misunderstanding this rule I'm sure Bowl1820 will correct me.

Mike White
04-21-2013, 11:02 PM
Ok, the USBC only gives one award per year, per bowler. Did the league request your 11 in a row award? If so, are you sure you will get a 300 ring?
If I'm misunderstanding this rule I'm sure Bowl1820 will correct me.

2. Adult Awards.
A member is eligible for one award in each of the following single game categories during a fiscal year (August 1-July 31):
a. 300*
b. 275 to 299 all averages are eligible
c. 250 to 274 with a 215 average or below
d. 225 to 249 with a 190 average or below
e. 200 to 224 with a 165 average or below
f. 175 to 199 with a 140 average or below
g. 150 to 174 with a 120 average or below
h. 125 to 149 with a 100 average or below
i. Eleven (11) strikes in a row when the score is 299 or less*
j. 75 Pins Over Average in a single game
3. Where a choice of awards is available in any category, the member is entitled to a choice of an award for the first score recorded. Any additional score in the same category that fiscal year will be officially recognized by USBC, but will not qualify for an award.
*Cannot be earned while pre or post bowling unopposed. (See CAQs in Chapter 4: 111a/1 and 111e/7.)

04-22-2013, 09:19 AM
Hey Michael Just wanna say Congrats on the 300 hope I can do it someday but right now I am just hopeing to get my 200 score games down pat but I am keep getting closer I got a thumb slug recently today be my first time bowling with it so going to try it out and might get lessons today I dunno depends on how long they are and if I need an appointment and stuff like that cause I want to take lessons from this x pro who drills at the pro shop where I get my bowling balls drilled cost like 50 bucks for a lesson for an hour so gona try and get a lesson if I can and use my winnings from fall bowling well the money I got back from fall bowling and winter bowling league so hopefuly this fall I can join the special olympics. Anyway I talk to everyone later my friend be here soon. after I finish a few post.


04-22-2013, 11:42 AM
Ok, the USBC only gives one award per year, per bowler. Did the league request your 11 in a row award? If so, are you sure you will get a 300 ring?
If I'm misunderstanding this rule I'm sure Bowl1820 will correct me.

Yes they just called today, ( the manufacture of my precious ring lol) Wanted to make sure all the upgrades and spelling were correct. Said it should be here in 4 to six weeks, or sooner. I will take a picture of it, and post! I also bowl on a seniors league, and its not sanctioned! That league has the NEW High Tech Oil machine that runs on batteries, (kegal) not sure if that spelling is correct, It sprays the oil on the lane rather then uses wicks. It is the best oil in town!!!
Funny I have had some great games there, but can't collect on the shooting due to being unsanctioned!! (:(.

The day I had the 300,,, there were on other lanes, a lot of great scores, and series! So some times the oil is right on,,,,lol,,,, You never know at those lanes what to expect. Pro Bowl in NKC... with the new technology is consistent!! Maybe I need to bowl a sanctioned league there!

04-22-2013, 11:52 AM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/700seriesleagueplay7302012_zps85832e35.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/700seriesleagueplay7302012_zps85832e35.jpg.html)

I have others,,, lol several but all were on the (NO PRESSURE LOL seniors league with my beautiful wife Manic/Joyce)! We both LOVE TO Bowl, and she is ONE heck of woman bowler,,, but like all of us, she has her ups and downs....... NOT UNLIKE ME,,,, THE ICEMAN!!

04-22-2013, 11:58 AM
Yes they just called today, ( the manufacture of my precious ring lol) Wanted to make sure all the upgrades and spelling were correct. Said it should be here in 4 to six weeks, or sooner. I will take a picture of it, and post! I also bowl on a seniors league, and its not sanctioned! That league has the NEW High Tech Oil machine that runs on batteries, (kegal) not sure if that spelling is correct, It sprays the oil on the lane rather then uses wicks. It is the best oil in town!!!
Funny I have had some great games there, but can't collect on the shooting due to being unsanctioned!! (:(.

The day I had the 300,,, there were on other lanes, a lot of great scores, and series! So some times the oil is right on,,,,lol,,,, You never know at those lanes what to expect. Pro Bowl in NKC... with the new technology is consistent!! Maybe I need to bowl a sanctioned league there!

The Walker does look like a pretty awesome robot....



04-22-2013, 12:08 PM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/700seriesleagueplay7302012_zps85832e35.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/700seriesleagueplay7302012_zps85832e35.jpg.html)

I have others,,, lol several but all were on the (NO PRESSURE LOL seniors league with my beautiful wife Manic/Joyce)! We both LOVE TO Bowl, and she is ONE heck of woman bowler,,, but like all of us, she has her ups and downs....... NOT UNLIKE ME,,,, THE ICEMAN!!

That's not the model we have at NKC Pro Bowl. OURS moves differently from lane to lane, (much smoother, and cool), AND IT has NO POWER cord that needs to be tended to. It runs on batteries! They set it up at the start point, program it go do what ever lanes they want, and take off. They don't even have a mechanic there watching it anymore its so dependable!

04-22-2013, 12:10 PM
That league has the NEW High Tech Oil machine that runs on batteries, (kegal) not sure if that spelling is correct, It sprays the oil on the lane rather then uses wicks. It is the best oil in town!!!

Yeah if they are using the Kegel oiling machine then it will put out a consistent shot
from week to week our center is supposed to be getting one of the new Kegel oiling
machines next month. They are also going to be replacing the old worn out computer
scoring system hopefully as it is only something like 24+ years old or something like
that and the main computer stays on the fritz most of the time. LOL!!!!

04-22-2013, 12:11 PM
That's not the model we have at NKC Pro Bowl. OURS moves differently from lane to lane, (much smoother, and cool), AND IT has NO POWER cord that needs to be tended to. It runs on batteries! They set it up at the start point, program it go do what ever lanes they want, and take off. They don't even have a mechanic there watching it anymore its so dependable!

Mike.... watch the whole video

04-22-2013, 12:24 PM
I think I am getting close to the 800..... have had this year,, 700, 725, and this 749,,, ( this was at the lanes with the Kegal machine senior league) Hey remember,,, I just started bowling at the burnt out age of 61,,, and I am 64 now!! LOL.... COOOOOMMMMEEEE ON 800,,, then my life will be complete... three great sons that are all doing well, and what they like in life, and my fantastic wife, JOYCE!!
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/bowlingboard749.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/bowlingboard749.jpg.html)

04-22-2013, 12:32 PM
YEP,,, that's the baby they have at NKC PRO Bowl AMF! Its sweet,,,, they make them here in Missouri, I am told in St Joseph Mo. They guy that started the kegal line, I understand started out a lane mechanic, but had some ideas on how to improve the machines! And now he is a millionaire, and I have heard a pretty cool guy to work for.

05-04-2013, 02:25 PM
Nice accomplishment.

Honestly, around my home center, 300's have become so common that hardly anyone cheers when they are announced during league. Hopefully he got his on tougher conditions so he can brag about it! Still, it's something I've never been able to do, even on the blocked conditions of my house.

Hey I bowled a 274 on (The Turnpike oil pattern), have the sheet here in my file if you would like to see it,,,,was the highest game bowled on that pattern that day...LOL Don't mess with this Iron Worker, ( I am talking about oil patterns)!! A mark away from a perfect game on a SPORTS PATTERN... Iceman knows how to handle slick conditions!!

05-11-2013, 01:54 PM
maybe the fact that I am Iceman, gives me an unfair advantage on SLICK OIL patterns!! Oil and Ice both have one thing in common!! When bowling on them you have to be COOL,,, and know your stuff. Having trained on " Ice Lanes" up here in the North, it has given me the TOUCH, and knowledge need to handle the oil!
Being humble, as I am, I just want all you future super hero's to know, even Iceman has his off days!!

What separates a mortal from a super hero is "Never letting it get you down, always step up to the lanes and say to your self: Good, Better, BEST,,,,
Never let it rest,,,, till you good is Better,,,,,,, till your better is BEST!!

I say this to myself EVERY TIME I wall up to my Starting position!

05-15-2013, 11:07 AM
Congratulations on the 300!

> Originally Posted by billf
Ok, the USBC only gives one award per year, per bowler. Did the league request your 11 in a row award? If so, are you sure you will get a 300 ring?
If I'm misunderstanding this rule I'm sure Bowl1820 will correct me.
2. Adult Awards.
A member is eligible for one award in each of the following single game categories during a fiscal year (August 1-July 31):
a. 300*
b. 275 to 299 all averages are eligible
c. 250 to 274 with a 215 average or below
d. 225 to 249 with a 190 average or below
e. 200 to 224 with a 165 average or below
f. 175 to 199 with a 140 average or below
g. 150 to 174 with a 120 average or below
h. 125 to 149 with a 100 average or below
i. Eleven (11) strikes in a row when the score is 299 or less*
j. 75 Pins Over Average in a single game
3. Where a choice of awards is available in any category, the member is entitled to a choice of an award for the first score recorded. Any additional score in the same category that fiscal year will be officially recognized by USBC, but will not qualify for an award.
*Cannot be earned while pre or post bowling unopposed. (See CAQs in Chapter 4: 111a/1 and 111e/7.)

' Members are eligible for one award per accomplishment each season'

This just means you have to pay for the others after the first

05-15-2013, 01:10 PM
Congrat's on the 300!

I am also from the KC area and used to work with a guy many years ago with the last name Pence. Can't remember his first name for the life of me. He was a very good bowler though, as I remember. He was an auto mechanic. Any chance he's a relative? I believe his son was also a very good bowler.

Might have been Larry, but not sure.

05-15-2013, 03:02 PM
Congrat's on the 300!

I am also from the KC area and used to work with a guy many years ago with the last name Pence. Can't remember his first name for the life of me. He was a very good bowler though, as I remember. He was an auto mechanic. Any chance he's a relative? I believe his son was also a very good bowler.

Might have been Larry, but not sure.

No,,, do have some relatives in Missouri area! Funny some are related, and some of the Pence's are not! I just started bowing 3 1/2 years ago. I would love it if even ONE of my three sons bowled with me, but they are into golf, and I understand that!

I was an Iron Worker, local 10 for most of my working years... was drafted during the Vietnam area after college. Then returned to Iron work, and teaching in the apprentice program.

I wish I would have gotten started in bowing years ago!! Found out what an incredible sport it is way toooooo late!! LOL

05-15-2013, 03:06 PM
Congrat's on the 300!

I am also from the KC area and used to work with a guy many years ago with the last name Pence. Can't remember his first name for the life of me. He was a very good bowler though, as I remember. He was an auto mechanic. Any chance he's a relative? I believe his son was also a very good bowler.

Might have been Larry, but not sure.

Hummm how did you know my last name? Just curious..... No Larry's in my family linage that I know of! There are others with the same spelling that are not related. Maybe bowling run's in the Pence genes!!

05-15-2013, 03:11 PM
Congratulations on the 300!

> Originally Posted by billf
Ok, the USBC only gives one award per year, per bowler. Did the league request your 11 in a row award? If so, are you sure you will get a 300 ring?
If I'm misunderstanding this rule I'm sure Bowl1820 will correct me.
2. Adult Awards.
A member is eligible for one award in each of the following single game categories during a fiscal year (August 1-July 31):
a. 300*
b. 275 to 299 all averages are eligible
c. 250 to 274 with a 215 average or below
d. 225 to 249 with a 190 average or below
e. 200 to 224 with a 165 average or below
f. 175 to 199 with a 140 average or below
g. 150 to 174 with a 120 average or below
h. 125 to 149 with a 100 average or below
i. Eleven (11) strikes in a row when the score is 299 or less*
j. 75 Pins Over Average in a single game
3. Where a choice of awards is available in any category, the member is entitled to a choice of an award for the first score recorded. Any additional score in the same category that fiscal year will be officially recognized by USBC, but will not qualify for an award.
*Cannot be earned while pre or post bowling unopposed. (See CAQs in Chapter 4: 111a/1 and 111e/7.)

' Members are eligible for one award per accomplishment each season'

This just means you have to pay for the others after the first

my 11 in a role has happed 4 times, and on a seniors league, that is not sanctioned!!! Dang it!! They vote each year wither to go sanctioned or not, and they always vote NO!
I almost had a 300 their last year 298, 290! What a heart break that would have been if I would have gotten it, and then not credited to Bowing awards com

05-15-2013, 03:17 PM
Hummm how did you know my last name? Just curious..... No Larry's in my family linage that I know of! There are others with the same spelling that are not related. Maybe bowling run's in the Pence genes!!

Hey Mike, the sheets of the scores you're posting have your first and last name.. DUHHH!!! LOL :p;):D

05-15-2013, 04:02 PM
da,,,,,,,, LOL,,, It's an AGE RELATED THING!!! (:) thanks bud!! LOL Here I thought the guy might be psychic!!

05-17-2013, 12:07 PM
Well my friends, life has changed since my 300! Now when I walk in the AMF on Vivion, here in Kansas City Mo., people look at me, but when I notice the glance, and turn my head their way, they turn their heads off quickly,,, not unlike the reaction people use to give a gunslinger in the old West Day’s when he would walk into the salon, with his shiny Colt 45, hanging down just inches from his trigger hand!

I am now a Bowler to be feared, and given respect! I have young whippersnappers running up to my side with their eyes bigger than a couple IQ tour pearls, wanting to touch my right hand, my bowling bag, even my oil rags, hoping some of what makes me the man that did the 300 rubs off on them!
It a whole new realm of existence, being in that elite club of men that have bowled a 300 at age 64! I did a little checking and guess what (average Joe bowler),,,, the number is so small that it’s not worth the typing on this thread!

Guys and Gals are constantly asking me:

Iceman,, gulp,,,, would you consider bowling with us on our team?
Iceman,,, would you mind if I name my first born after you?
Iceman,, can I have your signature on this bowling drink napkin?
Iceman,, is it true that The Dude is, in reality your grandson??
On,,, and ON,,, and ON!!!!

With fame comes all of the above, and it’s a good thing that I have the ability not to let it all go to my head!! I plan on staying humble, meek, modest, and above all, A Great Role Model for all the young guns out there! ICEMAN

05-17-2013, 01:06 PM
Iceman once shook my bowling hand and that night i bowled a 800 series

05-17-2013, 02:00 PM
Iceman once shook my bowling hand and that night i bowled a 800 series

THAnKS e-tank,,,, you didn't have to say that!!! It was always in you!! I could see it,,,, least I tank so!!!! LOL
take care... now shoot for a 900! (:)

05-18-2013, 12:40 PM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/b749f96e-0913-41ec-bcf1-be9bffd3eea2_zpsa6e13969.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/b749f96e-0913-41ec-bcf1-be9bffd3eea2_zpsa6e13969.jpg.html)

Its hard being Iceman now! That 300 game has me dressing up less conspicuously! I get a heck of a lot more freedom dressing as above. Only problem seems to be younger kids,,,,, They are all over me?? Haven't figured that out yet,,,, maybe its the Red Color of my outfit? Here I am collecting cloths for needy bowlers that spend all their money on bowling balls, and equipment!! Its hot wear that suit in May!

05-21-2013, 10:55 AM
Ok,, MY remarkably handsome Dexter Blood Red, and darker then night itself black, exchangeable soles and heels, shoes came in last night! I now plan on becoming a Slider!! ( Any of you seen the movies "Sliders") Not a bad Flick, worth the watch! Anyway, now I think I will be able to get more of my magnificent quads into the power of the ball, not to mention even more speed! Being Iceman,,, the slide should come natural to me.

Manic said I can't wear them without her being present! Said that Iceman looks waaaaaay to sexy with those Deep Rich Red and black Dexter shoes, and snowman white and green socks!!!

05-22-2013, 12:18 AM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/DSC00159_zps91a060cf.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/DSC00159_zps91a060cf.jpg.html)

Its was s surprise given to me just before a Top gun,,, league started tonight, WOW WHAT A surprise... lol We had a guy on that league bowl a 300 tonight, The Missouri Hall of famer Pat Henderson! Jason bowled one two weeks ago on this league... There will be More I am SURE!! "What the FRICKEN HECK am I doing on this league!!!" LOL

http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/300ringsideview_zpsf36dc49f.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/300ringsideview_zpsf36dc49f.jpg.html)

05-22-2013, 04:03 AM
Its was s surprise given to me just before a Top gun,,, league started tonight, WOW WHAT A surprise... lol We had a guy on that league bowl a 300 tonight, The Missouri Hall of famer Pat Henderson! Jason bowled one two weeks ago on this league... There will be More I am SURE!! "What the FRICKEN HECK am I doing on this league!!!" LOL

Awesome ring! Happy to see you have it presented to you, especially with all the great bowlers in the league. I would say out of the 28 bowlers in the league (2 on a team league), at least half of them average 215+, and all over 90% of the league averages 200+. It's a great league with a lot of great bowlers!

I was thinking what an honor it would be to have high average in a league with these exceptional bowlers, but I knew it wasn't likely considering there are a few guys who average 240 at different alleys. Well, 12 games into the season and I'm first with a 242 average right now! Next closest is 232 or something (and a lot of bowlers in the 225-232 range). I hope I can keep this up.

ENOUGH ABOUT ME THOUGH. GO ICEMAN! That ring is truly awesome! I'm hoping you shoot another 300 here soon! or 800!

05-22-2013, 04:08 AM
Congrats on the 300 !!!

Judy clemons
05-22-2013, 03:48 PM
WOW! Its a beauty Michael, congratulations!
In my opinion you are now BOWLINGBOARDS HONOR BOWLER!
I am blessed & grateful to be your pin pal.

05-22-2013, 04:11 PM
WOW! Its a beauty Michael, congratulations!
In my opinion you are now BOWLINGBOARDS HONOR BOWLER!
I am blessed & grateful to be your pin pal.

As Elvis use to say: " Thank you Very Much,,,, aaa Thank you very much!! LOL Your next Judy!!

05-22-2013, 04:12 PM
Congrats on the 300 !!!

thanks!! (:) now for the 800,,, closest I have been so far, 749!! (:/

05-22-2013, 10:57 PM
Mike, congratulations! Most bowlers go there entire lives without ever achieving this honor. I think it would have been cool is Jason presented the ring to you.

05-22-2013, 11:18 PM
Mike, congratulations! Most bowlers go there entire lives without ever achieving this honor. I think it would have been cool is Jason presented the ring to you.

thanks Bill! I feel another one coming this summer,,,, If I am on,,,,, 290, 298,, 279's,,, 268s,,,, It all depends on the lanes, and how I feel that day, along with the ball being the "right one", and in good condition! I started bowling at 3 years ago,,, and sanctioned league bowling two years... so I am a Old NEWBEE!! LOL

That Top Gun league that I am on Tuesday evening, (the one that the president of the league handed my 300 ring, before we started bowling), I think will make me a better bowler, OR DESTROY ME!! LOL (:)

05-24-2013, 11:07 AM
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/captainkirkwearingdexterbowlingshoes2_zpsbdc84f9a. jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/captainkirkwearingdexterbowlingshoes2_zpsbdc84f9a. jpg.html)

If its good enough for Kirk,,, well let me just say: "It's good enough for Iceman!!" The comfort is Out of the World!! Will be trying them out for the first time today with Manic!! "To go where A NO slider has ever gone,,, to explore new slick methods of delivery, these are the voyages of The Iceman!

05-26-2013, 11:06 AM
The Dexter's worked out great as far as comfort goes, with my sensitive feet to shoe pressure! Bowler 3 games with Manic, and I must say its a different feel after using sandal, and sometimes tennis shoes to bowl in. "Remember the 300 I did 4 weeks ago was in a pair of sandals with open toes"!
If I can do that in a pair of sandals, I expect another 300 coming up soon,,,, maybe this summer.
I have to admit, I am starting out with the less slide sole on (The SLIDE FOOT)!

I will work my way up to more slide as I get use to the slippery feel, that Iceman is not accustom to!

05-30-2013, 11:07 AM
How many of you take 5 bowling balls with you to league with your motorcycle?? I do!! Know How I do it? Many of you that don't know me are thinking ,,, that’s slick,,, ICEMAN… 5,,15lb balls, to league with motorcycle???

Would you like to see a REAL PICTURE OF IT LOADED? Dude you have seen me preform this feat,,,,, so no comments please.. lol If I didn’t work out at the gym,,, I doubt I could perform this task!!

05-30-2013, 11:53 AM
Yes, that would be a sight to see.
No wussie saddle bags either. You should have bowling balls hanging off your shoulders and beard, I would expect nothing less from the ICEMAN!!

05-30-2013, 03:36 PM
Yes, that would be a sight to see.
No wussie saddle bags either. You should have bowling balls hanging off your shoulders and beard, I would expect nothing less from the ICEMAN!!

I do not use any of the goldwings small saddle bags! I agree that would be,,, way to easy,,, a picture of just how I do this will be posted tomorrow,,, its raining bowling balls her in Kansas City at the present time, has been for a few days ,,,, so I will post the picture and how I balance the balls while driving my motorcycle tomorrow! Any children out there,,,, I would not recommend trying this feat!! Remember always ,,, Super Heroes, can,,,,,,,and do ,,do, remarkable feats, (did I say do, do,??) Not the time or place for that LOL,,,, tomorrow, I will post this incredible deed!

05-30-2013, 04:25 PM
I do not use any of the goldwings small saddle bags! I agree that would be,,, way to easy,,, a picture of just how I do this will be posted tomorrow,,, its raining bowling balls her in Kansas City at the present time, has been for a few days ,,,, so I will post the picture and how I balance the balls while driving my motorcycle tomorrow! Any children out there,,,, I would not recommend trying this feat!! Remember always ,,, Super Heroes, can,,,,,,,and do ,,do, remarkable feats, (did I say do, do,??) Not the time or place for that LOL,,,, tomorrow, I will post this incredible deed!

Cant' wait to see how you do,do this. :D

05-30-2013, 10:40 PM
I went to the gym today! Need to be in Tip, Top shape to handle this feat!! I am a little stiff in my right knee, but hope it won't be a problem tomorrow!
I did see a lawyer, and had my paper work put in order, just in case!! I have only performed this task twice!!

It depends on the weather.... we have had Lots of rain here in K.C.!!!

05-30-2013, 10:48 PM
Cant' wait to see how you do,do this. :D

I went to the gym today! Need to be in Tip, Top shape to handle this feat!! I am a little stiff in my right knee, but hope it won't be a problem tomorrow!
I did see a lawyer, and had my paper work put in order, just in case!! I have only performed this task twice!!

It depends on the weather.... we have had Lots of rain here in K.C.!!! YES ,,, I do, do every morning like clock work ,, many things around the place..... I do, do maybe too much... but then I do, what I do,,, this time for YOU! I will try to have someone film it!!

06-05-2013, 09:39 AM
Ok,,, I am getting ready to perform this feat, with my 2002 Goldwing!! Only this time I will try to handle 10 balls,,, mine and Manic's!! (my wife's)!
Picture will be posted this morning!! I am going to need your positive energy, to pull this off!! Ok.... I need to meditate for 6 minutes!!

06-05-2013, 11:27 AM
:D can't wait to see this performed. Should post up a video of the feat. Good luck!!

06-05-2013, 12:17 PM
Ok,,, I am getting ready to perform this feat, with my 2002 Goldwing!! Only this time I will try to handle 10 balls,,, mine and Manic's!! (my wife's)!
Picture will be posted this morning!! I am going to need your positive energy, to pull this off!! Ok.... I need to meditate for 6 minutes!!

google area code 64152,,, ITS RAINING HARD here in North Kansas City MO!!!! (check out the radar,, not making this up!)! If it clears today I will perform this task,,,, even if "I risk life and limb, and maybe damage to my bowling balls, not to mention my own!!!! I will film it, instead of taking a picture! I will need my wife to handle the camera,,, I will have my HANDS FULL!!

06-10-2013, 10:43 PM
I show all the glory, and accomplishment it took to haul the 10 balls, two three ball bags, and 4 singles on Me vs Michael...!!

http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/aaabagsbeforeloading2bike_zpsd4a6aaef.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/aaabagsbeforeloading2bike_zpsd4a6aaef.jpg.html)

these are OUR WEAPONS of Doom!! Look at them,,, some you might have seen them on " WANTED POSTERS", in the Post Office!!