View Full Version : Rule 12

04-15-2013, 06:28 PM
Rule 12 – Approaches Must Not Be Defaced

The application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the possibility
of other players having normal conditions is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, talcum
powder, pumice and resin on shoes, and/or soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach.

Talcum powder is commonly referred to as baby powder.

This is actually an interesting topic, based on above, even the products made by ball company's to be used on shoes potentially violate the rule, i would think the products designed for bowling would be a better option than baby powder, but that's just speculation. personally, since i got my sst 8's i have had 0 issues with sliding, i clean my slide sole with a wire brush rather often, but don't use any other products.

what does everyone else think about this?

Source:https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:wBbdw8MJxOAJ:usbcongress.http.internapcdn. net/usbcongress/bowl/rulebook/2012-2013Rulebook/Rulebook_12-13.pdf+&hl=en&gl=ca&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShZNahwm-L3FkbdO2jgS_AiUMrW7VJIs8pprEzz48TXYJvyVc08AzPJc3M4 SLuYNMFgUVhwF757Gm0i6zUBzuVwuwYKUdekmeYvBPE93GvvdY F5BEu8pJXvAHC9sMb8uW9-QKkN&sig=AHIEtbRGoDCeVk6opoNQYew5y5TPJK2zWARule 12 – Approaches Must Not Be Defaced

04-15-2013, 07:27 PM
I didn't know that baby powder was against the rules until I went to Reno. I regularly used it before in league and a lot of other people do too so it's not enforced at my league.

I just got my SST8's the other day. No problem sliding in them.

04-15-2013, 08:04 PM
I didn't know that baby powder was against the rules until I went to Reno. I regularly used it before in league and a lot of other people do too so it's not enforced at my league.

I just got my SST8's the other day. No problem sliding in them.

As far as the league is concerned It's not that it's illegal to use, the rule is you can't get it on the approach..

Now at the Nationals that's a different story, they have different rules for the tournament.

04-15-2013, 09:33 PM
thats why i use ebonite ultra slid it dose not leave any powdery leftover on your slid shoe puts it right in with the sliding stuff (what ever the slide is made of) and helps slid abit for a few shots.

04-15-2013, 10:11 PM
As far as the league is concerned It's not that it's illegal to use, the rule is you can't get it on the approach..

Now at the Nationals that's a different story, they have different rules for the tournament.

Ah, that explains it. I've never had a problem with the baby powder getting on the lane.

04-16-2013, 07:50 AM
I was bowling during Open bowl the other day and the guy next to me took out a bottle of baby powerder and put some down on the lane. I guess the freshly clean approach (literally he was the first to use it after the worker was done cleaning it) wasn't good enough for him.

04-24-2013, 04:01 PM
You can't use talcum powder during league? How about deoderant? :)

04-24-2013, 04:05 PM
You can't use talcum powder during league? How about deoderant? :)

you can use all the talcum powder and deodorant you want (please, use deodorant!) just keep it off approach ;)

04-24-2013, 04:48 PM
People who use talcum powder really, really annoy me. I think it would be fairly hard NOT to get it on the approach if you powder your shoe with it and then walk all over the approach. Also, it seems that many of the people who use it like to dump a bunch on the floor where people might accidentally step on it. Not good. Not good at all.

04-24-2013, 08:40 PM
I spray my sliding sole with teflon dry-lube (PTFE) and let it dry overnight. It'll stay slick for an entire day of bowling, but doesn't leave any residue or anything and there's nothing to fuss with at the lanes.

04-24-2013, 10:00 PM
I spray my sliding sole with teflon dry-lube (PTFE) and let it dry overnight. It'll stay slick for an entire day of bowling, but doesn't leave any residue or anything and there's nothing to fuss with at the lanes.

Great idea. I can get this stuff free at work.
Thanks for the tip!

04-25-2013, 12:12 AM
Who slide??? I bowled that 300 with open toe sandals !! Sliding is Old School! Real men/women don't slide, but rather, Stop Abruptly like me! LOL