View Full Version : Ruling needed for out of range split

04-17-2013, 11:11 AM
Gentlemen (and Ladies): I was prebowling for league last week and a situation arose which I have not encountered before. I left the 2-4-5 pins, normally a fairly standard spare on the left side, except that the 5-pin had slid forward and to the right, to an out of range position which more resembled a 3 pin (not quite that far, but 90% of the way there) and yet it failed to fall. This caused an out of range error on the lane, not unheard of I know, and I went up to the counter to report it. The pinsetter did not seem to rectify itself, it just stuck there for some time, and the counter called in the "out of range" to the guy in the back and rather than raise the rack, the guy reset the lane so it was set for me to shoot a second ball but there were no pins on the deck.

At this time, should I have requested the 2-4-5 be set up, or the 2-3-4? The computer had only registered a "Split-7". Our house does not designate which pins were left on the computer, only that there were three pins left in a split formation.

04-17-2013, 12:33 PM
In the perfect world the pins should have been left where they were or the pins should have been respotted on those spots.

Given if the 5 pin was that close to the 3 and you wanted to be real super honest, you go with 2-3-4.

If I was there as a officer, I might would have gave you the benefit of the doubt and said 2-4-5. Depending on the situation.

What did you do?

04-17-2013, 01:14 PM
If the 5 was 90% closer to 3,I would have set up the 2-3-4!


04-18-2013, 10:21 AM
What I've always been told to do in that case is have them rerack the pin that moved. So even if the 7 pin slid all the way to the 10 pin spot and fell due to an out of rage, the correct pin to respot is the 7 pin.

Mike White
04-24-2013, 09:34 PM
What I've always been told to do in that case is have them rerack the pin that moved. So even if the 7 pin slid all the way to the 10 pin spot and fell due to an out of rage, the correct pin to respot is the 7 pin.

I didn't look up the specific rule #, but it effectively says, if the machine knocks the pin down, it goes back to where is was before the shot... 2-4-5. Sometimes you benefit, sometimes you don't.

04-28-2013, 08:45 PM
The USBC rule is...if the pin had fallen over then you would have had them RESPOT the 2-4-5. If the machine leaves the 3 pins where the one slid out-of-range, then you must shoot it as it sits.