View Full Version : Learned a lot about bowling balls coming to this site........

04-26-2013, 04:14 PM
It is amazing how much I didn't know about bowling balls until I came to this site. All the stuff like different coverstocks for a ball, how RG number affects a balls reaction on the lane and ball differential and track flare plus core types. How I ever got a ball to work right without knowing all of this stuff when I got a new ball is amazing in it self. Now I know why the pro shop guy asked the questions that he did when I would buy a ball. After asking the questions the pro shop guy drilled up a ball for me that worked.

After coming to this site I learned a lot more about bowling balls and am better equiped to know what I need in a ball to work for me in the house I bowl at. Learned a lot about technique and what a proper release should be. I am glad I decided to check this site out thanks to talkbowling.com. :cool:

04-29-2013, 12:33 PM
The bowling GoD's have spoken! Now go use your knew found knowledge and tear up them lanes!

The Bowling GoD