View Full Version : 2 SHOE, or not 2 SHOE!!

04-30-2013, 11:54 PM
Ok,,, I think I need to learn to slide, to take my game to the next level!! What is the best damn shoe out there, I don't care how much!! It needs to be very comfortable, due to problems I have with my feet. Simi flat footed and discomfort when wearing most shoes.

Is Dexter the best, and any style SOFTER then another? I think bowing in sandals, with no slide has taken me as far as I can go!! Tell me what to get,,, and like Capt Parcard of the Star ship Enterprise,,,, I "Will make it so"!!

I have some neuropathy in my feet, from a back injury while working as an Iron Worker.. thanks for any, advice!!

As many of you know I have been bowling in sandals with open toes, since I started,,, ( that includes my 300 a couple weeks ago). I am going to purchase them from bowling.com... they seem to have a great selection!

05-01-2013, 09:12 AM
Also,,, what about the changeable soles,,, and heels?? Do they hold up? Does changing the heel help a lot? (What should a bowler look for in his slide with an adjustable heel? On the slide foot do some heels slide more then others, like the soles? I am at a lost, but want to order a pair as soon as I find out what would work best, in my case.

J Anderson
05-01-2013, 03:13 PM
Also,,, what about the changeable soles,,, and heels?? Do they hold up? Does changing the heel help a lot? (What should a bowler look for in his slide with an adjustable heel? On the slide foot do some heels slide more then others, like the soles? I am at a lost, but want to order a pair as soon as I find out what would work best, in my case.

I have the Dexter SST8s. I had a problem with the traction sole catching and folding under the shoe. When that happens and you accidentally walk on it the velcro on the sole is toast. With the replacement I've been careful to make sure that its just a little bit shy of the edge and its been fine.

I haven't experimented with the heels. I have tried different slide soles. Most of the time the S8 gives me all the slide I want. The S6 works okay, and the S10 was just way too slippery.

In theory the heel is your brake, it should have a bit more friction then whatever slide sole you're using.

The shoes come with an assortment of soles and heels in a bag that has a table printed on it giving the relative slide distance for all the heel / sole combinations.

05-01-2013, 03:20 PM
I also have the SST8s. I haven't had any problems with them, though I've only had them for two weeks. I have the more slippery heel on my slide foot. Then depending on where I bowl, I switch between the S8 and S10 sole. At my practice lanes, my shoe wouldn't slide with the S8's but I rubbed just a small amount of baby powder on it and the slide just the right amount. Can't wait to see how that works at league tonight.

05-01-2013, 03:30 PM
I have the SST8's and I love them. I use the S8 sole as well as J Anderson. S10 almost made me fall on my arse it was so slick lol

05-01-2013, 03:32 PM
So I guess Dexter is the best bowling shoe on the market. Let me know Ben, what you think after league tonight. thanks J for the information also.... Did both of you order the same size of your regular shoe? I have read that they fit loser, rather then tighter according to your regular size. Did you find that to be true?

J Anderson
05-01-2013, 03:46 PM
So I guess Dexter is the best bowling shoe on the market. Let me know Ben, what you think after league tonight. thanks J for the information also.... Did both of you order the same size of your regular shoe? I have read that they fit loser, rather then tighter according to your regular size. Did you find that to be true?

My normal shoes are 9E. My Dexters are 8 1/2 2W

05-01-2013, 03:49 PM
I ordered my regular shoe size and they seem to fit just fine :-) I also ordered the sure-fit insurance from bowlingball.com and didn't have to use it.

05-01-2013, 03:50 PM
Also one more thing, look into the SST6 as well. Also a fantastic shoe, just has a synthetic upper instead of leather. I'm a man who appreciats the finer things so I wanted leather but my partner has the 6's, he loves them, and the upper still feels really high quality.

05-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Also one more thing, look into the SST6 as well. Also a fantastic shoe, just has a synthetic upper instead of leather. I'm a man who appreciats the finer things so I wanted leather but my partner has the 6's, he loves them, and the upper still feels really high quality.

Ben,,,LOL,,, I 2 appreciate the finer things in life, will probably go with the real deal! I noticed your living in CA! I moved from Modesto Ca,, 95350,,, about 4 years ago... Lived there for 6 years.... Had a lot of great adventures while there... Love the Place!

05-03-2013, 12:24 AM
Dexter SST8's are the best i've had so far without any problems!


05-03-2013, 12:43 AM
wearing tennis shoes.... Is there ONE ,,, ANY pro's that bowl with tennis shoes on both feet? I know some wear them on the none slide foot. I wonder if it would make a difference to slide verses non slide like I do now. hummm ,,, I am ordering the red and black Dexter SST 8 shoe tomorrow from our local Pro shop. Its the guy that drilled my IQ tour pro,,, ( the one that gave me a 300 4 days after getting it)! Least I can do to give thanks for such a great layout and drilling on that ball!! Thanks James,,, where ever you are!! LOL

05-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Michael and Ben all I have to say is this you both are lucky dogs, you both get to live where I can only dream of living cause my folks would never move there in a million years and it never looks like I am going to get to go there on vacation either cause of the expense and what a shame it is a person who loves TV and Movies as much as me never getting to see Hollywood but life just isn't fair for this film buff. :-(

05-03-2013, 10:18 PM
Michael and Ben all I have to say is this you both are lucky dogs, you both get to live where I can only dream of living cause my folks would never move there in a million years and it never looks like I am going to get to go there on vacation either cause of the expense and what a shame it is a person who loves TV and Movies as much as me never getting to see Hollywood but life just isn't fair for this film buff. :-(

Wolf woman,,, you are the lucky one! Iceman and Ben, can't turn into a Wolf, when the moon is FULL! I would trade a 300 game to be able to do that JUST ONCE! I don't live in California now, but did for 6 years! Moved back to Missouri, to be closer to family! Now I am ready to move back to CA!! LOL My plan after my wife retires, is to sell everything I have , ((but my bowling balls)), and travel like a gypsy! I have a 35 foot 5th wheel, that's a home away from home.
I plan on bowling in every bowling alley in the united States of America, at least ONCE!!

05-03-2013, 11:08 PM
Wolf woman,,, you are the lucky one! Iceman and Ben, can't turn into a Wolf, when the moon is FULL! I would trade a 300 game to be able to do that JUST ONCE! I don't live in California now, but did for 6 years! Moved back to Missouri, to be closer to family! Now I am ready to move back to CA!! LOL My plan after my wife retires, is to sell everything I have , ((but my bowling balls)), and travel like a gypsy! I have a 35 foot 5th wheel, that's a home away from home.
I plan on bowling in every bowling alley in the united States of America, at least ONCE!!

That Truly sounds like fun we were going to travel after my dad retired but we lost everything in the stock market so easy come, easy go, if the economy ever gets straightened out and the GE ever goes back up in the stock market we can do good again so its not like we sold our stocks or anything b4 the recession the money still in there I think we just need the stock market to go back up at least I think I am not to sure on my families finances. But anyway hopefully we get to travel someday at least we get to go to Tampa every year with this past year as the exception cause didn't have the money and if we don't go again this coming fall I am going to go insane and through a major major depression more so then I am now I will be pulling my fur out and howling at the moon and everything. LOL

05-04-2013, 09:53 AM
I have the SST6, got them 4 years ago. still using the same soles, they wear in nicely.
Most sanctioned leagues have rules stating you 'must wear bowling shoes'
We have had issues with people messing up the approach with the normal shoes and causing others to stick.
I wonder if some do it just to mess with others delivery at the foul line. They don't slide, so leaving crap on the approach doesn't matter to them.
I would assume the Pba has rules against non bowling shoes as well.

05-04-2013, 10:42 AM
According to the PBA and USBC as long as it's a "non-marking" shoe, it's legal for use. Centers/leagues can request that the shoes only be used for bowling and not for every where else to reduce debris being carried onto the lanes. That's the bowling specific clause.

05-04-2013, 10:46 AM
Mike, the heel, as you know, is the brake. The issue arises when the brake is too harsh for the sole. It can create too sudden of a stop which can cause a strain to the body. The Dexter's you ordered will come with a chart suggesting which heel to use with each sole. It's only a suggestion but should get you pretty close.

Personally, I use an S10 on the top half of the sole and an S8 on the lower half. Little trick Chris Barnes shared in an interview to cut the soles to mix and match for your perfect slide. When I tried the S10 it was too slippery for me to keep the foot from sliding prematurely (like every step with that foot).

05-04-2013, 11:04 AM
I have the SST6, got them 4 years ago. still using the same soles, they wear in nicely.
Most sanctioned leagues have rules stating you 'must wear bowling shoes'
We have had issues with people messing up the approach with the normal shoes and causing others to stick.
I wonder if some do it just to mess with others delivery at the foul line. They don't slide, so leaving crap on the approach doesn't matter to them.
I would assume the Pba has rules against non bowling shoes as well.

That's what I always thought but didn't want to say anything but true I do think there is a rule against non bowling shoes on the lanes I just have Brunswick Charms and gonna buy a shoe slider to put my slide shoe cause my shoes just don't slide and I just bought these shoes and its less expensive then buying new shoes again cause I just got these shoes for Christmas and when I can just buy the shoe slider at the pro shop then buying new shoes but yes Michael does need some Bowling Shoes cause I do think it is a rule that you do have to wear them when you bowl if I had to buy shoes all over again and it was Christmas again and I didn't have the shoes I do now I would buy the SST8's or the SST6's with the interchangeable soles.

05-13-2013, 01:13 AM
I ordered the Dexter red/black exchangeable soles/heels! Guess what,,, long back order,,, have been waiting for almost two weeks! Size 12 or 13 not able to get at this time!! I have deiced to give it a try, maybe if they are as comfortable as others say, they might not be a problem with my feet! At my age, I just hope I live long enough to break in a pair of REAL BOWLING SHOES, and not sandals!! I think that second 300, and 800 will come, and I will SLIDE right into them!!

They must be a very popular style!

05-13-2013, 07:25 PM
Hope they are worth the wait. I can never figure out how people bowl in the sandal type bowling shoe. The few I see don't tend to slide much and some even appear a bit unstable at the line. I would think a good sturdy shoe would allow for better balance, slide, swing, and follow through than the bowling sandal. Also, since these seem to be popular in England, and maybe some on the West Coast, I was just curious where you found yours in the cooler climate?

J Anderson
05-13-2013, 10:15 PM
Hope they are worth the wait. I can never figure out how people bowl in the sandal type bowling shoe. The few I see don't tend to slide much and some even appear a bit unstable at the line. I would think a good sturdy shoe would allow for better balance, slide, swing, and follow through than the bowling sandal. Also, since these seem to be popular in England, and maybe some on the West Coast, I was just curious where you found yours in the cooler climate?

Michael uses plain old sandals, not bowling sandals.

05-13-2013, 11:41 PM
My sandals are open toe, and strap on! I don't slide at all! Soft non marking synthetic rubber, tacky! When I started bowling, the pain in my feet was hard to handle, " wearing bowling shoes. I bowled my first big game a 268, a short time later with my brother wearing sandals. I decided that I didn't need to put up with the pain of shoes, when I was bowling 200 plus games wearing ordinary sandals!

Now 3 years later, and after bowing that 300 wearing regular street sandals, I want to see if I can take my game to a higher level wearing a good pair of bowling shoes! The pain has gotten better, my right foot has some pain, but on a one to ten, I would say 4! The Left foot is one that gives me a little problem still, but even its better.

So this will be an interesting experiment to see how, and if I can bowl sliding!! LOL The pair I waiting on is suppose to be a VERY soft leather! We shall see...... "When is that 300 ring going to GET HERE????? LOL

05-14-2013, 01:34 PM
Maybe some of those orthopedic shoe inserts would help.

05-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Maybe some of those orthopedic shoe inserts would help.

I have a pair made by a FOOT DOCTOR... If it doesn't push my feet to high in the shoe it would work. My feet are getting much better,,,, but I work at keeping my body as a whole in as healthy a condition as I can! Looking forward to the challenge!!!

05-14-2013, 10:52 PM
My Dexter's are the most comfortable shoes I own. Even more than my $120 sneakers.

05-15-2013, 06:45 AM
Only problem with my Brunswick shoes is they don't slide so I am going to buy a shoe slider for them cause I just bought the shoes maybe after awhile I buy shoes that slide and interchangeable soles but for now I am sticking with the shoes I got cause there just too pretty to give up they look like old time rental shoes that's why I like them but you can buy shoes that are rental shoes that look like rental shoes they would probably slide more then the shoes I got now. You can even go to www.bowlingshrt.com and buy old time saddle shoes but only problem is they don't come in my size I wanted a pair I like the 50's and 60's when poodle skirts were big and retro shirts were big and bowling was the biggest the sport there was.