View Full Version : Most Embarrassing Moments

05-01-2013, 03:33 PM
Today, at the end of practice with my coach, I was chatting with this older guy (Had to be at least in his late 60s) and he was saying he was trying to switch to two-handed. I've seen him do it. He is slow, very inaccurate, and extremely stiff. A terrible combination for two-handed bowling. He was asking my coach for advice, but he refuses to change anything so my coach doesn't want to work with him. Can't blame my coach.

I went back to my lane (I was on lane 2 so I was all by myself) and no one was anywhere near me so I figured I'd try to throw a ball two handed. Fell right on my stomach, with my left hand under my stomach. Dear God did it hurt. Thank God no one was watching. On the bright side, I at least kept the ball on the lane and just missed slightly wide left (Ball hit between the 2 and 4 pins).

05-01-2013, 03:43 PM
Since my pro shop doesn't seem to know how to drill consistent thumb holes, some of my balls have tighter thumb holes than others (and its not variations in my thumb either, I can stick my thumb in different balls at the same time and each feel completely different). Anyway, sometimes my thumb gets stuck and I end up throwing the ball like 7 feet in the air only have it plop down on the lane and make a huge SMASH as it lands. Good times, makes it really look like I know what I'm doing when I can't release my ball properly :)

05-02-2013, 02:44 AM
I have two.

The first was throwing five strikes in a row to start a game in a tournament... and then throwing a gutter ball for the sixth frame.

The second was when my newly-drilled ball (which I had told the pro felt fine) stuck on my hand and I lofted it about seven feet in the air and ten feet out. That thing was LOUD when it came down. The worst part is that the guy who drilled it for me was bowling two lanes over. He gave me a look that said "Told ya!"

For two-handed, I wondered if I'd fall down when I first tried it, but I actually had a decent shot going after about two games of practice. It's now been a little less than one year and I've got my two-handed average to about the same level as my one-handed.

05-02-2013, 04:04 PM
I did the same thing! I had the first seven strikes then dumped it in the gutter. I was definitely embarrassed (as well as a little mad)

05-02-2013, 06:24 PM
Gutters are embarassing? With all the gutters I've thrown I never knew this. O well, live and learn I guess.
The two worst gutters were both in the tenth frame. The first was the fill ball for a 290. The second was at a college team's fundraiser. Second ball tenth frame coming off a four bagger. I felt worse for the kid I was bowling with figuring his teammates would give him a hard time about it. I can hear it now, "Trent, who was that ringer you brought in that dumped it in the gutter, ha ha ha"

05-03-2013, 12:38 PM
My most embarrassing bowling-related mishap was when I was having a really bad game and started goofing off. I tried to throw it behind my back and ended up dumping it into the gutter. The problem was, it wasn't the gutter of the lane I was bowling on. I tried not to look at any of the people bowling on the lane next to me, but I'm pretty sure all of them were giving me dirty looks. I never tried that shot again.

Old lefty
05-04-2013, 07:45 AM
This has to do with SHOE COVERS..... forgot to take it off(slide shoe) 1st ball in practice....stick....land 5 ft out on the lane ,on my stomach,already embarrassed,I decide doing a couple of push ups was the thing to do,getting up turning around and saying "well I'm warmed up,you guys ready" to lots of laughs,thank God I wasn't injured. :rolleyes:

05-06-2013, 01:42 AM
Mine would have to do with my old bowling style and my first year of league. Back when I first started bowling and this is no joke I bowled like a under hand pitch full 360 of the ball on my approach with a 14# C300 spare ball tons of speed and power you should have seen all the looks I got from every one. I still bust it out when we glow bowl for fun ;).

05-06-2013, 05:58 AM
^ post a video of this.

mine would be stepping off the edge of the approach on lane 1 slipping and spinning on my back like a noob break dancer! alright!

05-06-2013, 11:06 AM
Mine would have to do with my old bowling style and my first year of league. Back when I first started bowling and this is no joke I bowled like a under hand pitch full 360 of the ball on my approach with a 14# C300 spare ball tons of speed and power you should have seen all the looks I got from every one. I still bust it out when we glow bowl for fun ;).

We had a in high school who did that. He'd throw super fast, but was all over the place with it.

05-06-2013, 11:22 AM
A 235 game followed by a 107 game :-( .. I wanted to crawl under a rock that night LOL

As for two handed, I tried it once with my grandson's play "bouncie" ball on the lawn just to test out the motion. As I suspected it requires a lot of nimble hip motion that would be hard (and risky) for us older folks to master. Thanks but no thanks; I have a hard enough time with one handed sometimes.. That guy must be one stubborn old mule!

05-06-2013, 11:51 AM
Ha ha ha ok ill see if my wife can take some vid on her phone of if my buddy Dustin has some footage of me at glow bowl as a teenager doing it.

05-06-2013, 01:16 PM
While horsing around practicing my ' how far down the lane can i loft it ' one of them hung up on my thumb too long and went right into the overhang the monitors are mounted to.
Just glad those monitors are not directly in front of the approach

05-06-2013, 10:52 PM
I went bowling with my wife, my sister, my brother in law, my two teenage nieces, and a bunch of their friends. I didn't notice that this bowling alley does not take care of the approaches, at all. First shot, I stuck really bad, and fell forward onto one knee, with my hands out on the lane to prevent my face from smashing the wood. I had been bowling for a while, I brought 3 balls with me that day, and had been taking to them about how good I was doing, and first ball I fell down.

Just as embarrassing was Easter Sunday this year. I bowled a tournament. I was bowling two handed, and my balance wasn't so great that day. I slipped, and fell down. I was in enemy territory, bowling against guys who bowl that house every week, trying to show what a two handed can do, and there I was on one knee. Last tournament, a week ago, I ran front five, then missed two single pin spares, and on the first fill ball in the 10th, gutter. I had one game left to go, but I was looking for the door after that one.

05-07-2013, 12:03 AM
I went bowling with my wife, my sister, my brother in law, my two teenage nieces, and a bunch of their friends. I didn't notice that this bowling alley does not take care of the approaches, at all. First shot, I stuck really bad, and fell forward onto one knee, with my hands out on the lane to prevent my face from smashing the wood. I had been bowling for a while, I brought 3 balls with me that day, and had been taking to them about how good I was doing, and first ball I fell down.

Just as embarrassing was Easter Sunday this year. I bowled a tournament. I was bowling two handed, and my balance wasn't so great that day. I slipped, and fell down. I was in enemy territory, bowling against guys who bowl that house every week, trying to show what a two handed can do, and there I was on one knee. Last tournament, a week ago, I ran front five, then missed two single pin spares, and on the first fill ball in the 10th, gutter. I had one game left to go, but I was looking for the door after that one.

had smoething like this in league one night.
had a front 7, then missed a ten pin, strike, split, split.
the next game was almost all opens and splits.

05-08-2013, 01:32 PM
One of my embarrassing moments was when I was in travel league and left my shoe cover on and fell flat on my face.

Another was that I double guttered in the 9th frame of a game when we really needed pins as a team. I rarely, if ever, gutter but this particular time I did it twice back to back. Yikes.