View Full Version : I just learned something Monday I forgot bowling a hook ball?

05-01-2013, 08:36 PM
I can't explain how I usually throw the ball or my swing but I I learned just by practicing with a house ball for a couple of shots that I haven't been following through I dunno how many people here do that but it would really help there game if they did it helped my last game and first two wasn't so bad just wasn't consistent meaning I didn't have a consistent arm swing and I didn't follow through all night when I should have took me all night to figure out what to do and I finally realized it was following through that was causing me to make the strikes when I did make them so I kept on following through with my swing and bright my right hand past my right ear and I ended up with a 180 the last game hopefully good enough to keep my average cause first two games were below my average.

Judy clemons
05-01-2013, 09:46 PM
if your rolling the ball over YOUR target & following THRU ----
chances are you are getting strikes or at least 9 pins on your first ball!!!
SOoooo.. with that being said, don't even worry about your first ball at all anymore...
CONCENTRATE on your 2nd ball and PICKING up SPARES.
you will see a tremendous improvement in the quality of your bowling as well as an
improvement of UPPING your average.
REMEMBER anybody can bowl a strike... it takes a pro to get those SPARES!

05-01-2013, 10:00 PM
I agree a thousand times over oh and I found myself a coach so my cousin is going to coach me just got to find out when I start maybe can learn proper form and to slide and timing and footwork and more like consistency for example.


Judy clemons
05-01-2013, 11:23 PM
don't get over whelmed with trying to learn or change everything all at one time. start with the basics and go from there.
PATIENCE is a key virtue.

05-02-2013, 11:12 AM
Follow through is a basic new bowlers overlook. They sort of place the ball on the lane and take their hand away.

let the ball swing like a pendulum as you walk to the foul line.

Let the arm continue to swing through the release

End the swing with the hand reaching through your target.

Before anything else, your goal should be to have a relaxed swing with full follow through.

05-19-2013, 05:42 PM
I agree....following through is very important. Almost as important as punctuation. Holy Run On sentance Batman...I nearly went cross eyed.