View Full Version : Why does my ball do.....

05-02-2013, 10:28 AM
As I said, NEW bowler... I throw a 12 lb Pyramid Path. Polyester - like I said NEWBIE!!!

Anyway, I took one or two pointers from the local Pro (he was watching me bowl, gave me a few ideas) and while my game improved instantly I'm curious as to why my ball now does what it does.

It goes straight, right where I throw it (which this early in my learning is exactly what I want it to do), but it doesn't roll, as in no revolutions, as in it looks like it's floating and the ball pattern wobbles back and forth a little bit but never gives any visual indication of the ball actually rolling. My ball has swirls so it's really easy to see when it's actually rolling (its the one in my avatar, actually). Watching all the other bowlers at the lane, in videos, on TV, etc... ball rolls...my doesn't. What am I doing wrong?

The only two changes I made were the when I release (I was releasing to late and getting bounce) and my aim point (keeping my head down and focused instead of looking up and down at the pins).

05-02-2013, 11:21 AM
If I understand, your ball is sliding 2/3 down the lane on oil. Once it hits dry boards, it rolls into the pins. - Am I right?

That usually comes from your release. If you release the ball from on top with palm turned away from the pins, it will basically slide downlane on the oil until it has to roll.

I don't know if you can find a ball with better fit (a personally drilled ball makes a huge difference), you can hold the ball more comfortably wtih the palm behind the ball. That way, you can keep the palm flat and facing the pins throughout the swing without having to turn the wrist. It give more momentum to the ball, resulting in more pinfall.

When you are ready , the first investment is in a bowling ball drilled to fit your hand.

05-02-2013, 11:30 AM
If I understand, your ball is sliding 2/3 down the lane on oil. Once it hits dry boards, it rolls into the pins. - Am I right?

That usually comes from your release. If you release the ball from on top with palm turned away from the pins, it will basically slide downlane on the oil until it has to roll.

I don't know if you can find a ball with better fit (a personally drilled ball makes a huge difference), you can hold the ball more comfortably wtih the palm behind the ball. That way, you can keep the palm flat and facing the pins throughout the swing without having to turn the wrist. It give more momentum to the ball, resulting in more pinfall.

When you are ready , the first investment is in a bowling ball drilled to fit your hand.

Thank you!!!! So it sounds like it is just a matter of being aware of where my hand is in relation with the ball during release.

My ball is custom drilled already. Because of some finger injuries I sustained as a kid, I cannot throw the ball pain-free with full fingertip grip, so ended up adopting a semi-fingertip grip that my husband "tried" and I found it extremely comfortable. For a woman, I have large hands so the only difference between his grip and mine is the size and angle of the thumb hole. When the stars align and it "goes right" I hardly feel like I have 12 lbs of weight in my hand.

How do you recommend learning to not turn the hand/wrist?

05-02-2013, 11:48 AM
I may be wrong, But you are throwing straight (probably down the middle?) towards the pins. No hook, no fancy ball motions. My wife and other people I know that do this, have the same effect. As far as I can tell, when you release the ball, you are not putting revs on it. This makes it "hydro-plain" ontop of the oil until it reaches the backend where it will start to roll on the dry boards. Personnaly I do not think your doing anything wrong as long as you are able to be consistant and hit the pins where you want.

If you ARE trying to get hook into the ball then yes, you will have to change up how you release the ball. However with a polyester ball, they are made to go more straight like that. Again, I could be wrong.

05-02-2013, 01:56 PM
In that case, try this simple release drill at home with any non-heavy round object. I do it in the basement with a basketball.

Hold the ball with palm flat, making certain your middle finger tips are holding the ball and the thumb is pointed up.

Effortlessly swing the ball down and forward, keeping your hand in the same postion.

At the release point, let the palm remain flat as the ball rolls off the flat palm.

Do it a few times and memorize what that feels like.

Next time you go to the lanes, forget the approach. Just stand at the foul line and repeat the drill with you bowlling ball. It is important to insert finger tips all the way into the holes, especially the thumb. the ball should feel like it is sitting on your palm, as if it were on a pedestal. You should not have to grab it.

Now, when you swing the ball, simply watch your ball at the point of release. your fingers should reach down lane as the ball rolls off the hand.

You don't care where the ball goes or how many pins it hits as long as the ball rolls off the hands and the palm is forward.

05-02-2013, 06:45 PM
You are not releasing the ball in a manner where it can roll of the end of your fingers. It's not wrong, just the style of many straight bowlers. The polyester ball makes it a tad easier to do also.

05-03-2013, 12:28 AM
As the guy says in the VW commercial(Where he throws like a girl)"You kept your shoulders pointed straight and you kept your eye on the target."


05-03-2013, 09:45 PM
Bowled 4 games this morning. While my average went down for a three game series, my consistency went up. I bowled the 4th game by myself just practicing, the same movements of the arms swing/release over and over again. Needless to say, if it had been a 9-pin No Tap, my score would have been fabu =)

Thanks everyone for you advice!!!!

05-05-2013, 12:52 PM
Bowled 4 games this morning. While my average went down for a three game series, my consistency went up. I bowled the 4th game by myself just practicing, the same movements of the arms swing/release over and over again. Needless to say, if it had been a 9-pin No Tap, my score would have been fabu =)

Thanks everyone for you advice!!!!

DLP, the first thing I would ask is where are you targeting on the lane? Middle arrow? 2nd arrow or where else? I'm going to take a wild guess that you may be using the middle arrow, right? If so, that's part of the problem. Let me explain. First the ball you are using, as Bill mentioned, is a polyester ball. That ball will not roll as much as other balls, it will slide much more, hampering it's ability to roll on oil. 2nd, if you are playing down the middle, you are throwing your ball in the HEAVIEST part of the oil. Although I mainly use Brunswick bowling equipment, that ball you have is really only good for spares, where you want the ball to go straight to your target. The ball I would STRONGLY recommend to you would be the Brunswick SLINGSHOT. It's a mildly aggressive ball that WILL roll and also hook for you. Go online and look at bowlingball.com.

I bought one of these for my wife a couple of years ago and she loved it. I've also recommended it many times for beginning bowlers and they've had great success with it. It's got a good price point, so it won't break your wallet as well.

Regardless of whether or not you do get another ball, you should be targeting somewhere between the 1st and 2nd arrow. That should get your ball to roll much more than if you're in the middle. Good luck, let us know how you're doing.

05-06-2013, 09:06 PM
Keep asking myself if I made a mistake going with the Pyramid Path. Will learning with that ball contribute to bad habits in the future?

05-07-2013, 10:45 AM
I think, the contrary. Now is a good time to reinforce good habits and to learn adjustments. Make the swing free and effortless. Work on performing the exact same release to get the same result each roll. Check wrist position. If the ball is doing what you want, move left or right to get the ball in 1-3 pocket. (or 1-2 pocket if you are lefty).

I had the same experience with my Brunswich C-system. It was not until I was aware of the inconsistencies in my delivery that I was able to use the ball reliably.

Practice may not make perfect, but it does make "more better".

05-07-2013, 07:45 PM
Keep asking myself if I made a mistake going with the Pyramid Path. Will learning with that ball contribute to bad habits in the future?

DLP......You didn't make a mistake by purchasing the ball. What you've come to realize, after having thrown it for a while, is the fact that the ball slides further that you'd prefer. So now as your next step, upgrade to a bit more aggressive ball, keep your Path as a spare ball (meaning this is the ball to shoot your spares) and learn how to correctly release the newer ball to give you more roll. It's a progression, that as you get better, you'll probably want to go even higher, with an even more aggressive ball. But that might be as much as a year or so away. It appears you like the game very much and have the desire to improve your average. Speak to your local pro shop and get a second opinion. Explain what's happening with this ball, what you've heard here on bowling boards, and see what he/she would recommend. Also ask if there are any certified coaches available in the local area that you could call for a lesson. That would help a great deal. Then see what the coach suggests as well.
Good luck, keep us informed and well be happy to help in any way we can. You can also check Bowl.com for coaches in your local area.