View Full Version : And it's over.

05-02-2013, 05:25 PM
My season that is!

I bowled at States this past weekend, and all I can say is I did consistently bad..I shot 615 in the team event, 584 in the Singles and 576 in the Doubles for 1,775 for all events. I have never left so many 6-10's in my life..and I only made one of them..I was either chopping the 6 or the 10..and that's a spare for me, I have no trouble with. The team event was on synthetic lanes, and the singles/doubles were on re-surfaced wood lanes. I'm excited to be going to Nationals in Reno, I hope to shoot 500 out there. For me it's 28 days away until I take off. I finished my season Tuesday with a 680..and now I have a two week break until I start my Summer leagues. I use Bowling Score Keeper and My Lane Play to keep track of my scores on my phone, each program does something one doesn't. I looked at my overall stats for the season and saw I carried a 216.15 average over 267 games. I thought that was cool, I didn't even think I had that kind of average. My goal at the beginning of this season was to average 200 in my leagues and I crushed that, so I'm setting a goal of 220 in my leagues..I think that is feasible.

05-02-2013, 06:11 PM
Those scores, while not great, are nothing to hang your head over. Each day and season we learn more and hopefully that can translate to better scores. Who knows, maybe you light the place up in Reno. Good luck!

05-02-2013, 06:51 PM
You should see some of my, "bad," series... hahahahaha. What would you call something closer to 500, or sub-500? hahaha. I've had quite a few of those in the past, and I'm sure I'll visit that area in the future as well!

05-03-2013, 07:19 AM
Sheesh I wish I could bowl your bad series. Then again I did get a 300 the other night.... series ;)

05-03-2013, 08:00 AM
Hell I wish I could have your Average and your bad series any old day but I am lucky to be having a 151 average right now its the highest I ever had I just hope I can keep it up and higher well I got a coach now so maybe she can keep me from losing that average 151 average and maybe help me someday get my average to where yours is at and your bad series LOL but hey I only been bowling seriously for 5 years well I missed one year no its 5 years not including the missed year this year skip last year before 2 years at rose bowl and 2 at kingpin so that's 5. well 2 years at kingpin before last year and this year at kingpin equals 3 years at kingpin total them all together equals 5 years of bowling leagues but only two years did year round league winter and summer league.

05-03-2013, 11:20 AM
@Bill -- Well, you've seen what I've been doing since I joined here..I've been a sponge, I've taken stuff that you've talked to me about in the forum and applied it. I listen to people, and where I've learned so much, I've also made better decisions on the lane, when/where/how to move.

Thanks everyone else! If you stay dedicated to something and practice and have the time to do so..then things come to you. I have been working, really, really hard to get better. I've been talking to some other people I know in the area about bowling in a different house..because I know, you can't just be good at one house. And if anyone lives in south central PA..*wink wink*..and WolfGirl..I had one coach..and that was only for about a year..long enough to put a couple fundamentals in my head..and I started right where you are now..150ish average..bowled down and in..laid the ball on 10 and let it go in. I bowled in Hazard, KY for about a year when I was down there..did the same thing and carried a 170+ average and I started over a year ago now, and completely re-invented my style, my line, pretty much everything. If I wasn't in rest mode I'd be out at the alley shooting 15-20 games today working on things that are wrong, and then go to work this evening.

05-03-2013, 12:25 PM
I'd gladly trade you my series at state for yours. :p I didn't bowl teams, but my singles series WITH HANDICAP was only a 650-something. I didn't even look at my doubles series.

Best of luck at Natties. I've always wanted to give it a try, but it's too far of a trip to make for what I'm averaging right now.

05-03-2013, 01:54 PM
I had two pins of handicap. =P Thanks, I'm really excited about it, a few of my friends who've been out there say that Reno's the best place to have your first experience.