View Full Version : Tropical Breeze Vs Freeze Vs Strike King

05-15-2013, 11:11 AM
I am joining a summer league called the "Step it up" league mainly because it's on Friday nights; a good night for me to go bowling on a league. It's designed for bowlers who aren't beginners anymore but want to 'step up' their game. Details are bit scarce at this point, but I believe we will get to play with tournament formats (hopefully including more difficult oil patterns). Anyway, we get a bowling ball out of the deal. Judging by the weekly fees it's easy to see where the funding for that is coming from! Anyway the balls are entry level I believe and the choices are:

- Storm Tropical Breeze

- Columbia Freeze

- Brunswick Strike King

Which one would you choose if you were in this league? (Or would you do "None of the above")?

05-15-2013, 01:26 PM
I have the Storm Tropical Breeze. Here's what I have to say about that ball: The ball is pretty good for light or medium-light oil. Despite being a lighter oil ball, the ball will snap super hard as soon as it hits the dry. I've bowled many great games with it, including my second highest game (267). But as my game has improved, I've used it less and less. The ball can just be a little too unpredictable if the lanes become too dry. Also, if you have a high track already, choose a different ball. From my experience, the track on that ball goes higher. I can throw a shot with my Sync or Frantic and I'll get a beautiful medium track of oil. I throw the TB the exact same way and the track will run so high it nearly hits the thumb hole. So if you already have a higher track, it'll run over the thumb hole which is no good.