View Full Version : Playing Wet/Dry

The German Shepherd
05-22-2013, 02:18 PM
The past couple of weeks, the lanes for our Wednesday "Oldies But Goodies" league have been extremely WET/DRY. The back ends are roaring and the outside boards (7 boards and outside of that) are bone dry. I have struggled with this and need help.

How do you and what is the best way to combat an extreme wet/dry condition???


05-22-2013, 05:19 PM
The past couple of weeks, the lanes for our Wednesday "Oldies But Goodies" league have been extremely WET/DRY. The back ends are roaring and the outside boards (7 boards and outside of that) are bone dry. I have struggled with this and need help.

How do you and what is the best way to combat an extreme wet/dry condition???


When you say roaring, do you mean that the ball grabs and rips through hard? My advice would be to move in a little, bank outside to the dry and let it rip. This way your ball won't move too early and/or burn up.

05-22-2013, 10:42 PM
I use urethane to help smooth out the reaction if I'm having trouble controlling a stronger ball.

05-23-2013, 11:00 AM
I have several ways that I attack lane conditions like that when
you have severe wet/dry conditions.

Greenday has mentioned one of the ways and that is move in and
just belly the ball out to the dry and let it rip back.

If that doesn't work well then I'll just move in deeper and swing the
ball very little and just play up the edge of the oil line usually some
where around the second arrow.

If neither one of those ideals work then I'll try throwing the ball with
an almost straight type end over end roll up the oil line or just switch
to a plastic ball and use the same line and try to fit it into the pocket.

If all else fails then I'll move left as far as I can and loft the left gutter
cap and try to get the ball to slide across the middle oil on the lane out
to about board 5 or farther out and then watch it snap back.

05-24-2013, 06:24 AM
try standing around 25 throwing out over 3 arrow give u more length on the ball should help

05-26-2013, 10:44 PM
The past couple of weeks, the lanes for our Wednesday "Oldies But Goodies" league have been extremely WET/DRY. The back ends are roaring and the outside boards (7 boards and outside of that) are bone dry. I have struggled with this and need help.

How do you and what is the best way to combat an extreme wet/dry condition???


Jay, I would say use your Wrecker, because it's a polished and depending how you've got it drilled it should go long and snap fairly hard at the end. I have the Shatter which is similar and came out a couple of weeks before the wrecker. The advise to go deeper is the best bet. Find the edge of the oil line and throw it so your breakpoint is out about 8 or 9 board. The Wrecker is a very strong ball on the back end and finding the right combination of target and breakpoint should bring you good results. Good luck.

05-27-2013, 02:55 AM
The other choice iss to go to smoother equipment. If they are flying i will use my polished Cobra 5.5x60x40 a po;ished venom Strike 5.5x70x70 or a polished scent solid 4.5x70x70. All of them help yo smooth out the over/under

05-27-2013, 09:02 AM
The other choice iss to go to smoother equipment. If they are flying i will use my polished Cobra 5.5x60x40 a po;ished venom Strike 5.5x70x70 or a polished scent solid 4.5x70x70. All of them help yo smooth out the over/under

Stormed: True any type of a good pearl should help him. I looked at what he had in his arsenal and that's why I said to try the Wrecker. Because I have a similar ball and shoot on a similar shot, I thought that would be his best bet without having to go spend more $$$$$$. Right?

05-28-2013, 11:41 AM
I just had that experience this weekkend. I first rolled my spare ball like a first ball. Then I went back to my main ball and tucked index finger and pink in to take revs out and enhance more roll. I was able to find the pocket then.

05-28-2013, 02:51 PM
I have this same problem in my league on Mondays.. the Wet/Dry is so crazy the 3rd game.. I had 547 after 2 games and ended up still shooting 741 with a 194 the last game it leaves me completely clueless on how to play the lanes

05-28-2013, 05:38 PM
Lane transition is a VERY hard thing to feel, and to adjust to. As we all know, and have struggled with, you really only have maybe of two or three frames to find it or else your game is shot. The house I bowl in, we also deal with that same problem. Most times the cause is the oil being pushed around by the other bowlers on the lanes with you. It creates what's known as "A Dead Zone". The oil is still out there, but because of several people using one track, the oil gets pushed out (right & left ) and you end up with a very dry center area. The "Trick" is to be able to follow the oil where you'll have a better shot. There's a great article in Bowling this Month magazine in the Dec 2009 issue dealing with this exact problem. If any of you have a subscription to BTM, you can go online and view back issues and articles.