View Full Version : Stupid Wrist is well....Stupid...

05-28-2013, 12:17 AM
So here I am now, post 3 weeks into what I thought was going to be a quick recovery from what I thought was just a little tendonitis of the wrist...WRONG 'O....

Seems that my long term carpal tunnel, and the damage I did to my wrist playing Football, Hockey, Military, and power lifting has now all come home is a wicked case of nerve damage and possible muscle tears, ligament and tendon damage. It has just been over the last 2 or 3 days that I have actually been able to sleep all night (neuropathy pain is much worse at night, for lots of reasons that I won't go into).

Anyhow, I am slowly on the mend and would like to share some stuff that I did to help out:
1. Stop doing any heavy lifting with the impacted wrist
2. Tons of Ice....ice it down every 3-4 hours for about 1/2 an hour
3. Wear a good wrist support brace as much as possible
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. If you have to bowl (which I am), tape up and brace up.

I'm at bout 50% right now, and hope to be up and running full speed in about another 2 weeks...

05-28-2013, 07:56 AM
When I had my battle with carpal tunnel about a decade ago (loooong before I started bowling), when I was doing PT they had me using a glove with bands on it that I could control the tension. Slowly working the strength in the hand muscles and wrists was the only thing that helped me avoid surgery. My job is pretty much confining me to chair and typing all day, so it was very very painful.

When my hands get stiff and tired from crocheting, I usually used to reach for a rubber band to stretch between my fingers, but I've recently found out that isn't healthy for the muscles and nerves in the lower part of the palm, so I'll be avoiding that going forward.

I found FlexEx bands to be an inexpensive alternative, if you can find them. I used to have a yellow one at my work desk, it has since been misplaced and/or sucked into the black hole that missing socks go into.

I'd say take it easy, but if you are anything like me, when the desire or need strikes to throw a few, nothing stands in the way. =)