View Full Version : Balance Arm Woes

05-29-2013, 10:34 PM
OK I know there are lots of threads with info regarding the balance arm. The analysis video, all of our videos, conversations, questions, etc. But here's my question....

Everything I see/read indicates to keep your thumb down, palm facing backwards, and arm out and a bit behind your body - your body should find the "natural" balance point. OK I have most of that down, except the thumb down, palm back....how in the heck do you accomplish this? I seem to be able to perform this one out of ten times. What's the secret to getting the thumb down? It feels so awkward and my arm doesn't even want to turn that way. Suggestions on how to accomplish this...or practice/exercise to accomplish this?

05-29-2013, 10:47 PM
When the hand leaves the ball, rotate the torso and put the thumb just over your target. Then as the swing passes the ankle, yank it back. With the thumb down it's actually in the same position as palm back just a different angle to your face.

05-30-2013, 12:21 AM
When the hand leaves the ball, rotate the torso and put the thumb just over your target. Then as the swing passes the ankle, yank it back. With the thumb down it's actually in the same position as palm back just a different angle to your face.

It reminds me of freestyle swimming. I put my left hand out flat, then sweep it down and out so it finishes with my palm face backwards off to my left side.

05-30-2013, 10:19 PM
Great analogy!

05-31-2013, 08:40 AM
Gayla, remember any changes that you make in your style requires many games of practice. When you practice, try to focus on that one part (your thumb being down) and don't worry about where the ball is going. Try to "see" your left thumb in your minds eye, just as though you were looking at it. Throw a couple of games that way, then go back to your normal game "without thinking about it", but look at your hand after you release the ball. Change is not easy. It's strange, uncomfortable, and sometimes miserable, but with determination, it CAN be accomplished. Never say never !!