View Full Version : Robbed by a STONE 7

The German Shepherd
06-05-2013, 05:06 PM
Today was my usual Wednesday AM "Oldies but Goodies" league. There was a fair vaolume of oil out todayso I started with my Defiant (original). I struggled a bit with my balance and timing in game 1 and struggled to a 191. Game 2 saw a lot of over-reaction so I decided to "ball down" for game three. Game 2 was a 190 so I ent for broke. On my last couple of shots in game 2 I pulled out my Crossroad and it was feeling good but still over-reaction on the dry boards. I hate extreme wet/dry conditions. SO, I pulled out my 2000 grit abralon pad and scuffed off all the polish and continued until I had the surface at a consistent 2000. Then I began throwing strikes. I started off game 3 with the first 9 in a row - all flush-high flush. Stepped up in the 10th and put the first ball "right there" and watched the rack explode - all except for the 7 pin - rocking back and forth and mockingly spinning around but refusing to fall. I picked it and put my last ball in the pocket for a strike. Finished with a 279....close but no cigar AGAIN!

Wish Michael had been there to close it out for me....660 for the day's work.


06-05-2013, 05:31 PM
I feel your pain Jay I can not count the times I've had
that happen to me if not the 7 pin then it was the 10
pin or the 8 pin or a 9 pin.

Just be thankful it wasn't a stone 8 pin or a stone 9 pin
as those seem to make the agony even worse.

06-05-2013, 06:32 PM
Nice series. Have been victim to the 7 pin more times than I can count. Last time I can remember I had the front 10 and then left a 7 for a 289.

06-05-2013, 10:15 PM
Good game still. I take it this isn't a sanctioned league given your alteration of the surface during competition.

The German Shepherd
06-05-2013, 10:20 PM
Yes Bill that is correct...

06-06-2013, 09:09 AM
Nothing like leaving a stone or a ringer to burn in your memory like an image burned into a tv.

I still think about having the front 9 in a YABA City tournament once, only to leave a ringing 10 to open the 10th after crossing over in the 9th and, what I thought was, saving the game. It felt like nobody else was bowling at the time, and the whole alley was watching me. My legs felt like jello lol.

06-06-2013, 06:55 PM
Good bowling Jay. I was thinking the same thing as Bill and wondering if it was a sanctioned league. My question is why do these house even have unsanctioned leagues? If you "HAD" thrown a 300, would you be upset right now that you wouldn't be getting that ring for bragging rights ? It just doesn't make sense to me to have unsanctioned leagues. I guess that just comes from being from the old school. (Bill....no comments !!) LOL

06-06-2013, 08:12 PM
Bob, unsanctioned leagues come from being slower in the summer, the bowlers not caring or knowing better and then the house gets to keep more of the money.
Our fees are the same so that's where I get the house getting more lineage from summer leagues.

06-09-2013, 11:22 PM
This is something relatively new. I know several years ago when I was on the Mens Local Association Board of Directors, we would never let a house have an unsanctioned league in our area. We made sure every league was sanctioned. It makes you wonder how many good honor scores go unreported because of that. Many bowlers that shoot in summer leagues are already sanctioned, so they don't have to pay an additional fee and I don't believe there is any cost to the house to sanction the league. Unless that's something new that I'm unaware of.

06-10-2013, 09:40 PM
No cost to the house and yes, 80% of our summer league bowlers are already sanctioned. Some of them are officers in the local association. The upside to the house it, they charge the bowler the same amount, no prize fund, etc., so they keep it all.

I am one of the unfortunate ones to lose honor scores because of this but until this forum, I thought this was SOP in the sport so it didn't bother me. Now it does, just a little.

06-11-2013, 01:35 PM
Yes and that's a shame. As you say 80% are already sanctioned, so why not sanction the league? It just doesn't make sense to me. And to have members of your local association in the league, blows me away! My old association, where I was a board of director for years, NEVER, would have let that go. And they never would have bowled in an unsanctioned league or tournament !

This is part of the problem with the sport not growing the way it should. Someone, anyone, needs to get that lane manager aside, and say what the hell are you doing. Are you stupid? If it's a Corporate house, write to AMF or Brunswick and explain the horror of it all. It's just ridiculous.