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06-06-2013, 08:59 PM
I bowled early this week and my scores were like a 60 something, 90 something, 60 something... so "something" I didn't even bother to write down what the something was because I just bowled really crappy.

Tonight I bowled again... and for the first time since I started actually bowled 100+ in each game

111 ave.

Not to shabby! I'm going to go eat a cookie because I have my second 300+ series :P

06-07-2013, 06:01 PM
Call me impressed. I usually take a down between my trips to the lane but since I took today off, I ended up there this afternoon.

Avg 106

I bowled my highest ever today :)


06-10-2013, 08:47 PM
Terrible day :(


somedays it just works, other days not so much...

06-10-2013, 08:49 PM
check out www.bowlingknowledge.info
there is great info there from a great coach. Maybe some of it will kick start your game for you.

06-11-2013, 09:32 PM
Thank you!!! The guy I was trying to get ahold of to work with as a coach never called me back. The pro I got wind of this and while he won't be getting officially certified until Sept he has offered to help me because he knows how passionate I am at just becoming a better bowler.

06-11-2013, 09:41 PM
No offense to any coach who has been around awhile, BUT if they don't stay up on the changes in the game then they end up not being able to fully help their clients. That's usually one advantage to having a "newer" coach. Of course they sometimes lack the experience needed so it can be a catch-22.
You'll be fine though. Good luck.

06-11-2013, 09:45 PM
Thank you for your encouragement. I am starting to get discouraged at times that my game is literally still all over the place.

06-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Because you have a passion I know you will do well. Pay attention to your coach, go out and get some practice, and really concentrate on the pointers he'll give you. If you want second opinions or have other questions in between coaching sessions, do not hesitate to post those questions here. We all love the game here and want to see those people that feel the same way succeed. Good luck and keep us informed.

06-11-2013, 10:02 PM
Discouragement is part of life. It happens to all of us. Just don't let it win. Keep at it, keep the passion and things will get better.
The great games are a glimpse of the future, of what you're truly capable of at this time. The low games are a reminder, of where we were and where we can be again if we lose the passion to improve.

Without the bad we would never truly know how the good is. This of course, goes beyond bowling.

06-12-2013, 09:29 PM

My most consistent series since I've started. Picked up some spares that I never in a million years thought I'd be able to.

My Pyramid Path got a little bit of tape and I'm able to throw that down the lane again as well :)

06-14-2013, 08:02 PM

A few more of these and I can put double digit averages behind me!!!

06-16-2013, 04:47 PM
Complete change up in approach (and I'll explain else thread) ... not bad first time out with the new approach style (though I did do drills at home for it)


06-16-2013, 05:01 PM
check out www.bowlingknowledge.info
there is great info there from a great coach. Maybe some of it will kick start your game for you.

Couldn't edit my other post with my scores so.....

I went out to the website and started looking around and started with the absolute most fundamental thing I could think of - that being my approach. I used to throw a 4-step approach but since I'm in that whole "well I'm still learning" phase, I threw ill to the wind and followed 5-step approach drill and did it over and over and over again at home. Nothing fancy, just drilled on the 5 step, which was new for me.

After adjusting for the extra step and starting much further back (apparently I was cutting myself way short on a 4 step approach), I was much more impressed with my consistency, after I saw how this worked with my release and the fact that I was getting comfortably behind the ball, until wrist fatigue started setting in and I found myself releasing from the top of the ball instead of behind it.
As I got the cadence of the 5 step approach down, it also became very very comfortable to me (I have no idea why I wasn't doing this before).

Needless to say, while I blew the back half of my second game, opening with a turkey was a new experience :)

I switched to the lighter ball I have (my 12 lb Path) at the end of the 2nd game, got used to that and ended up finish the third with a 102.

Happy clam :)

06-17-2013, 09:57 PM

The 147 is my highest ever. It was also the only game I bowled completely tonight with "Dippy" =)

118 average.

06-19-2013, 08:54 PM
109 - practice w/ coach

140/137/117 - 131 ave :)

100 - tired but so didn't want to stop throwing =)

06-19-2013, 10:46 PM
You're steadily improving, so now 's the time to think about what you've done during those good games and what the difference was on the not so good games. Bowling is a learning experience game by game. Keep your accuracy sharp, your focus clear, be relaxed and you'll see those scores start to creep up. Keep it going.

06-21-2013, 08:39 AM
Different lane tonight and blew it....


And yes, that is 65... I don't know what happened. Was getting frustrated and didn't know how to turn off the voices inside my head to go back to what I had just worked with so well the day before.

06-26-2013, 09:00 PM

Not bad for coming back to the lanes after not being there since last week. On-Call at work will do that to ya!

06-27-2013, 08:08 AM
Donna, I'm not sure what your coach is having you work on, but here's a suggestion. Upload a video here (second opinion) and let Bill and I take a look at it. Between the two of us alone you have probably 70 years of experience. I'd be happy to look at it for you, give you my 2 cents, and if nothing else you can ask your coach what he thinks about what I comment on. 2nd opinions never hurt. I may be able to pick up on something he isn't seeing or telling you about yet and that might just be enough to say goodbye to those double digits forever. If you decide to do that, have someone shoot about 4 or 5 frames from behind and at least 2 -3 from your bowling side. I'll be glad to look it over and offer some suggestions.

06-27-2013, 11:07 AM
Donna, I'm not sure what your coach is having you work on, but here's a suggestion. Upload a video here (second opinion) and let Bill and I take a look at it. Between the two of us alone you have probably 70 years of experience. I'd be happy to look at it for you, give you my 2 cents, and if nothing else you can ask your coach what he thinks about what I comment on. 2nd opinions never hurt. I may be able to pick up on something he isn't seeing or telling you about yet and that might just be enough to say goodbye to those double digits forever. If you decide to do that, have someone shoot about 4 or 5 frames from behind and at least 2 -3 from your bowling side. I'll be glad to look it over and offer some suggestions.

I do this with my coach...and it helps keep my head straight of why he has me do something different that what I hear or read about! Also, it helps for the long interludes between coaching sessions.

06-29-2013, 12:30 AM
Posted elsewhere what epiphany led to the following scores...


Happy with how I bowled tonight - especially that 4th game :D

And yes, intended to take the video camera tonight but when we scooted out of the house and ran to the car, neither the hubby nor I were going to draw straws or toss a coin for who would go back inside in the torrential downpours we were having. Camera is going with us on Sunday (if we remember!)

06-30-2013, 09:15 PM
Lesson learned...never ever ever go bowling the day after you've spent all night with your *** planted in an office chair and only got 4 hrs of sleep...


Btw - beat the hubby again on the third game so all is not lost!

07-01-2013, 07:22 AM
Donna, he's not gonna want to go bowling with you anymore if you keep embarrassing him !! LOL Your doing well, keep it up.

07-12-2013, 08:54 PM
Dippy's back in my hands.... remember she got a make over

07-13-2013, 08:04 PM

ya - 140. So while No consistency but I now have a 163 (in league), a 151, and a 140 in my last 3 series.... if I could pleasantly get them all in the same game I'd be HAPPY!

07-13-2013, 08:28 PM
Same game? That would be more than perfect ;) I'm sure you meant same series

Just shows that you're more than capable of doing it.

07-13-2013, 09:11 PM
should be serieseseseseseses... furgot the plural. Then again what is the plural of series... seri? You got what I was trying to say :)

07-15-2013, 10:23 PM
Mr. Consistent called... not my best, not my worst but DANG spot on!

A+ for repetition today :D


07-17-2013, 06:56 PM
Worked with coach today :)
Finding my mark - 70
Throwing spares he set up - 130
Throwing a full game myself w/ guidance - 132
Bowling a whole game w/o guidance - 163


07-18-2013, 09:22 AM
Looks good, especially with your spares. I am very adamant with my students about taking their time shooting spares and I ALWAYS remind them "Spares
are for money, Strikes are for show". You're making great progress and are a shining example of what Bill and I constantly preach and that's to find a good coach in the local area. I think you'll agree that it's money well $pent ! Keep up the good work.

07-18-2013, 08:48 PM
Mr Consistent called again. I really need to take a down day and rest.


Should note this was at the local AMF... I bowl much better at our typical house (which is a Brunswick)

No idea why.... I mean I know a bowling lane isn't a bowling lane isn't a bowling lane... but I usually drop a good 10-20 pins between the two places.

07-20-2013, 11:02 PM
Laughing a little at this one


07-20-2013, 11:10 PM
Mr Consistent called again. I really need to take a down day and rest.


Should note this was at the local AMF... I bowl much better at our typical house (which is a Brunswick)

No idea why.... I mean I know a bowling lane isn't a bowling lane isn't a bowling lane... but I usually drop a good 10-20 pins between the two places.

So do I...the consensus here is that the AMFs don't carry as well...I guess I need to start asking, "why?"

07-20-2013, 11:11 PM
Laughing a little at this one


Nice on the 170!...83 was just warming up for it...lol

07-21-2013, 12:01 AM
Nice on the 170!...83 was just warming up for it...lol

I like it - that's my story and I'm sticking to it :D

07-22-2013, 10:14 PM

Didn't take a down day between bowling league last night and bowling today. Saw my coach and shared the way I bowled Saturday night, Sunday night, and again tonight...

What was the different... mental state for one...

Bowling for fun and having a blast with friends.... didn't care how I rolled and landed by highest score ever
Bowling in league (which for me is competitive) and very serious... poor scores
Bowling tonight for practice, talking with the Pro, taking it easy, having a nice chat with a 7 yr old in the next lane over who while being an absolute chatterbox had some of the better lane etiquette than some adults I know - not to shabby

but made a friend tonight (the 7 yr old) and got introduced to her friend (she keeps in her purse). Her Mr Potato Head gets set up at the table to watch her bowl. Kid walked away (without bumpers) with a 125. She has the most adorable pirouette she does when she bowls a strike.

Games: $1.49 a game
Slug the thumb hole and re-drill : $12
Medium soda : $2.99
Watching the kid next to you love the game : priceless

07-24-2013, 07:42 PM
109 - 154 - 111

Not to shabby. Just wish I could close in the gap.... I usually have one or two mid-100s games and then low 100s, high 90s.

07-27-2013, 08:55 PM

Working on spine tilt and feet.