View Full Version : Ebonite Antiques..!

06-10-2013, 04:51 PM

Anyone know what these are..? Exept for Ebonites :)
I bought them from a old couple who bought them really long time ago!
But never drilled them.. They are totally new!!
Like to share them with you!
Ive got some information on them, but like to see if someone here got any??? :)


J Anderson
06-10-2013, 10:04 PM

Anyone know what these are..? Exept for Ebonites :)
I bought them from a old couple who bought them really long time ago!
But never drilled them.. They are totally new!!
Like to share them with you!
Ive got some information on them, but like to see if someone here got any??? :)


Yes, I have one sitting in the closet. It was my first bowling ball, bought for me by my dad back in 1975. !5 pounds of hard rubber it was the only ball I used until 2008. I suspect yours might be older or newer. Its not like they were introducing 5 or 6 new balls a year back then.

06-27-2013, 05:30 AM
friend of mine has contact with ebonite veteran mike quitter :)

Good Morning Bettina:

Got the picture of the beautiful Ebonite Signature ball. How do you like the logo? We used that "E" for many, many years, even after we converted to the "flying E" logo.

I am not 100% positive, but I am about 95% positive that this is a hard rubber ball that we sold to the J.C. Penny Company in 1970 to 1980 time frame. The Ebonite Signature was converted to the Ebonite Personal 300 at J.C. Penny in about 1980. J.C. Penny continued to sell the Personal 300 until they went out of the bowling business in about 1993. They were my account. I loved to call on them because they're office was located in Mid-town Manhattan., New York City, USA. I love New York. It was nice to have a reason to go there a couple of times per year.

The Signature logo almost looks like the Delta Airlines logo. I'm very glad that they didn't make an issue out of this in 1970. I don't think that Ebonite could have afforded a lawsuit at that time.

Is the ball that your friend bought new? Never been drilled? A 35 to 45 year old bowling ball is cool to look at, but it isn't old enough to have any real value as an antique and it certainly wouldn't be very good on the lanes. However, If I owned a bowling center or a pro shop, I'd love to have this ball on display as a conversation piece. I would not drill it as that would hurt any future value that it may have as an antique....in 30 to 40 more years.

Mike Quitter

06-27-2013, 05:31 AM
Cool thing is they are using the 'old' ebonite logo again!!!
If you saw the last PBA show maybe you ve noticed :D