View Full Version : Hello

06-18-2013, 10:43 AM
Hello everybody, I've been kinda lurking this particular forum for a little bit reading other's experiences and trying to learn. I'm fairly new to bowling, only been doing it for 2 years now, and jumped in head first! My average is considerably low, and I am very competitive with myself always wanting to improve my game. I started off a year ago by pushing the ball then I began experimenting with throwing/ rolling the ball. Throwing the ball was a challenge for me at first, but now I'm getting the hang of it, and putting up more consistent numbers (now only if I can learn how to make the 10 pin CONSISTENTLY or better yet not leave it at all lol). I still mess up and throw across my body quite a bit, but hey I'll get over that hurdle eventually I believe. I bowl to have fun, and also to do something physically and mentally competitive that I have to actually work at to progress. If there are any questions, or if I left something out feel free to ask or let me know!


06-18-2013, 11:49 AM
Welcome to the boards the_halfie you will find a lot of very
knowledgeable and very helpful people on here that are more
than willing to give bowling advice and tips.

06-18-2013, 12:05 PM
Thanks Bill! After checking out this site for a while I've noticed how eager the majority of people on here are to help others and learn at the same time.

06-18-2013, 01:41 PM
Welcome aboard :)

I'm a bowling newbie myself but there is plenty of expertise around here to be had!

06-18-2013, 01:52 PM
Thank you DLP, looking forward to learning and getting better :)

06-18-2013, 01:53 PM
welcome to the boards.

06-18-2013, 02:22 PM
Thanks striker

06-18-2013, 06:09 PM
Welcome to the boards. Hope you find them as great as I do. Hoping to see you participate and here's to you always being welcome here!

06-18-2013, 06:36 PM
Thanks, I'll participate asking for opinions and advice you can count on that! Might even start posting up some of my scores so at later dates I can come and look back and see how I've progressed since signing up.

06-18-2013, 09:37 PM
Welcome to the forum. I read about your approach challenges on another thread. Not to sound rude or insensitive but I'm still trying to picture exactly how you bowl. Once I think I have that figured out I'm sure I can come up with some advice and drills for your arm crossing over.

06-18-2013, 10:36 PM
Sorry I should've painted a better picture! I roll the ball up to the line, and when I get there I plant with my left hand making sure it's at least an inch before the foul line, I post myself up on my hips and once I feel I have good balance, I put my fingers in my ball, pick it up with my right arm, reach forward pick my target, cup my hand with the ball, and my "backswing" only comes JUST behind my right hip, I then push through and hope I get my release and the ball goes over my mark! I'm sorry if I can't explain it clearly, one day I'll have to grab a video camera and see if I can get a video of me bowling to better SHOW you how I bowl.

I have noticed that my arm crosses over when my hips are completely squared with the pins instead of slightly canted with my right hip back (enough to be out of the way of my "swing").

06-18-2013, 11:17 PM
OK, so it seems like it would be like any other bowler. Your hips have to be lined up with your target. I use to struggle with this. The 'old school' teaching was to always stay square to the foul line and throw it over second arrow. Combine that with trying to swing it and it's a mess!
Just focus on the pit of your elbow going to your target AFTER your hips are in the correct position.
Being able to tilt your head so your right eye is over the ball will help increase accuracy. I don't know if this would present you with any balance problems though. A video would be great.

Judy clemons
06-18-2013, 11:17 PM
A great big Texas size welcome pin pal, the_halfie
welcome to our bowling boards world.
Your welcome here as the flowers in May
we're glad your here and hope you stay to
share with us your bowling days

what a superb, glorifying, marvelous attitude you possess if only we could all have some of that outstanding sunshine!
We are blessed & proud to have you on our pin pal team here at bowling boards.com

06-18-2013, 11:28 PM
Thank you Judy! You can thank my parents for the outlook on life I have. Must say I've been quite blessed indeed.

Bill once I get in position I stay that way the only part that really moves after that is my right arm for throwing. thanks to my left hand being planted and me leaning SLIGHTLY forward it keeps my balance pretty good! If I square my hips with the foul line, I ALWAYS throw across my body, cant seem to keep from doing it. I try to keep my eyes focused on the target, when you say keep your right eye over the ball, are you referring to when most people hold the ball up before they swing it? If so, I don't pick it up that high, I keep it down low extended out, then I pull back and let it go! I'll try to get a video up sometime soon.

06-18-2013, 11:37 PM
As I swing the ball, my arm is under my eye. On follow through my bicep sometimes will actually hit my eye.
Because the shoulder muscles are different lengths, the front being shorter than the back, the normal range of motion for that joint is not straight but rather angled towards the front of our bodies. Your arm crossing over is actually doing what it was intended. Don't fight nature, instead just get use to angling your hips towards your target. With your hips and shoulders angled towards the target your arm can then swing as it was designed.

06-18-2013, 11:45 PM
Such as simple approach to such a seemingly complicated problem....I can't believe I never thought about doing that lol! Thanks I do appreciate the advice! I'll give it a shot this Sunday morning =)

07-14-2013, 02:37 PM
Welcome to.the.boards