View Full Version : Change of footwork, timing

07-18-2013, 08:25 PM
I worked with my coach this afternoon, and after listening to my frustration of the last month on timing, knee bend-lack of, and still falling off to the right - He decided that we should try a 5 step approach. It felt fairly naturally and I didn't fight it so we worked with it for the hour - as well as my spare shooting.

He made me make the decision after the first 5 or so balls on whether I was going to change to the 5-step or stay with my 4-step. Decided to go with the 5-step approach. I guess the tell-tale sign will be at league in the morning.

My question, after this long dissertation, is...has anyone changed from 4 to 5 or vice-versa...and if so, how long did it take before it seemed like you didn't have to concentrate on your feet, per se?

07-18-2013, 08:30 PM
I went from 4 to 5 and back again.
It took a month for it to feel natural to where I didn't think about it. It was more of an issue for spares for me. Then teaching you naturally start with a 4 step. Doing 5 myself and teaching 4 had me all messed up so I went back to 4. That time took less than half a game.

07-18-2013, 09:30 PM
I switched to a five from a four-step and it took me about one game to become accustomed to it. I can switch back and forth with no problem right now.

07-19-2013, 12:10 AM
It is just like everything else in bowling it all depends on
the person on how long it takes them to get used to it.

I can change up from a 5 step to a 4 step approach if I feel
the need to do so. It has always just come naturally to me
just like being able to change hand releases and changing
the ball rotation and ball axis on the fly.

Every bowler is different so you just have to go with what
works best for you wither it be a 4 step or 5 step approach.
I'd say you may want to practice both so you can change it
up whenever you feel the need to change it may arise.

07-19-2013, 08:53 AM
I switched to a five from a four-step and it took me about one game to become accustomed to it. I can switch back and forth with no problem right now.

Same thing here. Chris Barnes is a 5 step bowler, but I saw a video of a recent tournament where he had to play extreme inside line. He began in front of the ball return and performed a 3-tiny-step delivery quite sucessfully.

I see 5 step as nothing but a pre-step followed by 4 step approach.

4 step is pushoff-down-back-slide/release
5 step is step-pushoff-down-back-slide/release.

07-19-2013, 03:04 PM
My wife bowls with a 4 step and I tried to work with her on a 5-step to lengthen her stride and create a more natural arm-swing but she ... Hated.. And I mean like, radical Islamist HATED it.... Just didn't make sense to her brains timing.

07-19-2013, 11:48 PM
My wife bowls with a 4 step and I tried to work with her on a 5-step to lengthen her stride and create a more natural arm-swing but she ... Hated.. And I mean like, radical Islamist HATED it.... Just didn't make sense to her brains timing.

Derek, take some advice from someone that's been married for maaaannnnny years....get her a coach, save your breath... your sanity....and your marriage !!

07-20-2013, 12:01 AM
Switched from a 4 to a 5. Remember this is from a newbie perspective:

I "thought" the 4 would work because it is the way my hubby was bowling with so I tried to mimic him with what "felt" right. Ingrained enough in me that switching to the 5 step was a bit of a struggle, but I do know that as of right now, going back would be a struggle.

Just stumbled across this (and caught myself up in a "ayup, that's where some of my timing issues are at"). Itching to get back to the lane and try this!!!


07-20-2013, 09:18 AM
I'll show it to her Donna, thanks.

Bob, I've begged her to see a coach. not because I care how good/bad she bowls, but because she gets so frustrated when she does poorly.

Sadly, she is unwilling.

07-20-2013, 09:56 AM
I changed from a 4 step to a 5 step earlier this year and have never looked back. This was at the advice of the lane pro who suggested it to help get some more speed on my ball. My first league game with a 5 step approach was 211 and a few weeks ago I rolled my first sanctioned 300 with it. So I ain't going back LOL. The first time I bowled with it, it did take some time to remember to use it and there were a few frames where I forgot and reverted back to my old 4 step. But it was a matter of trusting it for me.

07-20-2013, 11:09 AM
The way I determined I wanted coaching.... I asked myself (and answered the following).

1) Do I want to get better?
If the answer is yes go to the next question - if no see the last statement
2) Do I owe it to myself to get better at something I enjoy?
If the answer is yes go to the next question - if no see the last statement
3) Do I want to learn from someone other than my significant other, who in my case can tell me what I'm doing wrong but can't tell me how to fix it?
If the answer is yes go to the next question - if no see the last statement
4) Do I someday want to be better than my hubby?
If the answer is Hell, yes! - GET A COACH - if no see the last statement

Last statement: Then quit being frustrated and just enjoy the game!!!

07-20-2013, 12:34 PM
I'll show it to her Donna, thanks.

Bob, I've begged her to see a coach. not because I care how good/bad she bowls, but because she gets so frustrated when she does poorly.

Sadly, she is unwilling.

If you ever figure out the secret to this let me know...I need it for my husband.

07-20-2013, 12:39 PM
Well, I decided to go with the 5-step change from Thursday's coaching and I can say that I plan to stay with it - but, I didn't bowl all that well on Friday. I was 50 pins under average, but I think I was concentrating to hard on my feet instead of just going with it. Also, I felt I was controlling my swing and I couldn't seem to quit. I can't feel too bad though because out of 8 people on the lanes - no one made there average overall. Our team was 200 under average and we still won all 7 points in a 100% handicap league (was only 19 pin difference, though).

Looking forward to Tuesday night to see what transpires. At least I feel more inclined to go bowl than I did a few weeks ago when I was really bowling poorly - and couldn't get a clue on what to fix.