View Full Version : Jessica (2)

08-11-2013, 06:21 PM
Lots of practice and a recovered wrist.. :)

The feet stays almost completely on the ground now.. the swing is not 100 % straight but it gets a little better...
And hopefully we can go on the get the right foot to get on the approach with the dorsum?? (thats the right word?) instead of the toe..
i saw her body gets more straight when she does that.. but its not real easy to do yet..


J Anderson
08-11-2013, 06:44 PM
I probably shouldn't be making any comments since I think her technique looks better than mine. Never the less I will say that her right arm looks a bit tense in her stance. Most of the weight of the ball appears to be on her right hand and not well supported by the left.

08-11-2013, 07:48 PM
It almost appears she's about to throw a two handed shot. I notice the left hand's on the ball a little longer than usual. But that's her style of bowling. Can't grouse about it. Everyone has their own bowling style

08-11-2013, 08:54 PM
Looks good

08-12-2013, 05:30 PM
http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af29/noeymc1323/Snapshot18-12-20135-14PM_zps72bf38c7.png (http://s990.photobucket.com/user/noeymc1323/media/Snapshot18-12-20135-14PM_zps72bf38c7.png.html)

ill have to look it again later this is just what jump out at me

08-13-2013, 04:42 AM

We are working on the knee bend!
a problem we used to have was she came up at the release with her upper body..
now it stays more low.. just have to get a little lower indead :) so good catch..
i will shot her release next time i bring my camera.. i can shoot it in hi-speed..

08-13-2013, 02:49 PM

We are working on the knee bend!
a problem we used to have was she came up at the release with her upper body..
now it stays more low.. just have to get a little lower indead :) so good catch..
i will shot her release next time i bring my camera.. i can shoot it in hi-speed..

awesome i didnt get to really watch it all out as i was busy but next time you guys do record get 2-3 shots of each angle side/back so i can get 3 shots to look at and try to sneak it people tend to focus more and try harder to make there forum look better when they know there being recorded

i forgot to put this in the pic but i am whiling to bet her timing is off with her controlling her swing like she is

08-13-2013, 03:13 PM
a training tool for getting the arm straight and swing a little straighter is too stand in your finished posted shot position and swing the ball back and forth. Keep working at it until you can do it with a cupped wrist but elbow straight and swing straight. If doing this with the ball is too difficult in the beginning, use something lighter and work up to the ball; ie, can of vegetables, sack of suger, 10 lb weight - you get the idea.