View Full Version : Storm polish.

08-18-2013, 12:35 AM
So I was looking at storm polish and they don't have any factory finish style polish they have this step one, step two, and step 3 and they sand? So if I was resurfacing my freakin frantic (1500 grit) I would use step 2 (2000 grit finish)??? If they do happen to have a normal polish please tell me!

08-18-2013, 03:06 AM
storm step 2 finishes at 1500 grit polished Rj

08-18-2013, 10:40 AM
Reacta Shine?


08-18-2013, 10:44 AM
The Factory finish on the Freak'n Frantic is 1500, here's the steps to restore it to that:

1500-grit Polished Factory Finish
1. 500-grit Abralon – Sand firmly for 30 seconds on all four sides.
2. 1000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
3. 2000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
4. 4000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
5. Storm Step Two™ – Polish lightly for 15 seconds on each side.

Storm recommends touching up the surface with only the final step (Which would be Storm Step 2) every 20 games and resurfacing completely every 30-50 games.

Storm Reacta Shine would be a okay substitute, it finishes around 1500. And Storm show's it for daily surface maintenance on their 1500 grit ball's.

See Storm Maintenance poster here:

08-18-2013, 11:29 AM
Reacta shine works GREAT!! I buy the large bottle, and best price I have found is Bowlingball.com!! Top of page! lol It brought my Yellow IQ peal back to life, and look actually better then out of the box new! GREAT,,, SUPER GREAT product... for any brand of ball with polished surface

REACTA SHINE!!! GREAT STUFF!!! Iceman recommends it HIGHLY

08-19-2013, 12:28 AM
A lot of times I will do a light coat of Reacta shine after using step 2 to give the ball a little better appearance. And also as mentioned I use it to maintain the finish