View Full Version : Jaescrub/Jason hates bowling, WHY??? Well........

09-04-2013, 11:45 AM
Jaescrub/Jason hates bowling - the whole bowling season. Now, please don't ask why; no one quite knows the reason why? It could be, perhaps, that his bowling shoes were too tight. Or it could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right.

But I think that the most likely reason of all... may have been that his heart was two sizes too BIG. But, whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes, he stood there on league night hating the other bowlers,,,,,,,,,,,, for he had no balls….

Jason has one flaw, that some would say was not a flaw at all! He would give away, let’s say, not hay, in the month of May, on a clear day, the bowling balls he had won, leaving him none, not even one, this fine son!

So the moral of this sad tale is this: If you win a ball, KEEP IT!! Quit giving them away, is what I say, even if it’s not Monday! How will they ever learn to Win, when should they begin! With a friend like you, they will never be blue, or need a ball, ,, , no,,, never at all!

Jason, ,, Your bowling heart is 2 big, and we know this to be true, why not quite winning for others, and try winning for you!

Iceman lol

(any likely hood that the above resembles the Grinch that stole Christmas, with a bowling angle ,,, is ridiculous, ludicrous, and preposterous!)
(please understand that the above is FICTION, and if it resembles Jason that is on this bowlingboard, Iceman doesn’t know what to tell you, but your wrong?)

09-04-2013, 12:58 PM
Ha ha ha this made my day. Iceman I bet your loved by everyone you meet and the life of the party ;) ill make you a deal ill keep the next ball I win for my self xx fingers its one I like ;)

09-04-2013, 01:50 PM
He's a poet and doesn't know it!!

Well done.

It reminds me of the TV commercial for Mike's Hard Lemonade: "...even if a man covered in dirt rubs up on your shirt. Even if there are bodybuilders on bikes? Yes, even if they bring that guy that nobody likes."