View Full Version : How long will a balls surface last?

09-30-2013, 08:58 PM
Does it depend on what surface your ball has like an Abralon 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 or 4000? Maybe it also depends on what your ball is made of like a solid, pearl, urethane or reactive resin. I guess there are limits on how often a ball should be resurfaced depending on how many games are put on it. Eventually a ball getting oil soaked or a worn out surface will make a ball react different and lose it's ability to go to the pocket the right way. The guy at the pro shop told me that because my ball is urethane that it does not absorb a lot of oil. What opinion do you have on this? :cool:

J Anderson
09-30-2013, 10:51 PM
With modern bowling balls there are two things going on. One is oil soaking into the cover stock. Obviously how much gets absorbed depends on what the cover stock is made of and how well the bowler takes care of wiping it off and cleaning it.

The other is the abrasion of the ball surface by the lane. Some one posted some thing about how fast this friction changes the surface of the ball. Again this will vary due to the lane surface, the ball cover stock, the bowler's rev rate, etc. It struck me as pretty amazing how fast the ball surface can change.

10-01-2013, 11:29 AM
You should touch up the surface every 20-30 games, de-oil and resurface very 60 or so. For some of us this is quite often...

10-01-2013, 11:38 AM
Brunswick(i think) did a big study on how the ball surface changed and when best to due surface touchups, de-oils, and full resurfaces

SOmeone on here posted a link somewhere on there to the article.

30 games touch-up, 60 games de-oil, 100 games resurface is the list I have seen most often.

10-01-2013, 03:09 PM
With modern bowling balls there are two things going on. One is oil soaking into the cover stock. Obviously how much gets absorbed depends on what the cover stock is made of and how well the bowler takes care of wiping it off and cleaning it.

so much this. I tried to de oil my crossroad the other day which ive had for almost a year and has never been de oiled but i wipe it off before each shot and clean it after sessions. Nothing came out of it.

Im assuming your talking about your blue hammer, Hammer, and idk about the newer urethanes but the older true urethanes could take a beating and still hook. I still use my dads true urethane from the 80's and he never cleaned, de oiled or resurfaced it and it still hooks like it should