View Full Version : Best game not helping the ball in the swing with arm muscle........

10-05-2013, 10:47 PM
Doing two things wrong in the first game gave me a 135. OUCH! The two things were putting my pinky next to my ring finger on my strike ball and using too much arm muscle in the swing. Second game spread my pinky away from my ring finger and things started to look better. Still wasn't leaving the arm muscle out of it enough. Had a bunch of 7 pin leaves in the first two games. YIKES! Second game 161. Started the 3rd game with opens in the first two frames. Third frame I
decided to let the ball come off my hand like it does when I shoot at my 7 pin leaves without using arm muscle to help it down the lane. SURPRISE! Nice arcing shots to the pocket and tearing up the pins. Started stringing strikes and getting spares. So for me letting the weight of the ball swing my arm and letting the ball pull itself off of my hand gave me a 206 third and final game. In bowl versity one of the tips were to never give up when you start having bad frames or games in a three game set on league night. Always hang in tough to the very end. I started with two lousy games and two open frames at the beginning of the third game and ended up with a 206. Mental note for next league night: keep pinky finger spread away from the ring finger and throw the strike ball like throwing the ball at my 7 pin leaves without using arm muscles to add anything to the shot. Let the ball swing my arm and not the arm to swing the ball using muscle. It was amazing how nice the ball was going into the pocket with a nice controlled arc with no help and not one 7 pin leave after another. :cool: