View Full Version : How not to throw over your thumbhole...

10-09-2013, 03:46 PM
I just found out, when having a new peace of equipment drilled, that my ball rolls over my thumbhole. The closesd flare line crosses the thumbhole.
Of course this has has to do with my release. So What not to do...? but at the same time keep my revs?
I understand that i miss a ball effect by throwing the way i do, but at the same time i have my revs...
Any tips or bowlers with the same issue ??

10-09-2013, 06:13 PM
Yeah...I can't tell when my thumb comes out. I know it's supposed to come out before the fingers, and I'm sure it does...but if I try to think about it while I'm throwing it's just impossible.

10-09-2013, 06:15 PM
I bet you are a full roller a drilling set up for that might be what the Dr. Ordered.

10-09-2013, 06:16 PM
All I know is...if I try to "intentionally" remove my thumb before my fingers...I drop the ball in the right gutter.

10-10-2013, 10:24 PM
Aslan, the OP is asking about the ball rolling over the thumbhole after his release.

Jaescrub, even if the ball is drilled for a full roller, that doesn't change the fact that the ball travels over the thumbhole upon release.

10-10-2013, 10:58 PM
This occurs because the hand is in between a full roller (thumb in) and three quarter (thumb out) release. To correct this, have make sure that the thumb is in the 1:00 position until the release. Then release the thumb and rotate the fingers.

From Dick Ritger
Ball rolling over the thumb hole

If your ball is rolling over the thumbhole there are some things that you can do that might help.

First, you might be a full roller who needs the track to move between the thumb and finger holes...if that is the case, what I offer for advice may not work. If you are naturally a semi-roller, this should do the trick.

You hit the thumb because you turn the ball too early and that moves the track up and onto the thumb hole. Try the following:

1. Start with your hand in a position that places it directly under the ball in your stance. Try to maintain that hand position throughout the swing and release.

2. Another thought can be that the heel of your hand passes near your ankle at the release point. By keeping the heel of the hand near the sliding ankle the hand will stay behind the ball better.

3. Releasing the thumb late also causes the ball to track over the thumb. Targeting a little closer to the foul line (try the dot area at seven feet) will often help get the release better.

4. Make sure you have light pressure on the thumb hole to aid in getting the thumb out earlier and moving the track outside the thumb.

5. In all cases you must exaggerate the 'feeling' to actually get the result.

If none of these work, I recommend you find a good coach in your area and have him/her help you with this issue.

10-11-2013, 04:31 PM
thanks for the advice bowl1820. I know i don't have a late thumbrelease. I've been told before that i turn my hand to early but never in connection with flaretrack over the thumbwhole. I intend to have my indexfinger pointing downwards just before release to get more under and aside the ball when releasing. Somewhere in this learningproces i have to make adjustments. Staying as long as possible behind the ball is one thing, so how and when to move is the other....or not ??

10-12-2013, 10:42 AM
Try not to turn your hand at all, just work the inside and let gravity do it's thing. If you're staying behind the ball it should come out better.

10-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Try not to turn your hand at all, just work the inside and let gravity do it's thing. If you're staying behind the ball it should come out better.

Can you please explain what you mean with 'work the inside' ?

10-12-2013, 05:33 PM
Sure, skip to 6:00


10-15-2013, 04:41 PM
Sure, skip to 6:00


Thanks. I've seen this video a dozen times. Always get hypnotized by it. Great stuff. Wonder when part 2 will be loaded up.
Sometimes i got the hang of it, working the inside, but still need a lot of practice to get stabile.