View Full Version : Changed from a one baller to an arsenal bowler tonight.....

10-20-2013, 01:47 AM
I used to use just my Blue Hammer on league night. I took my Anger Raw Hammer out of mothballs and used it as my strike ball tonight. I had to find out in practice before it counted where to stand for a good pocket hit. My slide foot which is my right had the arch on board 25. I was bellying the ball out towards the gutter between arrow two and three on the left side. The Anger would hit anywhere from board three to board six and make it to the pocket. I stayed on that board the whole night on both alleys. If I did have to make an adjustment it was a forward or back adjustment instead of a lateral adjustment. The forward or back move worked okay for me tonight. Bowling on a THS pattern I had to keep my speed up with the Anger because it is really made for a medium to oily lane condition. Playing on the THS pattern the Anger never seemed to lose any of it's energy. Using the Anger after a long layoff wasn't too bad. I bowled a 172, 180 and a 194. My average at this time is a 174 and this is without ever practicing so far this year. If I did practice I guess that I could be pretty good with maybe a 190 average. :cool:

10-20-2013, 03:12 PM
Good job Hammer, I just have to add that I bought a Blue Hammer back in August as my "dry lane" ball. My house tends to dry up around the 2nd game each league. Friday night was no exception. I have really come to rely on my Blue Hammer as a Plan B ball to my reactive resin ball. I sure has been delivering for me very well. It sounds like you had good luck moving back if you had to increase your speed.

10-20-2013, 04:50 PM
Been wanting a blue hammer urethane for dry lanes/spares. When my white dot dies I'll probably pick one up.

10-21-2013, 08:48 PM
Good job Hammer, I just have to add that I bought a Blue Hammer back in August as my "dry lane" ball. My house tends to dry up around the 2nd game each league. Friday night was no exception. I have really come to rely on my Blue Hammer as a Plan B ball to my reactive resin ball. I sure has been delivering for me very well. It sounds like you had good luck moving back if you had to increase your speed.

I needed more speed using my Anger Raw Hammer on a THS pattern. The Anger is made for medium to oily lane condition. To get more speed I used a technique I read in an article in Bowling This Month magazine. They said to get more speed to hold the ball lower in your stance on the approach. What happens when you do this your feet will move faster to the foul line so the swing will be timed right to the release. By golly it worked. I always thought that it was the opposite, higher for more speed and lower for less speed. Shows what I know. I was standing on board 24-26 with my sliding foot and throwing between the second and third arrow going out to board 3 to 6 for breakpoint. When done right the Anger really slams that pocket with nice pin carry. I tugged a few first ball shots but was rewarded with Brooklyn strikes. Hey, I'll take any kind of strike. :cool: