View Full Version : Worn shoe sole caused abdominal muscle strain

11-16-2013, 06:03 PM
I love my ABS Tour Ultra shoes and they pretty much still look new after wearing them for about four years. I guess I didn't really pay that much attention to the wear on the front inside sole of my right (non-slide) shoe. I have a bad habit in my delivery that I will probably never correct because it is so ingrained. As I go into my slide the toe of my right foot, rotates out to the right rather than to the left. Then as it comes behind me it corrects. This means that my toe is kind of twisting and rotating during my slide.

I don't believe this is normally a problem but now the sole of my shoe has started to separate and my foot now becomes "trapped" in that awkward position because the shoe catches on the part of the sole that is coming loose. It can't slide on the approach anymore. I wasn't really aware that it was happening, but it was. I can clearly see it on video.

The result is that with all my recent practice the twisting of my foot has caused strain all the way up my legs and into my lower abdominal muscle. I actually thought it might be a hernia or my appendix so I went to see the doctor. It turned out to be a female doctor who made me turn and *cough*. No hernia and too low to be the appendix. I told her what I thought caused it and she said right away that that was almost certainly the cause of the strain.

So I am supposed to lay off bowling for awhile. I should really take Monday off from league. I cut off the bad part of the sole and I would like a shoe cobbler to attach a piece of leather or some slippery material to that area of the shoe so it doesn't drag on the approach during my slide.

So the lesson from this? Pay attention to the condition of your shoes! They matter a whole lot!

11-17-2013, 03:17 PM
Worn Old Body, can cause muscle strains too..... but not mine,,,, not yet!!! LOL Iceman

11-17-2013, 03:46 PM
You're just going to explode into a level 7 super Saiyan soon.

12-16-2013, 10:11 PM
Well I haven't fixed the shoe yet and I bowled ten games of practice yesterday and felt like I fell out of a tree several hours later. I am still in some pain. I'm glad I was out of the league rotation tonight. My right ankle and left hip hurt. I also still have slight abdominal strain.

It's the shoe; I'm convinced of it. I bowled with a few other guys and one of them watched and said sometimes my foot stays in that awkward position and sometimes it doesn't. I know why that is. It's because of that loose sole. It's now starting to separate more. Sometimes it catches. Yes I can probably just glue it back together but I would really like to take it one step further. I would like to see if our local cobbler can attach something slippery to just that small zone of the shoe.

Hey, I could just wear a shoe sock and that would solve the catching issue but I think I would also lose all drive off that foot. I need the rubber on most of the sole except for the area to the left of my big toe. I think I will talk to the cobbler tomorrow if they are open after I get off work.

12-17-2013, 01:52 PM
If you found the right leather type material you are talking about you could probably just cut it to fit and use shoe-goo to attach it. I use to skateboard when I was in high school and you tear up shoes pretty quickly, shoe-goo is easy and extremely durable. Might be a cheaper option, either way you go about it good luck and hope you find a solution.

12-18-2013, 10:12 PM
Well, because of the force it must have taken to get the sole to let go in the first place, I opted NOT to try my own repair. Today I dropped the shoe off at a local cobbler and he is going to reattach the sole and also manually stitch a piece of leather around the edge. His plan sounded good to me. I don't know about the cost. It's "time and materials." Hopefully it won't be too much. Without the repair the shoe would probably need to be replaced and I'm guessing they are close to $150 for the pair.

...I like that word "cobbler." It makes me hungry for dessert.

12-26-2013, 07:57 PM
I wear Dexter SST 8's I just replaced my sole and the heel on my slide foot at the beginning of the month

12-26-2013, 09:57 PM
The cost of the repair was $18 and it made a huge difference. For the first time in a long time I am not in pain after bowling. I was starting to think it was normal to be in pain because I was getting older. Neither my right ankle or left hip now hurt after bowling. The abdominal strain was bad enough that it is still not 100% gone but it gets better all the time.