View Full Version : A funny thing happened on the way to the river...

The German Shepherd
11-20-2013, 03:11 PM
Some of you may know that I blew out two disks a few months ago (my L4 and L5) and this has seriously hampered my ability to bowl. I began the process of working my way back into the game after a layoff of some weeks and it was then that I discovered just how fast I can lose my game. Over the course of the last 4 weeks, my average plummeted 24 pins - from a 233 to a 209. I have been so frustrated that I was figuring I'd go throw my equipment ino the Delaware River. This past Monday night almost sealed the deal. The lanes were so dry that I struggled keeping right of the head pin. On one occasion I left the 3,4,6,7,9,10 split on my first ball of game three. The ony good news of the entire night was converting it. I ended up with a 540 for my night's efforts.

So, frustrated, depressed and ready to scream, I went to my Wednesday AM Oldies but Goodies league.. To make a long story short, I bowled a 224, 229, 278 for a 731. My bowling equipment has been given a reprieve. I concentrated HARD on following through my target line and staying down on my shots and it seemed to help. We'll see what happens next week....


11-21-2013, 01:32 AM
Nice job, Jay. Don't be too quick to get frustrated.....you've got to expect a little dip in performance after a break like that.