View Full Version : AMF Bowlless not a good combination IMHA!!

11-29-2013, 11:00 PM
You know last year we were given 2, or was it 3 free games PER League you bowled on! We all had a One Day a week 2 free hours of practice bowling at a specific time and day! At ours it was Friday from 12 to 2 pm! It was never crowed, and they had a small old timers league at the same time.

Now we have higher prices on food, beer, drinks ect... and only 2 games a week practice!

Now I know its all about making money, but many of use miss the practice games! There is no incentive to bowl more leagues, you only get 2 per week!

I think I just might have to check out some other independent bowling alleys in the area! Why bowl more then one at AMF now that they have taken away all the goodies, and increasing the prices on food, and drinks!

I can understand the hours, ( I guess??) opeing at 4pm many days now, but taking the practice time, away, and not giving free games for EACH LEAGUE is going to have Iceman looking at other lanes....

could it have been management, and salaries that was/is the problem, not the incentives!

11-29-2013, 11:21 PM
It was because AMF has already filed for bankruptcy twice. The reason why they did away with our 2 free hours we enjoyed so much, was because the people that were coming in and bowling for two free hours weren't buying anything. They would just come in, bowl for free, not buy any snack bar food, and use up lanes that could otherwise be given to the public who would at least spend the money on the games being bowled. It sucks for us, but I understand why they are making the changes. They don't want a third bankruptcy.

11-30-2013, 09:32 AM
I am not sure that was the main reason for their poor financial problems! I think when you look deeper, you will find that it has to do with a HOST of other things, and had little to do with the incentives. Greedy management has a way of sucking the life out of many businesses! Do some changes need to be made, SURE! As much as I hate the new hours, I do understand, and there are always other lanes one can go to when you local AmF is closed till 4pm most days!

I still say that incentives are a way of keeping a customers!! We should still get the 2 free games a week per league, not just two no matter how many leagues your on!

I think AMF's problems will not be solved by the current business model, it has more to do with the lack of growth in the sport of bowling! That's where the focus should be! Ways to get people back to the lanes! NOT by taking away incentives.

USBC needs to change it's stand on a lot of things,,,, bowling is boring to the young now,,, lets get some characters in the sport,,, Lets change the dress codes,,,, to where they all don't look like the Beaver's Dad, in leave it to Beaver!! LOL

If the youth of today don't find bowling relevant, then its domed to die.... and that's something I would hate to see!

Bowling needs to GET WITH IT, and Redefine itself, or be doomed to the same fate of the Diana shores!! LOL.....I know the correct spelling... lol but.... Iceman

11-30-2013, 10:14 AM
I've heard nothing but bad things on this forum and others about how this company treats league bowlers. It's unfortunate.

12-06-2013, 11:20 PM
Speaking of getting youngsters involved. Quite a few up and coming juniors here in Australia have taken to wearing http://au.loudmouthgolf.com/ pants and skirts from these guys. just one thing that's a bit more youth styled keeping some of the youth interested and not seeing it as a "Beavers Dad" sport.

12-07-2013, 01:25 AM
The company that bought part of AMF,, Bowlmor,,, (not sure if that spelling is correct?) Does not treat the bowlers, and league bowlers poorly!

We just lost a bunch of perk's that we once had under AMF, before the merger. We still have the great managers at our vivion AMF, here in Kansas city! And they do oil the lanes, before EVERY league each night/day!

I just think the 2 free games a week, no matter how many leagues your on is wrong! Last year I was on 4 leagues, so I got 2 for each league,,, total of 8 games! Now its a max of 2 a week! I hardly ever use them,,, lol,,, but its a matter of incentive to bowl more at a AMF, vs other bowling lanes I could use!

They also had a 2 hour, one day a week practice time that all league bowlers could use each week! There were never that many people taking advantage of that perk, because it was Friday 12pm to 2pm!

Food and beer have gone up, but that's the model that worked in New York where the stock brokers, and bankers like food, and drinks ect ect while they bowl!

Here in the Midwest we take our bowling very serious, but do have fun! Lobster, and T-Bone stakes. caviar, just aren't part of our equation!

Another grip I have is the hours of operation!! Many days now they don't open till 4pm!! What even happen to the OPEN 24 hours, lanes available??http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/DSC00292_zps670f7c5c.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/DSC00292_zps670f7c5c.jpg.html)

12-07-2013, 10:06 AM
Move to STL Iceman, we'll take care of you!

12-07-2013, 07:00 PM
I'm critical too…but I gotta admit…the bowling alley food there is gosh darn ridiculously good…and they don't appear to be struggling for business since I've been turned away for practice bowling 3 times in 2 months because the leagues are filling the place up. It'd be nice if they'd fix their broken lanes and get an oil machine that doesn't make each lane just a puddle…but I guess it's less disastrous than I initially thought.

12-07-2013, 11:46 PM
I'm critical too…but I gotta admit…the bowling alley food there is gosh darn ridiculously good…and they don't appear to be struggling for business since I've been turned away for practice bowling 3 times in 2 months because the leagues are filling the place up. It'd be nice if they'd fix their broken lanes and get an oil machine that doesn't make each lane just a puddle…but I guess it's less disastrous than I initially thought.

They send me Q and A's a few times a year, and I take the time to fill them out honestly! I know this because the Managers get copies of what I send the home office!

They do listen, so if I were you Aslan, (but I am glad I am not), lol,,, I would send your thoughts in an email to AMF!
If it works like it does for me, you will get a response from your bowling establishment in regards to your concerns!!

Good luck!!

There in California have the cut back on lane hours like they did here in Kansas City! Many days at our establishment they don't open till 4pm!!

Our oil machine is old, but they change the wicks the 15th of every month, and do oil before each and every league!

12-07-2013, 11:52 PM
Move to STL Iceman, we'll take care of you!

St Louis is a great town! I bowled there in that AMF district playoffs! I think it was the Pete Weber lanes. If I make it up that way some time, I might give you a call, and we can throw a few,,, for money!!! LOL like $100,000 winner take all one game!!

I can't get The Dude to take me up on the offer!! Thanks for the invite!!

12-18-2013, 11:38 AM
Bowlmor does not care about league bowlers they are wanting to turn the centers in too more of a glow bowl premire entertainment place. At least that is what I am hearing from some of the management from Sheridan lanes here in Tulsa. The only good thing I have seen from this takeover is they now give free refills on you soft drinks. Even though the small is now more expensive then the large used to be.

12-20-2013, 12:29 AM
Bowlmor does not care about league bowlers they are wanting to turn the centers in too more of a glow bowl premire entertainment place. At least that is what I am hearing from some of the management from Sheridan lanes here in Tulsa. The only good thing I have seen from this takeover is they now give free refills on you soft drinks. Even though the small is now more expensive then the large used to be.

What works in New York, does not cut the mustard here in Kansas City Mo! Leagues are a life line to the bowling lanes, take them away and they truly will die! Bowlmore will lose a LOT OF BOWLERS if lane conditions falter!

Our bowling lanes are not about Expensive Food and Drink, but about good lanes that are oiled before league!

We had a representative form Bowlmore at our lanes this evening doing an inspection! They are on the prowl!!

So far I can't complain! Good lane conditions, and we are all happy! They change the wicks on the oil machine one a mouth, on the 15th at our lanes. If they discontinue this maintenance , all of the serious bowlers will simple go to one of many independent lanes!!

So far other then the crappy hours of operation,,, opening many days at 4pm.... lose of our once a week 2hours of free practice... its not been to bad!

We do get the 2 fee games a week now! But before we got 2 free games a week for each league we were on, plus the 2hours one day a week.

Report CARD SO FAR,,, is a ( B )..... could have been an A, if they would have kept some of the benefits, and better hours.

12-20-2013, 12:38 PM
We had a representative form Bowlmore at our lanes this evening doing an inspection! They are on the prowl!!

I saw that at the AMF I roll at as well. The staff was quite nervous.

The problem is...Bowlmor wants to enhance the "environment" and the "ambiance" and the food and the drink and the paint on the walls and the music and the black lights and, etc.., etc... Then when you go to the alley and ask why their oil machine is broken and half their lanes are not working...it's a "lower priority". In other words..."bowling" isn't really Bowlmor's priority.

12-20-2013, 11:47 PM
I saw that at the AMF I roll at as well. The staff was quite nervous.

The problem is...Bowlmor wants to enhance the "environment" and the "ambiance" and the food and the drink and the paint on the walls and the music and the black lights and, etc.., etc... Then when you go to the alley and ask why their oil machine is broken and half their lanes are not working...it's a "lower priority". In other words..."bowling" isn't really Bowlmor's priority.

Having been in business a little myself, don't ask what, its none of your business!

Let me just say this,,, their model that Works with rich yuppies in New York, will not cut the mustard here! If the oil machine breaks down, and they don't get it fixed that week, all the bowlers I know would leave those AMF's in a heart beat!!!! Not speculation a FACT! If the oil machine does not lay correct patterns and needs maintenance and it does not get it,,,,,,,, That whole league will take its business else where!

New York, and Midwest are two opposing bowling crowds! BEWARE BOWmor!,,,, Don't mess with our LEAGUES!!
Or suffer another bankruptcy!! There are many other places were we can bowl here in Kansas city!

I know in New York, Filthy Rich Stock Brokers, and Bankers, go to the lanes for Expensive foods, Drinks, entertainment,,, and abeyance maybe even throw a ball with dollar signs all over it, down the bone dry lanes, with hot chicks dressed in 4,000.00 jeans and shoes!

Sure it worked there, but it won't here!

We would be happy bowling in an air-conditioned/heated barn, if it has good lanes, dressed correctly! We like are cheap beer, and Jack Daniels whiskey here! All that other girly stuff, needs to stay on the East Coast!!

Real men bowl here, Blue Blooded, hard working men and women that know the value of good oiled lanes, dressed correctly and cheap bear and pretzels!! Were not into sushi and caviar, at the lanes!

12-21-2013, 11:55 PM
I might actually agree with Iceman. I'm in Cali…but I'm not a "California born" resident. I was born in one of bowlines meccas…Detroit. So for this midwestern born bowler…I would actually prefer a bowling alley with no frills or video screens…a smoke filled bar…old circa 1970s bowling equipment…and the old projection scoring tables where ya had to mark your own scores.

But do you realize how many leagues would bowl at a place like that?? Zero. In Cali, they want that Bowlmor nonsense. The cushy couches, red lighting, high-priced mixed drinks, gourmet food. I walk in there wearing an actual bowling shirt…and I look around and see women in sweaters and yoga pants…and men wearing jeans so tight I can't imagine how you could sit down much less bowl.

But since I sure as HELLo ain't moving back to Detroit or to the other major city thats pretty much on par in terms of looking like a natural disaster (St. Louis)…I guess I gotta put up with the aggravation. :(

12-22-2013, 05:47 PM
Thats fine but this model aint a one size fits all. What works here aint gonna work there. You make all those changes to a place like Tulsa and you are just gonna have a empty building most of the time. The AMF Sheridan Lanes in tulsa has always been a league house all 60 lanes are full almost every night for leagues. We already have one bowling alley that caters to this kind of crowd. There is the Dust bowl for adults. This is just a downtown bar that has 8 lanes and the ambienance. It has never had a league and never will. Then there is Andy B's which has laser tag a VIP bowling area which is away from the regular lanes.
We already have leagues saying they aint coming back to Sheridan next year. They are supposed to be updating the scoring system right now we dont have league for two weeks due to the holidays so we will see if it gets done.

12-22-2013, 09:33 PM
But do you realize how many leagues would bowl at a place like that?? Zero. In Cali, they want that Bowlmor nonsense. The cushy couches, red lighting, high-priced mixed drinks, gourmet food. I walk in there wearing an actual bowling shirt…and I look around and see women in sweaters and yoga pants…and men wearing jeans so tight I can't imagine how you could sit down much less bowl.( I was born and raised in Socal and have have bowled in my share of alleys. Perhaps you need to find an alley farther away from Orange County. What about Riverside, Norco, San Bernardino. Have they also gone to the darkside?

12-23-2013, 12:50 AM
I was born and raised in Socal and have have bowled in my share of alleys. Perhaps you need to find an alley farther away from Orange County. What about Riverside, Norco, San Bernardino. Have they also gone to the darkside?

Well, San Bernadino and Norco are about 5-6 hours away so I don't think I'm driving that far to bowl.

And Riverside requires a drive on the I91 through the Green River pass…which means a 3 hour traffic nightmare that will literally cause me to kill myself.

I have bowled in Riverside…at Mike White's stomping ground…and it's a cool crowd. I just can't deal with that nightmare traffic.

Fountain Bowl and Tustin aren't bad. Neither is Carter (Fullerton) either. They just tend to get "uppity" when you get closer to coast, LA, Anaheim. I wish Fountain Bowl was closer…but as I eluded to; in California…you are sort of restricted to lanes within 15-25 minutes drive…otherwise you're gonna be late on league night because traffic is such a nightmare. If I bowled at Fountain Valley on a weeknight…trying to go on the 55, 405, and/or I-5…forget about it. It could take me 45 minutes or it could take me 2 hours and 45 minutes. I'd love to bowl at Fountain Bowl…I mean it's a legitimate alley that has hosted big PBA tournaments over the years…so it's legit. But traffic is a nightmare in Cali as you know.

Yorba Linda was kinda old skool…but it closed down. Concourse (Anaheim Hills) is my usual center. AMF Carter (Fullerton) isn't too far away and I can get to it avoiding the I-91 during rush hour. If those 2 ever cease to become options…I'd have to look for an alley closer to where I work in Whittier and just go there direct from work.

12-23-2013, 12:51 AM
You know we lived in Modesto California for 6 years, and then moved back home to Kansas City to be close to family that needed help! We had two nice size bowling alleys, but I never bowled ONE game while there!! I could kick myself in the ASK, for not getting into bowling while there!!

I can't even tell you what the lanes were like to bowl on, but they looked like they had some history, and would have been interesting to have bowled on!

We have a number of Mom and Pop bowling lanes around the Kansas City area, that will be here even if AMF/Bowlmore fails!

When and IF the AMF/Bowlmor lanes fail, that's up to them!

I haven't seen a lot of renovations being done like they did out East! None at all other then taking away perks, and raising the price of the same food, and drinks?????

01-06-2014, 08:40 PM
Our center was supposed to do things over the Christmas break one install a new scoring system and two put in automatic doors. As of last week neither had been done.

01-08-2014, 09:31 AM
The center I bowl at just got new scoring equipment(October if i remember right)

the touchscreens and the picture taking are great for open/fun bowling. some of the features are nice for league also (ball speed measuerd) oh yeah and now interracts with X-bowling app which can be fun.

but they didn't upgrade the machinery in the back... Hopefully that is the next investment

01-08-2014, 10:05 PM
Ok Sheridan has started installing the new scoring systems it is supposed to take two weeks to have them all in.

01-08-2014, 11:36 PM
Scoring and machinery upgrades are over rated IMO.. One house I bowl at got new top of the line stuff and I could really care less after using it for a couple months.

01-09-2014, 11:54 PM
Scoring and machinery upgrades are over rated IMO.. One house I bowl at got new top of the line stuff and I could really care less after using it for a couple months.

Scoring and machinery upgrades are over rated IMO.. One house I bowl at got new top of the line stuff and I could really care less after using it for a couple months.

that's because your NOT A girlly type bowler! YOUR a MAN!! We men don't give a rats ask about sham- pane, crumpets, caviar on crackers..... YOU my Friend form the great state of Missouri, home of Pete Weber, and his dad, R
The Real Deal! Girly pictures, ambience, means NOTHING to us!!

As I have said before those East Coast Bowless, Stock brokers, Banker types, don't even know what bowling is all about!!
They can have all their Bells and Whistles, bowling lanes that look like whore houses, ( not that iceman has EVER been to one, just seen pictures)!

Bowling is a Sport! Not a social get together with Cosmic B.S. and $20.00 beers!

We don't ask much here in Kansas City Mo. Just consistent oil, applied properly, and a cover over our heads, Cheap Beer, and pretzels with cheese sauce, and marinara! AMF will FAIL if they think that what works on the East and west cost will work here in the bowling capital of the world.... MISSOURI!! We are the HEART and SOUL of Bowling, some say it all started here!!!

If you turn our lanes into Cosmic Fun houses, you will find that we will take our business to Mom, and Pop lanes though-out the Kansas city area... I would drive 100 miles to play on good well maintained lanes without all the EYE CANDY, and Up-a-T- food products!!!

01-10-2014, 12:38 AM
I do hope it all works out!! I know I can be hard on Bowlmore, or less! LOL,,, but I do want you to succeed!! GOOD LUCK!! Maybe there is room for both styles of bowling, and maybe one will help the other grow!! That is my wish to YOU! Iceman enough on this subject form me... (:)

01-27-2014, 01:02 PM
I went to an AMF lane last week and they had just installed those new scoring/touchscreen things. Two critiques:

1) If you're going to make renovations to your alleys...can you do it while you're closed? It's rather disturbing when you're trying to bowl and you got somebody stripping the head of a screw with a power drill 3 lanes over. I already gotta deal with the little kid on my right running around wildly on the approach while I'm standing there...I'm not good enough of a bowler to deal with that many distractions at once.

IMAGINE PDW!!! WWPDWD bracelet? What Would Pete D. Weber Do? He'd probably punch the little kid in the face, cuss out the kids father for not controlling him, then smash the drill with a house ball.

2) No matter how uniform the food menus...or how great the atmosphere...or how cool the new scoring systems... it's still not going to make up for the fact that I literally waited over 10 minutes at the front desk for a person to show up...then another 10 minutes because that person couldn't work the register. And when I considered buying some lunch...I couldn't because nobody was working the snack bar.

Also....for those of you that have used these fancy new touch screens at the lanes....don't they quickly get "messed up" as casual/cosmic bowlers destroy them and league bowlers drape their towels on them??

01-27-2014, 01:45 PM
My house was AMF until last year, they went independent when AMF went into bankruptcy. From everything I've heard about Bowlmor and their approach I sure am glad they did. Couldn't care less about fancy displays and couches when I'm in league, I want good lanes, and friendly/knowledgeable staff. So far the alley has delivered (and fixed some long standing problems like potholes, installed automatic doors, etc). The owners who bought it are pretty well-known bowlers in this area and seem to be in-tune with what's going on.

Personally, I'm not sure how AMF/Bowlmor will survive if they don't cater to leagues; or at least accommodate them. Most alleys outside of large cities survive on leagues play as far as I know.

01-27-2014, 02:26 PM
I get 0 games free and 1 alley I get a very small discount

01-29-2014, 11:00 PM
Each league bowler was given a league appreciation ticket, to use for any drink, beer, shot, coke, mixed drink you wanted! I am on 3 leagues so at the beginning of each league the management gave each of us ONE ticket!

A nice gesture! They still oil the lanes just before league! No complaints! They are doing minor cosmetic things like painting the inside of the lanes ect.

All the horror stories have not happened! Keep it up Bowlmor..... and we will bowl more!

02-06-2014, 05:00 PM

When a person sends your MEGASITE an email asking for league information at 2 lanes in their area....you MIGHT want to answer them!!

I mean seriously. It's no wonder AMF alleys struggle. I asked 4 centers for information about their leagues. I got a response from one the next day, and the following day. Both private centers. The 2 AMF centers....nothing since I sent the email last weekend. And you can't go on their webiste to get league information...because when you click on "league bowling" it just lists the phone number and a link to click on to ask about it...which I did.

A friggin joke. You go to an AMF center and 3-5 lanes are broken down or they have no staff at the counter or they don't even know what leagues they offer. And the ONLY reason I even care....is I have a 4-man team that needs to bowl on a Thursday....and I want a sanctioned league either near home or the office...and 2 of the 4 choices are AMF....and the other 2 centers have a 3-man summer league or a 5-man summer league...no 4-man.

rant over

J Anderson
02-06-2014, 06:44 PM

And the ONLY reason I even care....is I have a 4-man team that needs to bowl on a Thursday....and I want a sanctioned league either near home or the office...and 2 of the 4 choices are AMF....and the other 2 centers have a 3-man summer league or a 5-man summer league...no 4-man.

rant over

I would suggest going with the three man league and have all four men on the roster. All four show up each week and either the low man or the one most pins under average/least pins over sits out. We did this in the seventies with a 6 person roster for a five man team and kept track of who was low the last game of the previous week to know who would sit out the first game. If they were low the second game, then the next lowest would sit out the last game. Most people need that assurance that they'll get to bowl at least two games or they won't show up.

02-06-2014, 09:14 PM
I would suggest going with the three man league and have all four men on the roster. All four show up each week and either the low man or the one most pins under average/least pins over sits out. We did this in the seventies with a 6 person roster for a five man team and kept track of who was low the last game of the previous week to know who would sit out the first game. If they were low the second game, then the next lowest would sit out the last game. Most people need that assurance that they'll get to bowl at least two games or they won't show up.

Thats one way to do it. I dont think I would want to have to sit out any games so it may make me try harder.

02-06-2014, 10:48 PM
Actually it's more complicated because I have 4 + a sub. So really, I HAVE a 5-man team…but one of the guys doesn't want to commit to playing every week.

If the 2 AMF centers don't respond and/or have 4-team leagues…we'll just do the 5-man league and either try to pick up another bowler from work, to maybe split time with the guy who wants to be a sub…or have the center hook us up with a player looking for a team.

It's all good. I just get frustrated with AMF…because a lot of them are struggling for business…and they are focusing on ambiance and food and beverages…yet can't seem to grasp basic customer service.

02-06-2014, 11:38 PM

When a person sends your MEGASITE an email asking for league information at 2 lanes in their area....you MIGHT want to answer them!!

I mean seriously. It's no wonder AMF alleys struggle. I asked 4 centers for information about their leagues. I got a response from one the next day, and the following day. Both private centers. The 2 AMF centers....nothing since I sent the email last weekend. And you can't go on their webiste to get league information...because when you click on "league bowling" it just lists the phone number and a link to click on to ask about it...which I did.

A friggin joke. You go to an AMF center and 3-5 lanes are broken down or they have no staff at the counter or they don't even know what leagues they offer. And the ONLY reason I even care....is I have a 4-man team that needs to bowl on a Thursday....and I want a sanctioned league either near home or the office...and 2 of the 4 choices are AMF....and the other 2 centers have a 3-man summer league or a 5-man summer league...no 4-man.

rant over

I think you have a management problem, not necessarily a AMF/Bowlmore problem!

I can honestly say that here in the Kansas city area, where we have 3 close to where I live, they are doing a good job so far!! Good oil before EACH and every league, only difference is some of the food and beer prices when up.

The same management as before they came involved, and they do keep us league bowlers happy!

They call US about leagues, and ask if we are interested! They have great follow up on calls... so Aslan,,, I believe its YOUR management that is lacking, not the company in general!

So far so good here in Kansas City Missouri!!

02-07-2014, 12:07 AM
AMF pissed me off again last week.
On Wednesday nights there is three leagues going on it is a 60 lane house and after the three leagues there is about 6 lanes available for open bowling after you take out what is used by leagues and the buffer pairs.
They just put in these fancy scoring systems and with these systems there is no longer the easy intercom we used to have now we have video chat with the desk.
Well I had a pin jam on my lane and every time I called up to the desk they hung up on me
It took over 20 minutes to get them to radio the mechanic and tell him there was a pin jam on my lane. Because the assistant manager wanted to deal with the open bowlers and ignore the league bowlers. (which fill that house 4 nights a week)
They have cut every ones hours so much and run on such a skeleton crew that they cant handle their responsibilities even when they know the house is going to be filled.

02-07-2014, 01:55 AM
sorry to hear about your problems!!! All I can say is here in the Kansas City area, things are Good, and no problems! If I had management problems I would call, and or send information to them! I doubt they will last long!

They know that a balance of league and recreational bowlers is a MUST FOR IT TO SURVIVE! It could be just bad, or poor management!

I would rate our AMF on vivion, here in Kansas city A plus! Great bunch of managers, and they take good care everyone! Sorry to hear your having problems down there in Tulsa!!

03-10-2014, 08:47 PM
I was just up at the AMF practicing with a few guys. A few lanes broke down and they kicked out all the open bowlers even a little girls birthday party. As I was leaving the parents were calling the local new station( this news station has a segment called problem solvers that deals with this kind of stuff and much more)

With me being a league bowler I dont have a problem with leaving if they need to move a league team to my where I am. But to kick out a party that had been previously arranged is a bunch of bull poo poo.

03-12-2014, 12:45 PM
Just as an update; after waiting 2 months for one of the 2 AMF centers to call me back, I filled my 5-man team and joined the Thursday league in my current house.

Sorry AMF...I love your hot dogs...but if you got a person asking about joining a league and you don't get back to them for over 2 months (and counting); you don't deserve the business. I'll take my $90/night in fees and food/beverages somewhere else. The 2 private centers I called...I had an email back within 24 hours!

03-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Just as an update; after waiting 2 months for one of the 2 AMF centers to call me back, I filled my 5-man team and joined the Thursday league in my current house.

Sorry AMF...I love your hot dogs...but if you got a person asking about joining a league and you don't get back to them for over 2 months (and counting); you don't deserve the business. I'll take my $90/night in fees and food/beverages somewhere else. The 2 private centers I called...I had an email back within 24 hours!

Ouch!!! It's just a individual management thing I am sure! Here I get calls from both AMF's in regards to coming leagues, and signing up.

Not all AMF's Are Created equal! LOL

03-12-2014, 02:45 PM
Ouch!!! It's just a individual management thing I am sure! Here I get calls from both AMF's in regards to coming leagues, and signing up.

Not all AMF's Are Created equal! LOL

I know you are right. I am considering not going back to the AMF here due to some really poor management.
They used to be pretty good and the shot aint to bad.
The proshop used to be AMF owned and they had decent prices but here recently the guy that ran the proshop made a deal with AMF to lease the shop and bought out all of the inventory. This allowed him to jack the prices up. For example the price on the Deadly Aim here is $259.99 where one of the other houses has it priced for 199.99.
After the bowlmor takeover they cut everyones hours and lost the best people that they had.
One being their senior mechanic. Now there seems to be more and more maintenance issues showing up.
I am about to the point that I cant even force myself to buy a soda in this place cause I dont want to support this house.

Mike White
03-13-2014, 01:27 AM
I know you are right. I am considering not going back to the AMF here due to some really poor management.
They used to be pretty good and the shot aint to bad.
The proshop used to be AMF owned and they had decent prices but here recently the guy that ran the proshop made a deal with AMF to lease the shop and bought out all of the inventory. This allowed him to jack the prices up. For example the price on the Deadly Aim here is $259.99 where one of the other houses has it priced for 199.99.
After the bowlmor takeover they cut everyones hours and lost the best people that they had.
One being their senior mechanic. Now there seems to be more and more maintenance issues showing up.
I am about to the point that I cant even force myself to buy a soda in this place cause I dont want to support this house.

Are those prices drilled?

I sell the Deadly Aim for $155. Drilling $45 additional.

03-13-2014, 01:37 AM
Are those prices drilled?

I sell the Deadly Aim for $155. Drilling $45 additional.

Yes that would be drilled. That is the price that is listed on the display all prices include drilling with grips and slugs being extra.
If you wasnt over a thousand miles away I might give you a shot.

09-04-2014, 06:07 PM
Yet another update of AMF/Bowlmor's idiocy...

There is an AMF center about 8 minutes drive from where I work. I tried to contact them numerous times to get league information and not ONCE have received an email or phone call back.

Well, today, one of my teammates wanted to bowl during lunchtime to get some practice in before league play tonight. So, we drive over and guess what?? They don't open until 3PM on Thursdays.

1) Last time I went to this center during a weekday, just after opening in the AM, they had at least 30 senior citizen bowlers in there bowling leagues.
2) So we drove about another 6-7 miles to a private owned center...there must have been 2 small ladies leagues getting ready to bowl at 1PM and another 3-6 lanes of bowlers in there.

Last time I returned to my old AMF house...it was like 6:00PM and we only went there because the private center we usually bowl at had a 45 minute wait for lanes due to leagues. We drove over to the AMF center...there were maybe 8-9 bowlers in there...2-3 lanes in use...the ball return broke down twice and the lanes were so dry that even with my weak rev rate the ball hooked into the 7-pin playing 2nd arrow.

Bowlmor is BAD...because they lack the situational understanding that even if you have light crowds during non-peak times...those are people who will generally keep coming back. If you have 2 leagues of old ladies...even if it's just a total of 20 ladies...and you close your center until 3PM during the week and essentially force them out...you're not getting that business back. Bowlmor doesn't care because they look at people like that...older league folks...who don't run up huge bar tabs...as "obstacles" to their business model. They think if they just open in the evening...cater a little bit to younger league folks...then turn the place into a night club from 7:30PM-12:00AM...that the place will make money.

I hate to tell you...but summer is OVER. The kids are back in school. What used to be a 30-45 minute wait for lanes at 9PM...now about 1/4 of the center is in use once leagues end. The young crowd is a fickle crowd. They have a LOT of competition for their entertainment dollar. And they don't tend to spend it "bowling" more than once a month. Yet Bowlmor will trade consistent, weekly traffic (leagues) for these trendy young folks...and just "hope" that young people are bored enough with the local bar scene to flock to the bowling alley every week.