View Full Version : What adjustment would you make in this situation?

12-01-2013, 10:48 AM
First my equipment: Raw Hammer Anger ball, pin next to ring finger and a little down, 2000 Abralon surface no polish and is a reactive resin ball. The other ball is a Blue Hammer ball with pin above ring finger and a urethane 2000 Abralon surface no polish.

I started out with a 225 game getting good strikes and making my mostly single pin spares giving me a clean game. The second game was a 194 with one open. The third game ended up being a 150 with three opens and no strikes. The Anger ball at the beginning of the third game started leaving 7 pins and 6 or 10 pins. Could not get into the pocket good to get any strikes so by the 6th frame I decided to go to the Blue Hammer for the strike ball and spare ball. I guess it was too late to find the right spot for the Blue.

The line I was playing for the first two games with the Anger was putting the arch of my sliding foot on anywhere from board 25 to 27 and throwing in the area going over anywhere from board 10 to board 13 and out to board 5 to 8. I was making good runs to the pocket using this area. It started to finally break down at the end of the second game. Maybe Icould have used a third ball. Maybe something between the Anger and Blue setup.

If this was you using the two balls that I was using what would you have done adjustment wise or what ball could I have used that was maybe between the two I was using?

12-01-2013, 01:49 PM
Move target left to 15 or further at arrows to find more oil also moving break point target same number of boards.

12-01-2013, 01:57 PM
Yep, Move inside and play the ball closer to the pocket.

Or move farther right, increase speed and play more direct to the pocket.

12-01-2013, 02:59 PM
I forgot to put in that I am left handed. That is probably why my line lasted into the end of the second game. I was the only one playing the left side of both alleys.

12-01-2013, 03:17 PM
I forgot to put in that I am left handed. That is probably why my line lasted into the end of the second game. I was the only one playing the left side of both alleys.

Okay a Lefty:

Move inside and play the ball closer to the pocket.

Or move farther left, increase speed and play more direct to the pocket.

J Anderson
12-01-2013, 06:57 PM
One problem that lefties can run into is that if, the righthanders are burning up the right side, they will keep marching left with their lay-down point and burn up the heads in the area that a lefty will have to move toward looking for more oil. Moving left and throwing more direct with the hammer would definitely be a good option.

Another strategy would be to start with the "weaker" ball, which might prolong the time you can play the original line, and switch to the more aggressive ball when you move deeper inside.

12-01-2013, 08:24 PM
That's what kills me in games sometimes is not being able to find a good adjustment to at least spare and have less opens and at least two or three strikes in a game that I become lost in as far as finding a good scoring area and leaving easy spare pickups. Thanks for the ideas so far. Never too many years of bowling under the belt to still learn something that will help my game.