View Full Version : Opinions on Two-Handed Bowling?

12-02-2013, 11:28 PM
How does everyone feel about this style? Does anyone at your lanes use it with any consistency and success?
I just swapped over to this style while my wrist healed from injury because it didn't really hurt at all when I bowled with it. Most of all though, because it was FUN. I enjoyed it a lot, you get so much speed and power, the pins just fly all over the place.

People in my league just criticize it so hard saying things like, "You'll never get any consistency with two-handed!"

"Wow watching two handed bowling is like watching a stupid monkey hurl a boulder down the lane"

I just wanted to hear what others thought about it, and if anyone else on this board uses this style as well. :confused:

12-02-2013, 11:47 PM
I haven't seen anyone using it. I've tried it a few times for giggles on fun night. Felt very uncomfortable, but was able to rip off a nice string of strikes doing it. I always wonder what it would do to ones spare pick up having to switch styles so drastically. Seems like there are a lot variables built into it, with having to get both hands to do things at the exact same time every time. Of course if I hyperextend my fingers a couple more times I might have to go to it, lol.

12-02-2013, 11:49 PM
Ive seen more and more people use 2 handed. Its not my main style but i do dabble in it from time to time to change things up. Imo people are just haters and are stuck on tradition. Jason Belmonte got a ton of hate growing up throwing two handed with people telling him the same thing people are telling you. That didnt stop him and as a result, hes one of the top bowlers on tour. If its a style you like and have success with, then keep doing it.

Also inb4 Aslan with a long rant about two handers, thumbless and 6 ball bag bowlers lol

12-03-2013, 12:40 AM
I've seen league bowlers use it, and I use it just for fun if my thumb happens to get cut or chafed. But it's just like any other style - you have to develop consistency. The trouble is that it's very hard to find coaches who can coach that technique. YouTube has some decent videos, though.

The people in your league aren't out of the ordinary. It's still a relatively rare form in leagues and on the pro tour, and there's so much history of success before its arrival. Those are the two arguments that will go against it for the next 10 years (at least). Oh yeah, don't expect an internet forum to be remarkably different. You know what they say about opinions... :)

My suggestion is to do whatever is fun for you, because that's what will keep you motivated to work on it. If you plateau and later think a one-handed delivery gives you a better chance to score higher, nothing is stopping you from going back. It's just a matter of putting in the time and not asking your body to do too much. (I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with bad back/knee problems, for instance.)

12-03-2013, 12:51 AM
Also inb4 Aslan with a long rant about two handers, thumbless and 6 ball bag bowlers lol


I'm not even going to comment…I've said my piece, my opinion is well known.


12-03-2013, 12:55 AM
I don't have a problem with 2 handers other thanit should be just li If you are a 2 hander you should have to be one for the whole season and have to shoot every shot with 2 hands. You should have to establish a 2 hand average the same as if you bowled one league right handed and another left.ke it is for right/left handed.

12-03-2013, 02:37 AM

I'm not even going to comment…I've said my piece, my opinion is well known.


youve saved yourself a post worthy of an essay my friend haha

12-03-2013, 02:52 AM
My opinion of it is that if people want to use that style they should be free to do so. It has advantages and disadvantages, like just about any other style. Of the people I know who bowl in my league, I'm the only one who has used it consistently (some others have tried it, but didn't stick with it for long) with some success, having carried nearly a 200 average using it -- and that being my first year bowling like that. Spare shooting CAN be a little problematic switching back to one hand, but I've developed an ability to either just throw a plastic ball straight with two hands, or do a reverse hook to get pins on the right side. My consistency is a little off, but then again, like I said, I only bowled that way for about a year. I still use it off and on during practice and for tournaments (shot a 727 last tournament), plus for sport patterns. My accuracy was picking up over time and I think were I to keep at it, I'd just get better and better at hitting the same spot. I'm sure that's probably the same for anyone who tries it.

As for what other people think of it, I've gotten some comments (probably not exact):

"Go back to one-handed!" - Some teammates. That was when I first started. After about ten weeks of bowling like that and showing that I could do it about as well as one-handed, they stopped making the comments.

"I've never seen your ball have so much power before." - Another teammate.

"I'd fall down if I tried that." - lots of people.

"What's up, Jason?" -Pro shop guy and former pro. He teases me about it, but he doesn't discourage it or make any negative remarks.

12-03-2013, 09:59 AM
I have never seen it outside of Belmo on TV, and would have no idea how to critique it one way or another.

Here's an interesting article Storm Bowling shared this morning though: http://guttertoglory.com/2013/12/all-new-angles/

J Anderson
12-03-2013, 10:43 AM
How does everyone feel about this style? Does anyone at your lanes use it with any consistency and success?

When I started seeing two-handers, I felt much like I did when Mark Roth started beating up on all my heroes in the PBA with what was then a radically different style of bowling. I got over it then, I'll get over it now. Got beat by a two-hander last night in the first game of a set by 7 pins, beat him by over 40 the next game. If I can do that a few more times, I'll definitely get over it.;)

I agree with Stormed1 that it should be treated the same as bowling right-handed or left-handed. If I can't switch to left-handed to try and make the 2-8-10, They shouldn't be allowed to switch to one handed to shoot the ten pin.

We had a left-handed high school senior bowl two-handed in the sport league last season. My subjective opinion was that he bowled quite well. Looking back at the standings, I was one place in front of him after week 34, and my average which is strictly mediocre for that league was 0.01 pins higher.

My friend and sometimes coach Tim has been trying two-handed. He's one of those bowlers who feels that he is at a disadvantage when the lane condition forces him to play inside the third arrow. The new technique has given him the ability to play much deeper but he seems to still be getting used to it and may be having a harder time keeping the ball from going Brooklyn.

12-03-2013, 10:53 AM
I disagree that they should have to bowl two handed all the time, even for spares. The dominant hand is the one with the fingers in the finger holes.

Virtually ALL of us are two handed bowlers. Do you help support your ball with your non-bowling hand at ANY time during the approach? Well, do you? How about at set-up? Then you are a two handed bowler. The non bowling hand has a function related to supporting the ball. The difference between you and Belmo is WHEN you take your non-dominant hand OFF the ball.

12-03-2013, 11:29 AM
Check out thread I posted a couple months ago regarding a 2 handed bowler in my Tuesday league... LINK (http://www.bowlingboards.com/threads/15156-Awesome-bowling-on-pair-next-to-us-tonight-876-Series!!)

12-03-2013, 12:03 PM
I don't have a problem with 2 handers other thanit should be just li If you are a 2 hander you should have to be one for the whole season and have to shoot every shot with 2 hands. You should have to establish a 2 hand average the same as if you bowled one league right handed and another left.ke it is for right/left handed. Agreed.

12-03-2013, 12:08 PM
I'm the only one who has used it consistently with some success, having carried nearly a 200 average using it --
What's your USBC number? I always like to verify averages > 200.

and that being my first year bowling like that.
Okay...now I REALLY want to verify that 200 average!

Spare shooting CAN be a little problematic...My consistency is a little off, but then again, like I said, I only bowled that way for about a year.
So you carried a 200 average with spare shooting being problematic??? I wish I could carry a 175 average with spare shooting being problematic.

12-03-2013, 12:27 PM
I have never seen it outside of Belmo on TV, and would have no idea how to critique it one way or another.

There's 2 PBA guys that use it and I've watched them on the internet. I also saw an amateur/semi-pro using that style...also on the internet. I've never seen it in person. I've already said my piece previously...I think it's gimicy and very, very difficult to do consistently. I have respect for the people that can do it at a high level because it really is a more difficult form to be consistent with.

I just read an article and the author said (I'm para-phrasing)...."Beginner/amateur bowlers should focus on spares. Spare shooting is what is going to help your average and help you get better. Once you get to the pro level; then you need to strike to score high enough to win. But far too many house players and beginners are focused on striking at the expense of spare shooting." I only mention that because I think high rev, then thumbless, and now 2-handed would fall into the category of "striking at the expense of spare shooting"...in many, many cases. Not saying it can't be done well at a high level...just a very difficult style to do consistently. And my main "opposition" to it is I think far too many younger/newer bowlers see it as a "shortcut" to success. Why learn about timing/approach/mechanics/release/knee bend/sliding foot/etc.. when you can make the ball hook like crazy and if you're "lucky" you'll string some strikes together?

12-03-2013, 01:18 PM
Actually thinking more about it, I've seen a bunch of junior bowlers at state and national junior championships use it.. and very effectively to boot. I would imagine it might be a great way to teach them. I would still say odds are the traditional approach and delivery is easier to be consistent with but I can understand how, if you started this way as a child (like belmo), you would keep with it through adulthood.

12-03-2013, 01:29 PM
What's your USBC number? I always like to verify averages > 200.

Okay...now I REALLY want to verify that 200 average!

So you carried a 200 average with spare shooting being problematic??? I wish I could carry a 175 average with spare shooting being problematic.

I think its only a courtesy to post your USBC NUMBER. There are, and have been found out many on here, that have created their own little ( alternate reality world).

Hey if your not a sanctioned league bowler that's one thing, but if you are I think its great to post your USBC NUBMER.

It helps keep it REAL! LOL Just Iceman's thoughts...

Hey Alsia whats your USBC NUMBER? :rolleyes:

12-03-2013, 01:50 PM
There's 2 PBA guys that use it and I've watched them on the internet. I also saw an amateur/semi-pro using that style...also on the internet. I've never seen it in person. I've already said my piece previously...I think it's gimicy and very, very difficult to do consistently. I have respect for the people that can do it at a high level because it really is a more difficult form to be consistent with.

I just read an article and the author said (I'm para-phrasing)...."Beginner/amateur bowlers should focus on spares. Spare shooting is what is going to help your average and help you get better. Once you get to the pro level; then you need to strike to score high enough to win. But far too many house players and beginners are focused on striking at the expense of spare shooting." I only mention that because I think high rev, then thumbless, and now 2-handed would fall into the category of "striking at the expense of spare shooting"...in many, many cases. Not saying it can't be done well at a high level...just a very difficult style to do consistently. And my main "opposition" to it is I think far too many younger/newer bowlers see it as a "shortcut" to success. Why learn about timing/approach/mechanics/release/knee bend/sliding foot/etc.. when you can make the ball hook like crazy and if you're "lucky" you'll string some strikes together?

I try to tell everyone in my league that same thing. When I first got my 200 average, it was just clean games with a double here or a double there. In fact my high 2 games were like a 245 and a 220 with that average. I was just consistent on my spares. Last night I had 1 open all night, was having to throw the ball slower than normal, and threw it too slow and left a big ugly split. I actually take practice time to work both 7 pins and 10 pin shots during warm up just to make sure I get them locked in, even if I hadn't locked in my mark for my strike shot yet.

12-03-2013, 01:53 PM
I think its only a courtesy to post your USBC NUMBER. There are, and have been found out many on here, that have created their own little ( alternate reality world).

Hey if your not a sanctioned league bowler that's one thing, but if you are I think its great to post your USBC NUBMER.

It helps keep it REAL! LOL Just Iceman's thoughts...

Hey Alsia whats your USBC NUMBER? :rolleyes:

Yeah, and just before anyone asks for mine, the league I'm in right now is not sanction. I bowl in it because my in-laws have forever. But it is the same setup as the sanctioned leagues that bowl next to us. But I'm league Secretary, so I can always run reports if people don't buy my word.

12-03-2013, 02:15 PM
Hey Alsia whats your USBC NUMBER? :rolleyes:

Once again....spelled name wrong...but I realize in your advanced age it's difficult...so I'll give ya a pass. :o

And YES...I WILL be posting my USBC number just as soon as my first sanctioned league is completed. I am a new member...just sent in the dues and filled out the card a couple months ago and in my first USBC sanctioned league so I have to wait till the league is over to actually have stats to view (I think). But THEN...absolutely!! I will post it and wear it as a badge of honor!!!

12-03-2013, 02:23 PM
Yeah, and just before anyone asks for mine, the league I'm in right now is not sanction. I bowl in it because my in-laws have forever. But it is the same setup as the sanctioned leagues that bowl next to us. But I'm league Secretary, so I can always run reports if people don't buy my word.

If it ain't sanctioned...it didn't happen.

And just so you don't think I'm calling you a liar/being a general x-hole....even though I am a general x-hole...we've had some professional "fish story tellers" on here...and even though Iceman is 74% psychotic...he actually had the great, great, great idea of posting USBC numbers so the fish stories could be verified. You'll notice not many have followed suit...so when you hear stories of greatness and awesome prowess....realize some people just get a kick out of living in Neverland. I haven't been "too critical" because as IceMan pointed out...I don't have a number yet because I'm in my first sanctioned league...but I post my scores every time I bowl...my average and stats are in my profile and signature...and I can probably be trusted because if I was going to lie....wouldn't I bump the numbers up just a "bit"?? Especially when folks, like Iceman, like to mock my < 195 average and few clean games and lack of a 300 performance??

"I yam what I yam and thats all that I yam"....said a wise sailor.

12-03-2013, 02:39 PM
If it ain't sanctioned...it didn't happen.

And just so you don't think I'm calling you a liar/being a general x-hole....even though I am a general x-hole...we've had some professional "fish story tellers" on here...and even though Iceman is 74% psychotic...he actually had the great, great, great idea of posting USBC numbers so the fish stories could be verified. You'll notice not many have followed suit...so when you hear stories of greatness and awesome prowess....realize some people just get a kick out of living in Neverland. I haven't been "too critical" because as IceMan pointed out...I don't have a number yet because I'm in my first sanctioned league...but I post my scores every time I bowl...my average and stats are in my profile and signature...and I can probably be trusted because if I was going to lie....wouldn't I bump the numbers up just a "bit"?? Especially when folks, like Iceman, like to mock my < 195 average and few clean games and lack of a 300 performance??

"I yam what I yam and thats all that I yam"....said a wise sailor.

never bowled in a sanctioned league. Never been called out for my stats and dont really care if anyone believes them or not

12-03-2013, 04:02 PM
If it ain't sanctioned...it didn't happen.

I can understand the "fish stories" scenario, but I'd have to imagine that they would be pretty short lived. I've thought about getting my league sanctioned, but being sanctioned would only have benefits for myself and maybe 2 other people. And really, unless one gets an 800 series, 300 game, or bowls in tournaments I don't know that it buys you anything. In this league there has only been 1 300 (not me) and 1 800 series (mine) in its 60 years. Is it disappointing I didn't get a ring for my 800, yeah a little bit, but it still got my name in the paper ;)

(now I'll have to figure out what I did with that clipping, lol)

12-03-2013, 04:35 PM
never bowled in a sanctioned league. Never been called out for my stats and dont really care if anyone believes them or not

I don't know why people "wouldn't" bowl in a sanctioned league. Why not make it official? I mean, if you're a good bowler...why not? We get on people for staying on THS patterns...yet there are some that don't even bowl in sanctioned leagues on THS patterns.

But I digress...we're getting off topic. 2-handed bowling...looks cool and I heard some latin American team is switching to it...good times.

12-03-2013, 06:11 PM
I agree with Aslan about the difficulty of consistency. Sometimes, I can line up 4-5 strikes in a row one day, but the next day (or even next few frames) end up getting nasty splits, hitting brooklyn, ect. It also could be my form is awful, which I wouldn't doubt, and not only have I just picked up the style, I've only been bowling for 2 months. But I've been learning a lot!

This is me last week: http://youtu.be/Zz-ql5Mhn-M

Can any of you two-handed bowlers give me any tips on how I can improve that form, approach, release? :]

12-03-2013, 06:12 PM
What's your USBC number? I always like to verify averages > 200.

I've never been a person who likes giving out information to just anyone on message boards. If people choose not to believe what I said, then that's fine. They are under no obligation to believe me. But I don't see any reason why I would lie. I will point out that you apparently missed out one what I wrote because I didn't say I averaged over 200 ( > 200) but "NEARLY 200". To be exact, it was 196. You may also want to compare that to the previous year's average (entirely one-handed) of 209 (which shows that two-handed wasn't a shortcut to success!). So while I was quite pleased that I could do 190's in my first year of two-handed, to be sure, I didn't up my average any. Perhaps were I to try for longer I would, but... I stopped and just switched to left-handed (currently about 171 in case you're interested).

Okay...now I REALLY want to verify that 200 average!

Perhaps one day I'll feel inclined to furnish information, but I don't really feel an obligation to do so. Also, keep in mind that even if I DID give you my USBC number and you looked at the season (2012-2013) and saw the 196 average.... nowhere does it state on there that it was two-handed. It could be one handed, backwards bowling, or between the legs for all you know. You'd still have to trust my word on it. Looks like a USBC number really does nothing to help in this case!

So you carried a 200 average with spare shooting being problematic??? I wish I could carry a 175 average with spare shooting being problematic.

If you read my post, you'd see I was responding to someone's comment about switching back to one-handed for spares being difficult, not picking up spares in general. Yes, when I switched to one hand to pick up a ten pin, it could cause problems in my approach, timing, etc., because I was switching styles. In that sense, I struggled for awhile.

12-04-2013, 01:59 PM
Don't feed the wildlife!

12-04-2013, 07:41 PM
Don't feed the wildlife!

*Hides bag of feed* Whistle, whistle...ho hum... :eek:

12-04-2013, 11:54 PM
Feed? Huh? Who... me?

EDIT: It'd be hilarious if this post is chosen to win a new bowling ball.

12-05-2013, 12:03 AM
It's like chumming the waters for cross-eyed catfish. Just don't do it!

12-07-2013, 05:46 PM
I've done it a time or two for fun......got so much hook on the ball....and speed.....and power. Killed my back and knee though.

I was wildly inconsistent though that could improve if my body held out.

I got lots of pin action as well as some nice runs of strikes.

12-08-2013, 06:26 PM
I think that two handed bowling is for the younger folks. If I tried it I would probably throw my back out. Plus my sliding leg knee wouldn't like it too much either.

12-08-2013, 07:30 PM
I think that two handed bowling is for the younger folks. If I tried it I would probably throw my back out. Plus my sliding leg knee wouldn't like it too much either.

Very younger folks! Like.... Juniors under 12. I think it could be a great way for a smaller bowler to generate revs and pin action.

12-09-2013, 07:33 PM
I've been losing fair amount of weight bowling two-handed. Terrific workout.
younger kids under 12 I doubt could effectively pull off a two handed approach - Now two-handed RELEASE, that's another story. That's bread and butter childrens bowling right there.

12-09-2013, 08:33 PM
I've been losing fair amount of weight bowling two-handed. Terrific workout.
younger kids under 12 I doubt could effectively pull off a two handed approach - Now two-handed RELEASE, that's another story. That's bread and butter childrens bowling right there.

False! There's tons of juniors doing this to get big pin action:


12-10-2013, 09:04 PM
False! There's tons of juniors doing this to get big pin action:


Hmm, I stand corrected. :P
I would really like to see at least one other two-hander at the lanes I go to. Seems what is mostly popular with people my age (early 20's) there, is the one hand no thumb. I think that technique gets as much or maybe more hate than two-handed approach.

12-10-2013, 11:05 PM
Hmm, I stand corrected. :P
I would really like to see at least one other two-hander at the lanes I go to. Seems what is mostly popular with people my age (early 20's) there, is the one hand no thumb. I think that technique gets as much or maybe more hate than two-handed approach.

I haven't seen too much hate (outside of my ramblings). Most bowlers are kinda live and let live. I think deep down most traditional bowlers do kinda get annoyed by it…because thumbless and 2-handed is so prevalent among young casual bowlers…often unsuccessfully. So when you see it, you think, "oh…well…this kid is gonna be inconsistent, etc…" Then sometimes…you see the rare exception when one of these kids just hammers the pins and can pick up spares.