View Full Version : New ball to complement Storm IQ Tour Pearl???

12-09-2013, 02:59 PM
I'm looking for some advice on a new ball to use when my IQT Pearl is breaking too much and too early.

Before everyone asks, I don't know all of my technical specs such as axis, rev,etc. I'd say I'm prbably a tweener with medium ball speed. I just started bowling in a league again after 7 or 8 years and started out using a hand me down Ebonite Angular with a span that was too long for me. I got used to the stretch and averaged a little over 200 with it. If I remember correctly I think my ball speed was maybe 15 mph tops. I would start with left foot on the 20-23 board and throuw between the second and third arrows(clsoer to second). If it got outside, it would typically come back. If I pulled it inside it would hold ok and not go through the front.
I've carried this same starting position and target over to my IQT pearl and have similar results, but have had to increase my ball speed to over 16mph. As the lanes start breaking down though I have to be sure to keep my speed up or the ball hooks to early or too hard. Problem is, typically when I try muscling the ball I have the tendency to pull it inside so I end up right through the nose or brooklyn.

What I am wanting to find is a ball that allows me to keep playing a similar line after the lanes have started breaking down without have to concentrate on throwing the ball harder.

I've been looking at a lot of ball reviews on Bowlingball.com and have narrowed my choices down to the following.

Storm Lights Out
Roto Grip Wrecker
DV8 Misfit
Storm Hyroad
Ebonite Cyclone

I'm leaning toward one of the first two right now but would like to get some input from people who know what they are talking about before making a decision. Thanks in advance for any help.

J Anderson
12-09-2013, 03:41 PM
As the lanes start breaking down though I have to be sure to keep my speed up or the ball hooks to early or too hard. Problem is, typically when I try muscling the ball I have the tendency to pull it inside so I end up right through the nose or brooklyn.

What I am wanting to find is a ball that allows me to keep playing a similar line after the lanes have started breaking down without have to concentrate on throwing the ball harder.

You do not necessarily need a different ball. You need to learn how to follow the oil or rather learn to move your line to where there is still oil on the lane.

12-09-2013, 03:47 PM
You do not necessarily need a different ball. You need to learn how to follow the oil or rather learn to move your line to where there is still oil on the lane.

Now ya sound like me. :eek:

I agree. But....if you're gonna ignore that advice (which 77% of bowlers will)...I vote the Hy Road. Excellent ball, medium hook, smells like a grape, and is one of the most popular balls out there right now.

12-09-2013, 04:03 PM
the lights out and wrecker will be the most controllable since theyre hybrids. If you want to go pearl, go with the hyroad pearl. IF youre looking for something weaker than the other 3 go with the misfit followed by the cyclone

EDIT: just saw the ball list again, did you mean hyroad or hyroad pearl? Both are awesome but the difference is hybrid vs pearl

12-09-2013, 04:32 PM
You do not necessarily need a different ball. You need to learn how to follow the oil or rather learn to move your line to where there is still oil on the lane.

While I do not disagree with you at all, I have never been good with moving too far left to make the necessary adjustments I need to make. I have been working on it is coming around. Unfortunately I have two young kids at home, don't have an alley in my hometown and usually only am able to bowl on league night. And to be perfectly honest I bought the ball I did on a whim because I saw a lot of other good bowlers in our league using it. While I consider myself a decent bowler the Storm IQ Tour Pearl hooks so much more hook than any ball I've used in the past and is taking longer to get used to than I was hoping. My thought is, if I can get a more forgiving ball to use when conditions get tough, it'll allow be to build consistency in my game without feeling like I have to overpower the ball. As I stated in my original post I just recently, as in two months ago started bowling again. I just think maybe I'd benefit if I could worry less about moving around to try to adjust for the oil and just focus more on playing where I'm comfortable and hitting my mark.

Thank you for the advice and I am working on making adjustments, but at the same time I am going to get another ball. I just want to make sure I get what I need this time and not what I think I need since I don't know any better.

12-09-2013, 04:42 PM
the lights out and wrecker will be the most controllable since theyre hybrids. If you want to go pearl, go with the hyroad pearl. IF youre looking for something weaker than the other 3 go with the misfit followed by the cyclone

EDIT: just saw the ball list again, did you mean hyroad or hyroad pearl? Both are awesome but the difference is hybrid vs pearl

The hyroad is what I have on my shortlist but I'm sure the pearl would work as well. Another factor I'm working with here is price which is why I have Wrecker and Lights out at the top of my list. Although i guess they technically aren't much cheaper than the hyroad

Between the Wrecker and Lights Out, Is there even much difference in how they are going to perform if they were drilled the same. They're specs seem pretty similar. I realize there are probably subtle differences, but to the average league bowler are they fairly interchangible?

12-09-2013, 04:54 PM
The hyroad is what I have on my shortlist but I'm sure the pearl would work as well. Another factor I'm working with here is price which is why I have Wrecker and Lights out at the top of my list. Although i guess they technically aren't much cheaper than the hyroad

Between the Wrecker and Lights Out, Is there even much difference in how they are going to perform if they were drilled the same. They're specs seem pretty similar. I realize there are probably subtle differences, but to the average league bowler are they fairly interchangible?

noticeable? Prob not. The hyroad is prob one of the best storm balls and best benchmark balls ever made imo so i dont think you could go wrong with it.

12-09-2013, 05:01 PM
Am I correct in my assumption that the balls I'm looking at will react less severely than the IQT Pearl? I'm really finding that halfway into the second game, and even earlier depending who else is on the lanes, I really have to focus on keeping the speed up and and keeping it away from the inside of my track. If I throw it just slightly to soft or even get it outside a little too much it crashes through the head pin. And considering that when I try muscling the ball I tend to pull it, I really wanna find something thats gonna hold better than my current ball in like conditions.

12-09-2013, 05:03 PM
If you want a noticeable step down from the iqtp, I'd go with the lights out. The wrecker is a fantastic ball, and so is the iqtp, but out of the list you have, If the lane is really breaking down, the lights out is what you want.

12-09-2013, 05:33 PM
If you want a noticeable step down from the iqtp, I'd go with the lights out. The wrecker is a fantastic ball, and so is the iqtp, but out of the list you have, If the lane is really breaking down, the lights out is what you want.

Okay...this is rare...but I'm agreeing with DHoff twice here in one afternoon...I guess the Lights Out is the biggest step down (and probably most affordable $$$). I guess I'd still recommend the Hy Road ONLY because if I were to "step down"...I'd hate to step down "too far". But, if the OP knows what he's doing...and knows how much of a drop he needs...I guess the Lights Out or FreakNFrantic (same level) would be good choices.

I am still having a hard time fathoming needing a "step down" given my inability to make the ball hook...but thats another story.

12-13-2013, 06:51 PM
Okay...this is rare...but I'm agreeing with DHoff twice here in one afternoon...I guess the Lights Out is the biggest step down (and probably most affordable $$$). I guess I'd still recommend the Hy Road ONLY because if I were to "step down"...I'd hate to step down "too far". But, if the OP knows what he's doing...and knows how much of a drop he needs...I guess the Lights Out or FreakNFrantic (same level) would be good choices.

I am still having a hard time fathoming needing a "step down" given my inability to make the ball hook...but thats another story.

I purchased a Lights Out for my oldest son's birthday this last June. He is brand new to bowling at 40 years old, but he is doing 600's now almost every week! Its puts good revs on the ball, and has to move before his second game!

A lot depends on YOUR speed, Rev's Hand positon and relase as to how to you control your hook! I have an IQ Pearl, and it gave me my first 300 back in April this year. I would classify it as a medium hooking ball compared to others I have, like the Virtural Gravity nanno pearl! A ball can be VERY different with the ball surface, and HOW IT IS DRILLED!

So a lot goes into the equation of how to get Less Hook! One guy I know has two of the same brand and make of bowling balls! One drilled weak, the other strong! Lots of ways to attack your situation! (:)

12-13-2013, 07:26 PM
I went ahead and ordered the Lights Out. From everything I've read and the videos I've seen comparing it and the IQTP I think it is going to do what I want. I will most likely have it drilled similar to how my IQTP in hopes that it will react the same but just have less grip on dryers lanes or when they start breaking down. I should have it next week so we will see. Thanks for the input guys.

12-13-2013, 07:55 PM
I went ahead and ordered the Lights Out. From everything I've read and the videos I've seen comparing it and the IQTP I think it is going to do what I want. I will most likely have it drilled similar to how my IQTP in hopes that it will react the same but just have less grip on dryers lanes or when they start breaking down. I should have it next week so we will see. Thanks for the input guys.

Good choice!