View Full Version : E-Tank and Aslan

12-13-2013, 02:16 PM
When are you two going to get togerther and have a bowl off!!! We would all like to see such a flick!!! Hey I have been to San Diego many times, its not that big of a city in AREA!!

I have had many people come in the Kansas city area, to bowl with Iceman and The Dude! It would foster great fellow ship, and if you film the bowl off, I will put up the prize money! How about 5,000, in mm!! I am good for it!

Set up this bowling challenge, and have Aslan's mom video it!! Winner take all no second place money Aslan!!

12-13-2013, 02:34 PM
lolwat. San Diego is one of the top 10 largest cities in the US haha

12-13-2013, 02:45 PM
It would have to be sanctioned, or else, you know, it does count.

12-13-2013, 04:30 PM
lolwat. San Diego is one of the top 10 largest cities in the US haha

Yes indeed it is massive in area. My friend is a SD County Sheriff. I already told him to be on the look out for Aslan.

12-13-2013, 04:40 PM
lolwat. San Diego is one of the top 10 largest cities in the US haha

Come on e-tank, you know we only have a population of about 250, in fact everybody knows everybody's name here in little ole San Diego :D

In all seriousness, Aslan lives north of SD county I believe, SoCal covers a very LARGE area ;)

12-13-2013, 06:14 PM
Come on e-tank, you know we only have a population of about 250, in fact everybody knows everybody's name here in little ole San Diego :D

In all seriousness, Aslan lives north of SD county I believe, SoCal covers a very LARGE area ;)

O come ON NOW!! Cars were invented to drive distances!! I have been all over California while living there 6 years!
If I were in San Diego, I could drive anywhere in that city if the money was right!!

ICEMAN is offering 25,000 MM for a video of the both of you blowing each other,,, Money goes to the winner, not the loser Aslan!!!

When is this going to take place??? I am serious, I have the 25 k right here in front of me

12-13-2013, 06:18 PM
Come on e-tank, you know we only have a population of about 250, in fact everybody knows everybody's name here in little ole San Diego :D

In all seriousness, Aslan lives north of SD county I believe, SoCal covers a very LARGE area ;)

Hey I drove from Modesto CA, to San Diego just to visit the Zoo one day!!! And,,, you are saying you can't navigate the city of San Diego for some big money!

12-13-2013, 06:21 PM
Good idea Iceman :). You guys could compromise and meet halfway at a neutral center. It's only a one time (or once in a while) thing.....it shouldn't be that hard to drive an hour or 2.

12-13-2013, 06:27 PM
ICEMAN is offering 25,000 MM for a video of the both of you blowing each other

Hopefully that was a typo!

12-13-2013, 06:28 PM
Good idea Iceman :). You guys could compromise and meet halfway at a neutral center. It's only a one time (or once in a while) thing.....it shouldn't be that hard to drive an hour or 2.

Too bad ICEMAN doesn't live there!!! I would pick both of you up and take you to a neutral bowling alley somewhere between.

WE ALL want to see this battle of the Titans!!

12-13-2013, 06:29 PM
hopefully that was a typo!

ooopps!!!! (:/!!!

12-13-2013, 07:43 PM
Hopefully that was a typo!

i saw that and i loled hard

iceman pulling a fast one. I know how you feel about cali iceman..i know...

12-13-2013, 09:53 PM
I already tried to convince him…and Mike_White to have a charity bowl challenge…video posted to the site. Then Mike decided to go into hiding/witness protection…and e-tank pretended he never saw it.

My theory is…that M_White might be afraid to lose…because really, I have everything to gain and he has nothing to gain…so you'd hate to have an "off night" and never hear the end of it. And my theory for e-tank is that he "claims" to have a 190 average…but thats non-sanctioned bowling in one alley…probably the same lane each night…might even be no tap. So to face the "real deal" Aslan…well…what if he rolls a 128!!? Again…they have nothing to gain as the champs.

Now…I'm certainly up for it…anytime. But Mike has a 200+ average and e-tank claims to have a 190 average…so I'll be looking for some handicap pins. Now, if they want to come to me and bowl on wood lanes…maybe I waive the handicap. But on a neutral alley…I gotta think Mike would spot me 40 pins and etank spot me 30. And if it's on their home turf…then I want more like 70 and 60 respectively.

But the Aslan is all about put up or shut up…so as soon as Iceman arranges the event…which is sure to draw better ratings than the WSOB…I'm in!

But blowing is extra. I'm not saying "no"…because I believe everyone has a price for most things…but I can tell you if MikeW and etank pool their collective resources…they're still coming up well shy of the number they'd need.

12-13-2013, 10:14 PM
I already tried to convince him…and Mike_White to have a charity bowl challenge…video posted to the site. Then Mike decided to go into hiding/witness protection…and e-tank pretended he never saw it.

My theory is…that M_White might be afraid to lose…because really, I have everything to gain and he has nothing to gain…so you'd hate to have an "off night" and never hear the end of it. And my theory for e-tank is that he "claims" to have a 190 average…but thats non-sanctioned bowling in one alley…probably the same lane each night…might even be no tap. So to face the "real deal" Aslan…well…what if he rolls a 128!!? Again…they have nothing to gain as the champs.

Now…I'm certainly up for it…anytime. But Mike has a 200+ average and e-tank claims to have a 190 average…so I'll be looking for some handicap pins. Now, if they want to come to me and bowl on wood lanes…maybe I waive the handicap. But on a neutral alley…I gotta think Mike would spot me 40 pins and etank spot me 30. And if it's on their home turf…then I want more like 70 and 60 respectively.

But the Aslan is all about put up or shut up…so as soon as Iceman arranges the event…which is sure to draw better ratings than the WSOB…I'm in!

But blowing is extra. I'm not saying "no"…because I believe everyone has a price for most things…but I can tell you if MikeW and etank pool their collective resources…they're still coming up well shy of the number they'd need.

Currently 199 avg woooo(league just started) err i mean ive never bowled in my life cuz all of my scores are unsanctioned. I just like to collect balls and chat about bowling here with you fine folks. Never bowled on wood, but i doubt id be able to keep even my urethane on the lanes lol

12-13-2013, 11:31 PM
He is a bowling pro/driller, and would have huge advantage!!

THIS IS you Aslan, and E-Tank!! Plain and simple!

Get your heads together,,, I am putting up the winning money, just call me Daddy Warbucks!! I have the winning money that I will send $5000.00 mm to winner!

All I ask is that someone I can trust, say your mom Aslan, does the vedio!!

It has to be at a neutral alley where no advantage is given!

You can both have your coaches in your corners, but they CAN'T BOWEL for you if you are injured while bowling, but your Mother would be acceptable to sub for either of you, or E-Tank could use his aunt on his mothers side!

Rules,,,,, ONE GAME! (if Aslan win's, we will then go to the best 2 out of 3)!

Seem fair? Get this thing set up!! This needs to happen before Christmas!!

12-14-2013, 12:02 AM
Monopoly money isn't very incentivizing...

12-14-2013, 12:25 AM
He is a bowling pro/driller, and would have huge advantage!!

THIS IS you Aslan, and E-Tank!! Plain and simple!

Get your heads together,,, I am putting up the winning money, just call me Daddy Warbucks!! I have the winning money that I will send $5000.00 mm to winner!

All I ask is that someone I can trust, say your mom Aslan, does the vedio!!

It has to be at a neutral alley where no advantage is given!

You can both have your coaches in your corners, but they CAN'T BOWEL for you if you are injured while bowling, but your Mother would be acceptable to sub for either of you, or E-Tank could use his aunt on his mothers side!

Rules,,,,, ONE GAME! (if Aslan win's, we will then go to the best 2 out of 3)!

Seem fair? Get this thing set up!! This needs to happen before Christmas!!

You forgot no tri grip balls. Having a magic ball is a major advantage

12-14-2013, 07:12 AM
Monopoly money isn't very incentivizing...

How do you know mm doesn't stand for: Mucho-Money! Spanish!!

12-14-2013, 10:12 AM
Good point.

12-14-2013, 10:20 AM
He is a bowling pro/driller, and would have huge advantage!!

THIS IS you Aslan, and E-Tank!! Plain and simple!

Get your heads together,,, I am putting up the winning money, just call me Daddy Warbucks!! I have the winning money that I will send $5000.00 mm to winner!

All I ask is that someone I can trust, say your mom Aslan, does the vedio!!

It has to be at a neutral alley where no advantage is given!

You can both have your coaches in your corners, but they CAN'T BOWEL for you if you are injured while bowling, but your Mother would be acceptable to sub for either of you, or E-Tank could use his aunt on his mothers side!

Rules,,,,, ONE GAME! (if Aslan win's, we will then go to the best 2 out of 3)!

Seem fair? Get this thing set up!! This needs to happen before Christmas!!

When I picture Aslan bowling next to Iceman:


12-14-2013, 10:25 AM
This could be classic! I'll do the video!!

12-14-2013, 12:47 PM
But a 3 game series.......one game is too chancy. I wouldn't let anyone challenge ME to a single game.

12-14-2013, 01:01 PM
But a 3 game series.......one game is too chancy. I wouldn't let anyone challenge ME to a single game.

I'll challenge Hampe to a series if I get to go to Switzerland. I need to get me one of those Swiss babes. On the "downside"…I'd have to wear pants to bowl due to the more strict dress code. I find pants restrictive.

You guys are all living on Fantasy Island. e-tank is a 13 year old kid with a 199 average on Wii bowling. The LAST thing he wants to do is have to leave his mom's couch and his new playstation to go to an actual bowling alley (which, he'll need a ride)…waste probably 1/3 of his weed money…to bowl an actual bowler and get embarrassed.

The reality is…we'll have to wait for me to win my millions and do my internet show. And since God hates me…I didn't win Friday so it looks like the internet show is on hold. :mad:

12-14-2013, 01:17 PM
One is 13, and the other mentally 13, so an even match, but I can tell your both scared to face one another! Your not the warriors I thought you both were, but rather scared little chickens.... O well,,, Just trying to get a Great U tube video of two warriors doing battle at the local AMF, but instead I get to chickens laying eggs!! :rolleyes:

Iceman will take on ANYONE!!! I have no fear!! JASON,,, MR Godzilla amounts of 300's, and 233 average,,, Iceman wants to teach you a lesson, just before Christmas,,, humility is what I will give you for your Winter's solstice Gift!

What do I have to do under the thread Me vs Michael to shame you into bowling ICEMAN for Christmas money!!

ONE GAME is my specialty! I don't like the odds of over one game for big money!http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/th1.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/th1.jpg.html)

12-14-2013, 01:26 PM
I'll challenge Hampe to a series if I get to go to Switzerland. I need to get me one of those Swiss babes. On the "downside"…I'd have to wear pants to bowl due to the more strict dress code. I find pants restrictive.

You guys are all living on Fantasy Island. e-tank is a 13 year old kid with a 199 average on Wii bowling. The LAST thing he wants to do is have to leave his mom's couch and his new playstation to go to an actual bowling alley (which, he'll need a ride)…waste probably 1/3 of his weed money…to bowl an actual bowler and get embarrassed.

The reality is…we'll have to wait for me to win my millions and do my internet show. And since God hates me…I didn't win Friday so it looks like the internet show is on hold. :mad:

Is this true,,,,,or,,,,, OR could it be that Aslan, also know as the Lion on the wizard of OZ is a coward! If he only had the courage! Maybe a trip to OZ,,, and the wizard could give him what he needs!!

12-14-2013, 04:21 PM
Is this true,,,,,or,,,,, OR could it be that Aslan, also know as the Lion on the wizard of OZ is a coward! If he only had the courage! Maybe a trip to OZ,,, and the wizard could give him what he needs!!

the new xbox just came out. Im too busy killing noobs in call of duty to worry about whether bowling is or is not real life. I really see nothing to gain from bowling aslan other than bowling in a new house. If i wanted someone to nag me about using a spare ball, bringing a 12ball roller and bowling two handed, id just aslan a pm. Although i will say that if i ever go to up to see Mike White to get a tri grip and get my form critiqued, ill be sure to let everyone and aslan know.

12-14-2013, 06:12 PM
the new xbox just came out. Im too busy killing noobs in call of duty to worry about whether bowling is or is not real life. I really see nothing to gain from bowling aslan other than bowling in a new house. If i wanted someone to nag me about using a spare ball, bringing a 12ball roller and bowling two handed, id just aslan a pm. Although i will say that if i ever go to up to see Mike White to get a tri grip and get my form critiqued, ill be sure to let everyone and aslan know.

Ok, Aslan! You are the winner by default! (((is e-tank a 199 bowler??? Could he be afraid to face you Aslan?? I don't get it??? I would meet anyone, anytime, anywhere within a 50 mile radius!

If you read the rules Aslan is states that any party that wins by default, only gets the thrill of backing an another bowler down. E-Tank has just as much said,,,, I bow to you Aslan,, I fear your mercy less beating, in a game of bowling!

"I am not worthy to bowl someone such as you my lord, bowing God Aslan!!!

12-14-2013, 07:05 PM
Ok, Aslan! You are the winner by default! (((is e-tank a 199 bowler??? Could he be afraid to face you Aslan?? I don't get it??? I would meet anyone, anytime, anywhere within a 50 mile radius!

If you read the rules Aslan is states that any party that wins by default, only gets the thrill of backing an another bowler down. E-Tank has just as much said,,,, I bow to you Aslan,, I fear your mercy less beating, in a game of bowling!

"I am not worthy to bowl someone such as you my lord, bowing God Aslan!!!

I relinquish my crown of so cal king to my successor, Aslan. May he bowl valiantly in sanctioned leagues so that one day he may bowl in the lanes of valhalla

12-16-2013, 01:37 AM
I'll challenge Hampe to a series if I get to go to Switzerland. I need to get me one of those Swiss babes. On the "downside"…I'd have to wear pants to bowl due to the more strict dress code. I find pants restrictive.Well Aslan.....if pants are too restrictive for you, skirts are still allowed :P

12-16-2013, 05:03 PM
I relinquish my crown of so cal king to my successor, Aslan. May he bowl valiantly in sanctioned leagues so that one day he may bowl in the lanes of valhalla

Ughhh...it sucks being right ALL the time. Takes all the fun out of being "surprised". Oh well. Perhaps the 2nd greatest state (to Michigan of course) of California will spawn an advesary worthy of me...but until then...bow down fools. My greatness knows no bounds! I challenge Mike White...he disappears. Iceman challenges e-tank on my behalf...he declines to defend his honor!! Who is left!!? DOth California not have ONE TRUE HERO!!

P.S. Bunny is officially disqualified due to being a woman. It's not a sexist thing...it's just that a "King" is a boy...not a girl...so I get to be King...even though in all honesty...on equal lanes...I think Bunny averaged nearly 20 pins higher than me over the course of 12 weeks. Granted, it was non-sanctioned therefore is no more than imaginary...but still. If we go to a matriarchal arguement where the Queen has more power than the King...then...I concede the thrown to Bunny. I'd be happy to battle her on low-oil/wood lanes where Aslan is far more powerful...but on medium to heavy oil, she's far too good for me to defeat scratch. Maybe in a 1-game format I could outscore her...but over a series it would be a long shot.

Well Aslan.....if pants are too restrictive for you, skirts are still allowed :P
Well, that IS an option. However...given my first rule of bowling is to pick up hot chicks...I don't think wearing a skirt is a step in the right direction. I'd do it...I mean, I'd do just about anything once...but if we're bowling in the Land of Blonde Goddesses known as Switzerland (or Sweden)...I'm afraid I'll need to be much more cautious about my wardrobe.

12-16-2013, 05:09 PM
Ughhh...it sucks being right ALL the time. Takes all the fun out of being "surprised". Oh well. Perhaps the 2nd greatest state (to Michigan of course) of California will spawn an advesary worthy of me...but until then...bow down fools. My greatness knows no bounds! I challenge Mike White...he disappears. Iceman challenges e-tank on my behalf...he declines to defend his honor!! Who is left!!? DOth California not have ONE TRUE HERO!!

P.S. Bunny is officially disqualified due to being a woman. It's not a sexist thing...it's just that a "King" is a boy...not a girl...so I get to be King...even though in all honesty...on equal lanes...I think Bunny averaged nearly 20 pins higher than me over the course of 12 weeks. Granted, it was non-sanctioned therefore is no more than imaginary...but still. If we go to a matriarchal arguement where the Queen has more power than the King...then...I concede the thrown to Bunny. I'd be happy to battle her on low-oil/wood lanes where Aslan is far more powerful...but on medium to heavy oil, she's far too good for me to defeat scratch. Maybe in a 1-game format I could outscore her...but over a series it would be a long shot.

Well, that IS an option. However...given my first rule of bowling is to pick up hot chicks...I don't think wearing a skirt is a step in the right direction. I'd do it...I mean, I'd do just about anything once...but if we're bowling in the Land of Blonde Goddesses known as Switzerland (or Sweden)...I'm afraid I'll need to be much more cautious about my wardrobe.

Whats the center you bowl at that is wood? I want to try out wood

12-16-2013, 05:15 PM
I want to try out woodLol..... alright, just admit it. You're trying to get this thread closed now ;)

12-16-2013, 05:33 PM
Lol..... alright, just admit it. You're trying to get this thread closed now ;)

lol if anyone its iceman for saying me and aslan should blow each other

12-16-2013, 05:36 PM
Lol..... alright, just admit it. You're trying to get this thread closed now ;)


Mike White
12-16-2013, 05:55 PM
I already tried to convince him…and Mike_White to have a charity bowl challenge…video posted to the site. Then Mike decided to go into hiding/witness protection…and e-tank pretended he never saw it.

My theory is…that M_White might be afraid to lose…because really, I have everything to gain and he has nothing to gain…so you'd hate to have an "off night" and never hear the end of it. And my theory for e-tank is that he "claims" to have a 190 average…but thats non-sanctioned bowling in one alley…probably the same lane each night…might even be no tap. So to face the "real deal" Aslan…well…what if he rolls a 128!!? Again…they have nothing to gain as the champs.

Now…I'm certainly up for it…anytime. But Mike has a 200+ average and e-tank claims to have a 190 average…so I'll be looking for some handicap pins. Now, if they want to come to me and bowl on wood lanes…maybe I waive the handicap. But on a neutral alley…I gotta think Mike would spot me 40 pins and etank spot me 30. And if it's on their home turf…then I want more like 70 and 60 respectively.

But the Aslan is all about put up or shut up…so as soon as Iceman arranges the event…which is sure to draw better ratings than the WSOB…I'm in!

But blowing is extra. I'm not saying "no"…because I believe everyone has a price for most things…but I can tell you if MikeW and etank pool their collective resources…they're still coming up well shy of the number they'd need.

I didn't know I had been challenged.

After the holidays, my Saturdays will be open.

Aslan, wasn't it you who said there shouldn't be handicap in bowling?

12-16-2013, 06:06 PM
Aslan, wasn't it you who said there shouldn't be handicap in bowling?

NO...that was not me!! That was Jaescrub and Iceman who consistently roll 290-300 games but lose to "lesser bowlers" due to their handicaps.

I am a FIRM believer IN Handicaps...and am a FIRM believer that those who complain about handicaps costing them games/trophies etc should step it up and bowl in scratch lesgues/tournaments/sport leagues rather than complain about it.

Okay...then we just need Iceman to sanction a match between Mike White and I. Then we'll need a videographer...and to decide on a venue. If it's scratch, you're coming to Anaheim Hills and bowling me on wood lanes where I'll at least have a "shot". If it has to be "neutral", then we'll have to figure something out.

The trick is "camera work". How do we video an entire game or series? Your average person only has a cell phone camera or point/shoot camera. My video camera still uses 8mm casettes for crying out loud. I've videoed a couple frames per game and have the software to edit and combine them...but it would be alot cooler to just video tape the entire thing including a cool pre-game interview session. It's the 21st century...the tecnology MUST exist!!?

12-16-2013, 06:16 PM
Try the app "Ubersense" (iPhone). I don't think it has a time limit on recording, but you should check it out.

12-16-2013, 06:17 PM
NO...that was not me!! That was Jaescrub and Iceman who consistently roll 290-300 games but lose to "lesser bowlers" due to their handicaps.

I am a FIRM believer IN Handicaps...and am a FIRM believer that those who complain about handicaps costing them games/trophies etc should step it up and bowl in scratch lesgues/tournaments/sport leagues rather than complain about it.

Okay...then we just need Iceman to sanction a match between Mike White and I. Then we'll need a videographer...and to decide on a venue. If it's scratch, you're coming to Anaheim Hills and bowling me on wood lanes where I'll at least have a "shot". If it has to be "neutral", then we'll have to figure something out.

The trick is "camera work". How do we video an entire game or series? Your average person only has a cell phone camera or point/shoot camera. My video camera still uses 8mm casettes for crying out loud. I've videoed a couple frames per game and have the software to edit and combine them...but it would be alot cooler to just video tape the entire thing including a cool pre-game interview session. It's the 21st century...the tecnology MUST exist!!?

speaking of not saying things, you pulled some wizardry and were replying to mike but quoted me lol

12-16-2013, 07:45 PM
Try the app "Ubersense" (iPhone). I don't think it has a time limit on recording, but you should check it out.

That's a great app, one of my golfing buddies showed it to me. Unfortunately I just upgraded to an android phone, and it literally is the one app that isn't available for android yet :(

Mike White
12-16-2013, 08:50 PM
NO...that was not me!! That was Jaescrub and Iceman who consistently roll 290-300 games but lose to "lesser bowlers" due to their handicaps.

I am a FIRM believer IN Handicaps...and am a FIRM believer that those who complain about handicaps costing them games/trophies etc should step it up and bowl in scratch lesgues/tournaments/sport leagues rather than complain about it.

Okay...then we just need Iceman to sanction a match between Mike White and I. Then we'll need a videographer...and to decide on a venue. If it's scratch, you're coming to Anaheim Hills and bowling me on wood lanes where I'll at least have a "shot". If it has to be "neutral", then we'll have to figure something out.

The trick is "camera work". How do we video an entire game or series? Your average person only has a cell phone camera or point/shoot camera. My video camera still uses 8mm casettes for crying out loud. I've videoed a couple frames per game and have the software to edit and combine them...but it would be alot cooler to just video tape the entire thing including a cool pre-game interview session. It's the 21st century...the tecnology MUST exist!!?

I have a Canon EX-ZR300, tripod, and a 32 gig sd-card so I can record plenty of footage.

Mike White
12-16-2013, 08:56 PM
NO...that was not me!! That was Jaescrub and Iceman who consistently roll 290-300 games but lose to "lesser bowlers" due to their handicaps.

I am a FIRM believer IN Handicaps...and am a FIRM believer that those who complain about handicaps costing them games/trophies etc should step it up and bowl in scratch lesgues/tournaments/sport leagues rather than complain about it.

Okay...then we just need Iceman to sanction a match between Mike White and I. Then we'll need a videographer...and to decide on a venue. If it's scratch, you're coming to Anaheim Hills and bowling me on wood lanes where I'll at least have a "shot". If it has to be "neutral", then we'll have to figure something out.

The trick is "camera work". How do we video an entire game or series? Your average person only has a cell phone camera or point/shoot camera. My video camera still uses 8mm casettes for crying out loud. I've videoed a couple frames per game and have the software to edit and combine them...but it would be alot cooler to just video tape the entire thing including a cool pre-game interview session. It's the 21st century...the tecnology MUST exist!!?

If you feel better about bowling on wood lanes, were can do it there.

It's been a long time since I bowled on real wood lanes, but that is what I grew up on, so I have no fear of wood.

12-16-2013, 11:25 PM
All I can say Aslan,,, knowing you,,, knowing Mike White (from what I know of mike White on this site) It would make David and goliath, look like a do able thing....

Wait,,, David did slay Goliath!! Can you beat Mike, Aslan!!! Do you have that same power slue the master!!

This would be for nothing but bragging rights!!

I not putting any good mm on this bet, odds would be WAY TOO HIGH!

Your already a winner,,,, E-tank back out!! YOU Aslan back a 199 bowler down!!

12-17-2013, 12:52 AM
Well…sounds like it's ON!! I'll await to hear some details from Mike when he wants to do this thing!

12-17-2013, 01:41 AM
This is a huge mistake Aslan,,, you need a hired gun to take on Mike White! How much money do you have????
If the price was right, I would fly out there, and take care of this matter for you! You will be destroyed, and the pain my have lasting effects on your already low self-esteem!

If you decided to do this have a preacher near by to perform last bowling rights!! preferably a bowling preacher!

12-17-2013, 01:41 AM
NO...that was not me!! That was Jaescrub and Iceman who consistently roll 290-300 games but lose to "lesser bowlers" due to their handicaps. Just wanted to clear this up for you Aslan since you made the mistake a few times. You mean "Jamau (or Jason) and Iceman". The first time I saw you write that I thought you were trying to be a dick by calling Jason "Jae-scrub" since he doesn't bowl sport pattern leagues, but then I remembered there is a user here called jaescrub :D. But I thought I'd clear it up for you anyway....

12-17-2013, 11:48 AM
This is a huge mistake Aslan,,, you need a hired gun to take on Mike White! How much money do you have????
If the price was right, I would fly out there, and take care of this matter for you! You will be destroyed, and the pain my have lasting effects on your already low self-esteem!

If you decided to do this have a preacher near by to perform last bowling rights!! preferably a bowling preacher!

Iceman should be promoted to moderator. He's so very supportive of forum members and their journey towards bowling improvement. :rolleyes:

Just wanted to clear this up for you Aslan since you made the mistake a few times. You mean "Jamau (or Jason) and Iceman". The first time I saw you write that I thought you were trying to be a dick by calling Jason "Jae-scrub" since he doesn't bowl sport pattern leagues, but then I remembered there is a user here called jaescrub :D. But I thought I'd clear it up for you anyway....

My bad. AND...you're correct...non-intentional. I got the two mixed up..I did mean Jaemau/Jason/Dude...Iceman's buddy and the lover of all bowling balls that have fragarence.

12-17-2013, 04:41 PM
I grew up bowling with Mike White so taking in all the facts in I would say this should be pretty easy. Perhaps Mike should use a house ball and shoes just to make it the slight interesting.

12-17-2013, 05:55 PM
I grew up bowling with Mike White so taking in all the facts in I would say this should be pretty easy. Perhaps Mike should use a house ball and shoes just to make it the slight interesting.

Thus why I asked for 62 pins of handicap...yet Iceman won't allow it. So that leaves me a very, very rough road ahead. I still accept the challenge...but man...I'll have to bowl over a 600-series to stay in it and I've only done that once. Now, I think it was at Mike's home alley...but still.

12-17-2013, 07:36 PM
Thus why I asked for 62 pins of handicap...yet Iceman won't allow it. So that leaves me a very, very rough road ahead. I still accept the challenge...but man...I'll have to bowl over a 600-series to stay in it and I've only done that once. Now, I think it was at Mike's home alley...but still.

Maybe just bowling scratch for 3 games and see how it goes. Aslan, I would try and bowl later in the evening like something past 8pm. He is in senior leagues and perhaps he will get tired. :p