View Full Version : Wow,, I get tears that turn to Icicles!!

12-16-2013, 08:19 AM
Call Iceman old fashion, in a modern sorta way, but I do miss something's about the old days in bowling!

Notice in the flick, the suits that everyone wears in the audience... (:), The smack talk before the challenge is fricken crazy,,,Iceman likes,,,, notice the hand position on the balls.... Would love to be able to go back in time, and witness some of this! Iceman is working on a time machine, but still have a few problems to work out! Just need a little more TIME!

I want the glamor days of bowling to come back!!! WHO NEEDS UN-REALITY TV! I for one am sick of it!! NO I don't watch it, but its everywhere!

My reality and passion in life is My Wife, and Bowling, not maybe in that order... :rolleyes: Things have changed so much in the sport of bowling! I can remember a local show here in Kansas City Missouri that My parents watched every week, Bowling for Dollars! It came on after the local news, can't remember if it was once a week, or 5 days.


12-16-2013, 08:29 AM
Why don't you wear a suit next league night - maybe you'll set a trend? If you do though, please have someone video tape you bowling in said suit and put it on youtube for us.

12-16-2013, 09:47 AM
LOL,,,, The bowlers are not wearing suits, but the audience all wore suits, and the women look like the Beavers Mom, on leave it to beaver! Heels, party dresses, necklaces ect..... A time when people took pride in how they dressed!

Do you see any paints on the ground types.... lol I can only imagine what it will be like in the future!

Wow,,, what if Iceman wears a suit, do you think I could start a trend!!

12-16-2013, 09:51 AM
Wow,,, what if Iceman wears a suit, do you think I could start a trend!!You'd have to cut the sleeves off so you could show your guns :D

12-16-2013, 11:42 AM
You'd have to cut the sleeves off so you could show your guns :D

LOL,,,, LOL,, those guns are getting smaller as the years go by!! LOL I use to weigh around 275, and had 19 inch arms.
Now I am shrinking like in the witch in the wizard of oz!! But that's the way it is...lol!! It might be a great idea doing a vedio wearing one of my suits... If I have any!! LOL But I doubt I would cut the sleeves off... lol!!!

Its like bikers! I have been a biker for 40 years... long distance rides coast to coast ect... camping on the way! So many what I call "Want To Be Tough Guys" out there now with their fake tattoo's, and pony tails, and bad ask, shirts with cross bones and skulls!!

Makes me ill!! LOL I remember the commercials that Honda had in the past,,,,, different image completely... their motto was: "You meet the nicest people of a Honda!" When was the last time you saw a guy on a Harley wearing a Suit, or leisure suit lol,,,, they are all BAD ASKES,,, so they think! ( some are,, maybe 2 percent lol)!

The bowling image really hasn't changed that much since the early days,,, but from what I see the audience has big time! lol Wearing the suits ect to the lanes.... especially during televised tournaments ect!

12-16-2013, 03:29 PM
Makes me ill!! LOL I remember the commercials that Honda had in the past,,,,, different image completely... their motto was: "You meet the nicest people of a Honda!" When was the last time you saw a guy on a Harley wearing a Suit, or leisure suit lol,,,, they are all BAD ASKES,,, so they think! ( some are,, maybe 2 percent lol)!

You meant 1%, right, lol.