View Full Version : Ball surface question for the gurus

01-18-2014, 11:29 AM
I apologize in advance for the long winded post, but wanted to check with people that know a whole lot more than me about the ball surfaces for my arsenal. I am looking to make adjustments to fit my current needs and conditions I am bowling on. I will be league bowling in two different houses, joined one half way through and also starting a short season league in two weeks. Both houses have similar shots, one is slightly heavier oil but not a night and day difference between the two. My arsenal will grow and surface changes will be needed later this year because I am bowling in a PBA Experience League this summer and plan on doing some tournaments in the fall, but for now am wanting to dial in my arsenal for the two house shots I will be on for the Spring. Unfortunately I do not know my exact numbers, my average ball speed (not out of hand but for the whole shot) is 16.5-17mph and I have medium revs. All of these balls were laid out with the pin up for a more angular move but do not know specific layout numbers.

Current Arsenal and OOB finish with thoughts on different surface:

DV8 Endless Nightmare
OOB: 500/1,500 Siaair
With not seeing really heavy oil this ball OOB is not really useful as it tends to roll too soon and lose energy quickly
Idea: Skip Grit 500/2,000 Polished
Thinking the polish and 2,000 will give a much longer skid and conserve energy and with the 500 underneath still maintain a very angular move in the friction.

Storm IQ Tour Pearl
OOB: 1,500 Polished
Probably not going to touch this one I love this ball and it gives me a great look

DV8 Dude
OOB: 500 Siaair/Royal Compound/Royal Shine
This ball is very smooth and I do like it a lot, but would like a little bigger step down from the IQ Tour Pearl. When the IQ burns up the Dude seems to be a little too strong to move down to. It is also such a different look from a Pearl to a Solid, the Dude is reading the lane just a little early it seems.
Idea: If Royal Compound is a 2,500 Grit polish is the OOB finish acting like the skip a grit technique? If so would bringing it up to 2,500 in steps then polish make a difference? I don't want to weaken it too much just trying to find a happy medium.

Storm Tropical Breeze
OOB: 1,500 Polished
Idea: I am thinking about taking this to a 4,000 polished surface specifically to try and play the outside when the lanes dry up. Instead of moving farther left maybe try to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and going to this ball and try and play up the right.

I am still fairly new to the bowling world so I hope my ideas aren't too outta wack, just looking for opinions and different ideas. I will be for sure discussing this with my pro shop guy, who is great, I just like to gather as much information as possible and learn a thing or two on the way.

Thanks in advance for the help and look forward to ideas!

01-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Endless: ball has a crazy strong cover so i agree with 2000+ polish, 4000+ polish might even work aswell

IQ: agreed

Dude: Dont quote me on this but im pretty sure when you go up in grits in steps, it does smooth out the reaction so 500/2000 is diff than 500/1000/1500/2000

Breeze: i could agree with that. Or if you can, you could throw it faster

Do you play in a 5+ man league or lanes that transition fast?

01-18-2014, 02:08 PM
DV8 Endless Nightmare
OOB: 500/1,500 Siaair
With not seeing really heavy oil this ball OOB is not really useful as it tends to roll too soon and lose energy quickly
Idea: Skip Grit 500/2,000 Polished
Thinking the polish and 2,000 will give a much longer skid and conserve energy and with the 500 underneath still maintain a very angular move in the friction.
From Storm R&D:
"500/2000" This reaction is a very good benchmark reaction as the ball has enough topography to still generate friction in medium to light oil, but not enough to cause the ball to read too early in most cases. This finish delays the hook transition, allowing for a strong entry angle.

I might would try this first, then see if polish is needed.

Storm IQ Tour Pearl
OOB: 1,500 Polished
Probably not going to touch this one I love this ball and it gives me a great look
Sounds good.

DV8 Dude
OOB: 500 Siaair/Royal Compound/Royal Shine
This ball is very smooth and I do like it a lot, but would like a little bigger step down from the IQ Tour Pearl. When the IQ burns up the Dude seems to be a little too strong to move down to. It is also such a different look from a Pearl to a Solid, the Dude is reading the lane just a little early it seems.
Idea: If Royal Compound is a 2,500 Grit polish is the OOB finish acting like the skip a grit technique? If so would bringing it up to 2,500 in steps then polish make a difference? I don't want to weaken it too much just trying to find a happy medium.

A 500 pad to a liquid compound wouldn't really be "skip a grit", Pads and compounds don't really compare that way. You'd want to go to a 500/2000 pad for a true "skip a grit".

I might would try a 500/2000/Royal Compound/Royal Shine that should give it a bit more length.

Storm Tropical Breeze
OOB: 1,500 Polished
Idea: I am thinking about taking this to a 4,000 polished surface specifically to try and play the outside when the lanes dry up. Instead of moving farther left maybe try to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and going to this ball and try and play up the right.

The Storm 1,500 Polished surface is basically already at 4,000 polished. (A 1500 US grit equals a P4000 abralon pad). As a thought you could add The 5000 Royal Shine to the surface (Also you could substitute Royal Compound for Storm Step Two.) This would give a bit more length.

Storm 1500-grit Polished Factory Finish
1. 500-grit Abralon® – Sand firmly for 30 seconds on all four sides.
2. 1000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
3. 2000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
4. 4000-grit Abralon – Sand lightly for 20 seconds on all four sides.
5. Storm® Step Two™ – Polish lightly for 15 seconds on each side.

01-18-2014, 02:19 PM
Do you play in a 5+ man league or lanes that transition fast?

Both leagues are 4-man teams so 8 bowlers on a pair. I don't plan on going through all 4 balls but figure on a normal night starting with the Endless or IQ and moving to the Dude. I think the Tropical Breeze will be in reserve for if we play a team with a lot of high rev guys and I can retreat to the outside.

01-18-2014, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the tips bowl1820. I am going to talk with my proshop guy next Monday and will post what I end up doing and the results.

01-18-2014, 07:36 PM
Both leagues are 4-man teams so 8 bowlers on a pair. I don't plan on going through all 4 balls but figure on a normal night starting with the Endless or IQ and moving to the Dude. I think the Tropical Breeze will be in reserve for if we play a team with a lot of high rev guys and I can retreat to the outside.

Ah okay. I always hate playing the team in my league that has 2 two handers and 2 thumbless bowlers. Lanes get bone dry real fast

01-18-2014, 09:09 PM
Just so you have something that would handle oil I would keep the endless dull but adjust surface up in grits untill desired reaction is found. For the Dude I would goe either the 500/2000 or 500/1000/2000 plus Royal Compound and Royal Shine

01-18-2014, 10:11 PM
Ah okay. I always hate playing the team in my league that has 2 two handers and 2 thumbless bowlers. Lanes get bone dry real fast

I practice with a two hander and he eats up the lane quick. There is one team in my new Monday league that has 2 thumbless and a two hander on the team. The high hard one with the Tropical Breeze will get a work out that night...

Just so you have something that would handle oil I would keep the endless dull but adjust surface up in grits untill desired reaction is found. For the Dude I would goe either the 500/2000 or 500/1000/2000 plus Royal Compound and Royal Shine

That is a good point Stormed1 I will start with just grit first. Even though I don't normally need you never know when they might get a little oil happy on a given night

01-19-2014, 03:08 AM
I always keep something with me for oil and for "toast". I may not bring them in with me but I have them.

01-27-2014, 11:52 PM
For an update: after discussing with my driller (who is extremely helpful and knowledgeable) we ended up going 500 grit then step 3 on the Endless Nightmare for me to use on my fresh league shot. What a result, shot 245 in first game tonight and the ball reacted exactly like he predicted. I could not be happier and am glad I found this shop.