View Full Version : first tournament

01-19-2014, 10:12 PM
Well…I got my first tournament coming up in 6 days!!! :eek:

I've been super excited for the last 2 weeks…but now that its approaching…I'm getting kinda nervous. Normally I wouldn't think of competing in a "tournament" after only bowling seriously for 5 months…but this is a small tournament with squads based on averages…so I'll be bowling in the 151-169 division.

Since it'll be on synthetic lanes with heavier oil volumes, my 164 USBC average is probably more like a 138-142 average so I'll likely struggle…but its more for the "experience" than anything.

01-19-2014, 10:27 PM
First off, change your attitude!

So much of this game is mental!!! even sub-conscious thoughts can and will interfere with how you bowl.

Starting thinking positive now for higher scores, better judgments, and you will do well...Kudos for even trying a tournament at this stage of your bowling!

J Anderson
01-19-2014, 11:11 PM
First off, change your attitude!

So much of this game is mental!!! even sub-conscious thoughts can and will interfere with how you bowl.

Starting thinking positive now for higher scores, better judgments, and you will do well...Kudos for even trying a tournament at this stage of your bowling!

I second this Aslan. Nerves and emotions come and go, they aren't right or wrong, they just are. So you're a bit excited or maybe you're nervous, acknowledge it, take a deep breath and bowl.

Attitude, however, is within your control. If you expect to struggle, you will!

The first tournament I entered was in December 2008. I had switched to bowling lefty in August of that year and my entering average was so low that I had the maximum handicap allowed by tournament rules. My attitude was that I was getting slowly better and would most likely bowl over my average. While I started with a 132, my second game was a 263 that shocked my doubles partner and contributed to series good enough for 5th place in the handicapped singles. I followed with a 477 series scratch in the doubles event that was good enough for us to cash in that event as well.

By the way I had signed up for that tournament out of spite since a friend of mine hadn't offered me a spot on the 5 man team he put together for the tournament. That team did not cash, nor did my friend and his doubles partner. My friend did finish 18th in the handicapped singles event.

01-19-2014, 11:21 PM
Whoa…classy granny said something nice to me. What!? :confused:

But seriously, you're both right. Sometimes when I'm bowling bad, especially during leagues…the trick is finding a way to convince myself that I'm WAY better than I actually am. Like I've said before…if I'm doing well…and people are impressed…I'm unstoppable. But if I bowl badly…I struggle to snap out of it.

Friday night, I was bowling SO well…that the other team bought me a shot of Tequilla hoping it would disorient me. Little did they know…the more "effective" way to slow me down would have been to ignore me and not pay attention to me. Every time I walked up there…I felt like Pete Weber…like I was SUPPOSED to do well…like it was a "given". And…I threw more strikes in that series than any series I can remember.

However, they also bought shots for 2 of my teammates and in the 3rd game after I threw 2 strikes to start…she said, "You're gonna throw a 300 game." I was like "Nooooo!! You can't say it out LOUD!! Not after 2 frames!!" And, of course…3rd frame was a 6-7-10 split. :mad:

01-20-2014, 12:54 AM
Best of luck to you with your upcoming tournament! Strike when you can, but make sure to pick up your spares; basically make every shot count; sorry to sound cliche. Make sure that you bring however many balls that will be able to handle the conditions when the oil is fresh and when it breaks down. Can't wait to hear the results of the tournament!

01-20-2014, 01:30 AM
Aslan don't worry no need to be nervous until we meet in March, that's the real event...this is just a warmup LOL

But seriously, good luck man hope to read your report afterwards

01-20-2014, 12:11 PM
I haven't bowled in too many tourneys, just some no taps around the holidays when the house I bowl in hosts them. The past couple no-taps that I've bowled in (I was in handicapped division), I let my nerves get to me after a couple bad shots in the second game, my attitude changed thinking I couldn't come back then completely choked the rest of the night. Yet, back in November I was going to bowl in a different alleys no tap and I didn't realize until the day of that it was all scratch. My average isn't much higher than yours and I wasn't going to go thinking I didn't have a chance..but about an hour before I said screw it, I'm going anyway..treat it like a practice session, have some fun and catch a couple drinks after. That took all of the pressure off, I didn't get into my own head after a bad shot and kept a good attitude and surprisingly I was two places away from being in the money at the end (much better than I've been placing with my handicap at the other no taps). Even if you get nervous, don't let that change your attitude..just stay focused and I'm sure you'll surprise yourself...good luck!

01-20-2014, 02:27 PM
Good luck Aslan. Just think you could win the tourney and find a woman all the while Iceman's perfect day song is playing.

01-20-2014, 11:19 PM
Make sure that you bring however many balls that will be able to handle the conditions when the oil is fresh and when it breaks down.

Hopefully "many" = "2"….because thats how many I have.

01-21-2014, 04:07 AM
Good luck in it. Remember what people have wrote. Go into it knowing you are gonna beat your average and win it all. Being nervous goes with it but always have the right attitude and you will see that in the end t isn't that bad and you will come out better than ya thought ya would..

Good luck!

01-21-2014, 09:25 PM
Whoa…classy granny said something nice to me. What!? :confused:

I only state my opinions...if you like it - great! If you don't...not my problem. Apparently, you don't like many of my opinions. But I always hope bowlers bowl well, unless you are my opponent at the time. Bowl well in the Tourney!

01-21-2014, 11:43 PM
I only state my opinions...if you like it - great! If you don't...not my problem. Apparently, you don't like many of my opinions. But I always hope bowlers bowl well, unless you are my opponent at the time. Bowl well in the Tourney!

I like ALL of your opinions…except the ones where I am implicated as a buffoon that knows nothing and should be silenced.

But most of the other opinions…especially the ones wishing me well in the tournament…LOVE those opinions!!

01-22-2014, 01:28 AM
Hopefully "many" = "2"….because thats how many I have.

You could always bring the Blue Knight out of retirement; or perhaps pick up a spare (plastic)?

01-22-2014, 11:07 AM
Or grab a house ball or 3

01-22-2014, 01:22 PM
You could always bring the Blue Knight out of retirement; or perhaps pick up a spare (plastic)?

I used to use that as a sort of "back-up ball" for splits and such. But the issue with it is, it's conventional drilled and not for my hand. Add to that, it's 14lbs. I don't mind switching weights if I "have to"...but switching from 16 to 14 in between shots...and from fingertip to conventional...I just found that it was too much. I've thought about having it filled and re-drilled....make it a sort of "spare ball"...but I can usually hit spares fine with my strike ball (on the left) and my back-up ball (on the right). I struggle sometimes...but other times it's almost automatic.

Besides...if I start struggling THAT bad where I can't get either of my 2 balls to work...I've probably already gotten off to such a horrible start that it's time to just resign to the facit it was a learning experience only.

01-22-2014, 02:20 PM
Sometimes you just bowl your best in tournaments. Last year I was struggling with my game (shooting 180's) right before the local tournament came along. I bowled in four slots and had a couple 700's and two high 600's. I think sometimes the tournament just provides a motivation that isn't necessarily there during league play.

01-24-2014, 05:13 AM
Good luck dude. Best advice I can give is to not focus on the score at all. Just focus on making one good shot at a time.

01-24-2014, 02:05 PM
Good luck dude. Best advice I can give is to not focus on the score at all. Just focus on making one good shot at a time.

Excellent advice. And I used that approach yesterday when I was struggling. Slowed things down...and just focused on making a nice, consistent, shot. It worked.

01-24-2014, 04:22 PM
Set your goals low and you will achieve them - shoot for 100 game and picking up a 4 or 5 on the hotness scale chick after the tourney and you will go far. Like a pro baseball player in a little league park.

01-25-2014, 01:52 AM
Set your goals low and you will achieve them - shoot for 100 game and picking up a 4 or 5 on the hotness scale chick after the tourney and you will go far. Like a pro baseball player in a little league park.

Well, the 100 game I think I can achieve…but a "4" or "5"?? Thats pushing it.

J Anderson
01-25-2014, 04:05 PM
Well, the 100 game I think I can achieve…but a "4" or "5"?? Thats pushing it.

Did Mudpuppy forget to add on a scale of 1 to 20?;)j.k.

01-26-2014, 01:02 AM
Well, first tournament in the books!

It was quite successful. I posted an in depth review of the scores in my "Aslan's Scores (of the non-lady kind)" thread. But as to the tournament itself…I had fun. I bowled well. And I was able to ride that confidence. I think had I struggled early I might have really fed off that struggle and just had a miserable time. But I was able to hold my own and go toe to toe with the other few bowlers in my group that were good bowlers…and at the end of the day, the guy that was in the lead in our division after his AM performance…he was re-bowling in the PM in my group…and I beat him every game.

I knew I needed to throw in the 500s to have a chance in my division. Turns out I needed much higher than that given the leader in the AM rolled a 583. I didn't care about the prize money (which was minimal). I would have liked to win just so I could go on and represent OC in the state tournament in my division. But, it was a learning experience and it was a good time and the bulk of the money went to a good cause (veterans).

If I can keep improving, I might get into the ABTA tournaments. They have tournaments almost every week for people with average less than 209. But….probably hold off until I get my money thing situated. I'd like to start doing two league nights a week…but at this point don't even know if I can continue to do 1. If I add in a tournament a month….on top of trying to at least play poker once a week or once a month…it adds up $$$.

01-27-2014, 01:44 PM
More importantly did you hook up with any hot chicks?

01-27-2014, 01:46 PM
More importantly did you hook up with any hot chicks?

Ummm. No. Bowling tournaments don't tend to generate a great many "hot chicks". A lot of old asian ladies.

However, on another note...I bowled with a female bowler that I have to say had one of the best releases I've ever seen in a female bowler. I wish I had given her my number and gotten hers because I'd LOVE to do some mixed doubles tournaments with her.

01-27-2014, 01:56 PM
Other notes from the tournament:

There were some really good bowlers there, but I didn't feel "overmatched". I felt good.

Watching bowlers before I got there, I was worried the lanes would be too slick...but fortunately they didn't re-oil before the PM start so that helped me.

There were some IMPRESSIVE youth bowlers there. One kid rolled a 299 rolling against the adults.

I had a couple issues because the youth bowlers were bowling next to us. Some of the kids had to be schooled by the USBC staff on not walking up to the approach while other bowlers were on the approach. One female youth bowler actually slipped and fell just as I was releasing my ball.

One youth in particular annoyed me because he was:
A) A 2-handed bowler.
B) Had Mega attitude...you could tell he was expecting to win.
C) He had an 11-ball ARSEnal.

Well, true form to most 2-handed bowlers...he started out all over the place with a game in the 130s. He must have switched balls 3 times. Apparently he read Rob M.'s article on not outbowling a bad ball reaction but forgot to read Rob's article on "knowing your arsenal". Second game he shot in the 150s. But...again, true form to 2-handed bowlers...he bowled in the 270s in game 3.

#1 problem for 2-handed bowlers: spares. This kid struggled leaving weird leaves like washouts...very common to thumbless and 2-handed bowlers. And he struggled any time he didn't strike. Fortunately, in game 3...he didn't need to pick up spares because he didn't leave any.

I learned what "brackets" are. I might have been able to win some money had I known "brackets" existed.

Still waiting for them to post the scores...I'll update when I find out.

01-27-2014, 11:46 PM
I learned what "brackets" are. I might have been able to win some money had I known "brackets" existed.

Still waiting for them to post the scores...I'll update when I find out.

If you don't mind explaining, what are these "brackets"? And good job bowling well in the tourney!

01-28-2014, 02:06 AM
If you don't mind explaining, what are these "brackets"? And good job bowling well in the tourney!

Brackets (and others can probably explain better) are like a side pot where you get matched up against another player randomly and if you bowl more above your average than they do, you move on to the next round and in game 2 bowl against another player…until game 3 when, if you advance, you bowl against another player and the one with the best score above average wins like $25 and the loser wins $10. And I think you can enter more than once…the more brackets you're in, the more likely you'll advance in at least one.

01-28-2014, 05:54 AM
Glad to hear you played well and had a good experience :)

Nice job.

01-28-2014, 06:35 AM
Good job! Keep having fun!

02-05-2014, 01:11 PM
Brackets (and others can probably explain better) are like a side pot where you get matched up against another player randomly and if you bowl more above your average than they do, you move on to the next round and in game 2 bowl against another player…until game 3 when, if you advance, you bowl against another player and the one with the best score above average wins like $25 and the loser wins $10. And I think you can enter more than once…the more brackets you're in, the more likely you'll advance in at least one.

Brackets are a good way to make big money if you are bowling good. My first tournament I came in with a 151 avg from the previous year. This was bowling at a very difficult wood lane house. That has since closed down. During that season I had moved to Tulsa and was bowling at a place in Tulsa that has also closed down (due to bad management) At this place I was averaging around 170. I entered every handicap bracket and won every single one and I was in about 25 brackets each set. There was a lot of people pissed off after getting beat in brackets by someone with a 150 average shooting over 600 every set.

06-02-2014, 05:31 PM
Still waiting for them to post the scores...I'll update when I find out.

FINALLY they posted the scores.

In their defence....I think they "thought" they posted the scores bu didn't. I ended up e-mailing them and asking them why they never posted the scores and well, they finally did.

I finished 5th out of 18 bowlers in Men's Singles B Division (averages 151-169 scratch).
1) 661
2) 600
3) 596
4) 584
5) 563 (ME)
6) 543
7) 514
8) 505
9) 495
10) 469
11) 459
12) 458
13) 456
14) 446
15) 440
16) 419
17) 414
18) 390

The bummer is, I finished 18th in the optional handicap prize pool and they paid up to 16...so I just missed actually cashing in my first ever tournament (even if it was only $15). The other bummer is in 2013, nobody in Division B scored in the 500s much less 600s.

As to the guys that finished above me, the top 2...that was their home lanes...so I imagine that helped a little. And the guy in 4th had not only actually won the B-division in the past, but was in the A-division the prior year. And the interesting thing about him is...I BEAT him in the squad I was in. We bowled together. But he had entered multiple times. So he scored that 584 in the AM session and then in the PM scored lower than I did.

Gonna enter my second tournament this Saturday!! It's not a USBC tournament...it's ABTA. It's going to be a LOT more competitive given that $1000 is on the line. But, should be a fun experience!

06-02-2014, 05:44 PM
The "dilemma" is...do I enter early and re-enter a couple times to try and get the best score and make the finals?

Or, do I just go in and bowl one squad and I get what I get?

If I enter 1 squad...it's a very reasonable $57...which is less than I'd lose playing poker. And if I win, I probably will win MORE than I'd win playing poker.

However...if I enter and then re-enter...thats another $54...now I'm out $101. If I bowl THREE times...now I'm out $148. And that doesn't include side pots.

So...that'll be the dilemma I'll have to consider between now and then. Hopefully I bowl really awesome the first game and then just say "screw it...save the money." But I don't think thats going to happen.

06-02-2014, 08:35 PM
From what I've seen, a great majority of bowlers who cash in tournaments with multiple squads enter more than one. It usually takes one squad to get comfortable with the shot and the circumstances. If you're going to consider bowling the tournament, just consider that it's a $108 entry fee and bowl 2 squads.

06-02-2014, 11:58 PM
From what I've seen, a great majority of bowlers who cash in tournaments with multiple squads enter more than one. It usually takes one squad to get comfortable with the shot and the circumstances. If you're going to consider bowling the tournament, just consider that it's a $108 entry fee and bowl 2 squads.

Good advice. Thats what I'm thinking.

06-06-2014, 01:26 PM
From what I've seen, a great majority of bowlers who cash in tournaments with multiple squads enter more than one. It usually takes one squad to get comfortable with the shot and the circumstances. If you're going to consider bowling the tournament, just consider that it's a $108 entry fee and bowl 2 squads.

Actually, after giving it some thought...I've decided to go to the 1st of 5 squads with the goal of bowling a 584 (scracth) or higher. IF I hit that goal, I'll go home or to the beach and chill and go back later in the day to see if I made the semi-finals.

However, if I fail to hit 584 or higher (a series level I have only hit 3 times in my bowling career), I will bowl again in squad 3 with the same goal...if I don't hit it...bowl again in squad 5. The way I figure it....I can probably make the semi-finals as long as I bowl over 511 scratch. I'm getting about 111 pins total of handicap. However, I figure I'll need a 570 to have a real good chance. A 584 should be a "lock" given that it would give me 695 handicap. That should almost certainly put me in the top 25 and give me a shot at the semi-finals. And thats really all I want. I have no delusions that I'll show up and take the top prize. Anything is possible...but I just want to perform well enough that I get a "shot" in the semi-finals.

I think I got a good shot. My book average is 165, but currently in my league I'm averaging 174. 165 at 75% of 215 should give me a 633 handicap if I bowl my current average (174). But in the last 4 weeks of May, I have been averaging 183. So if I bowl like I have been the past 4 weeks...I could be up in the 660 region. I won't be "comfortable" bowling less than a 584 in terms of making the semi-finals...but even if I bowl in the 522-549 range (far more likely than 584)...I should still have a chance. My only other "real" (non BB tourney) tourney result was a 563...but I had to get lucky in the 2nd game and throw a 223 in order to make that happen. Not sure if I'll have that "magic" this Saturday.

The "bad" news is...I've never bowled at these (Irvine) lanes. I bowled at Tustin once which I think are similar and bowled quite well (195-220-209-149). But that was on a weekend after a holiday so I can only imagine how much drier than usual the lanes were. And I'm the opposite of most bowlers in that the less oil there is...the better I usually do. My worry is, if they have moderate-heavy oil...it's a very reasonable assumption that I may average closer to 159. And a series lower than the 490s I really got no shot at the semi-finals.

Still very, very excited...but also getting a little nervous. On the one hand, this is going to be more talented bowlers than I'm used to...so mentally I have to not get "psyched out" thinking, "geez....I'm out of my league, I don't belong here, this is going to be embarassing." On the OTHER hand...as my recent matches against the GREAT MWHITE have shown...I DO have the tendency to BOWL UP to my competition.

Obviously...In tru to form Aslan fashion...FULL ELABORATE non-Mudpuppy cliff note write up to follow the event.

06-06-2014, 04:15 PM
Best of luck here's hoping for a 600 series for you

06-06-2014, 05:43 PM
Good luck!

06-08-2014, 12:52 PM
In a word; ***ptastic.

My keys to victory were:
- 584 series
- 75% single pin spare pick-up rate or higher
- 40% strike rate or higher

My keys to defeat were:
- A heavy oil lane similar to AMF Carter, AMF Riverside, or Vegas
- Bowling against people who were having better than average nights

Well, none of the keys to victory happened and all of the keys to defeat happened and thus it was embarrassing.


Most people didn't start showing up until the 4:00Pm squad, so the 12PM and 2:30PM squads were my best bet as far as winning the squad and getting in the semi-finals.

In squad 1 (12PM) I really struggled to keep my speed down. The lanes were about the 2nd heaviest oil I've played on in California behind AMF Riverside and slightly slicker than AMF Carter. I wasn't the only one struggling and average scores were down. Many guys were missing right, getting washouts, because there was just very little dry area on the outside and the pattern seemed longer than a THS.

I shot a horrible 129 in game 1…I only struck 3x and only made one spare. The 136 in game 2 wasn't much better. A few opens and a split in the 10th…only struck once the whole game. Managed to improve my spare shooting in game 3 and shot a 165 with only 2 open frames….but can't score very high when you only strike once!

So in the first series, my spare shooting was "okay" at 77% (single-pins) but I couldn't strike (16%). And my first ball average was under 8 pins…which is rare for me. Ended with a 430 series; -62; a 538 series handicap.

In squad 3 (2:30PM), I returned to try again. The oil was still very slick. I spent this squad and last squad moving about 4-6 boards right of my normal starting point and trying to play the 7-board. Normally the ball will do much of the work, but on these conditions, even at a slower speed, I couldn't get the ball to do anything with my low rev release. All 3 games of this squad were similar. My strike rate was UP (32%) and my first ball average was up to 8.26…but I was leaving almost entirely multi-pin spares which I was only 52% at picking up. Finished with a 167-159-161 for a 487 series, -5, 595 handicap series.

I decided to join the 6:00PM squad and make one last attempt at getting in the semi-finals. The oil had broken down over the course of the day and I was able to stand closer to center and move over to the 8-9 boards in terms of targeting. I still figured I needed a 584 scratch series…one of the guys running the thing said I probably needed at least a 547 scratch. Well, squad 3 worked out even worse than squad 2…first ball average was down to 8.12 and the strike rate was down to 27%. Spare pick-up rate was up slightly due to leaving more single-pin spares (8 versus 3). Finished with a 483 series; -9; 591 handicap series.

I don't think they were using any sport pattern. They didn't say anything about that. But it was EXTREMELY difficult. There was NO dry area to the right. Anyone that missed more than 2 boards right…you weren't making it back to the pocket. Even the higher rev guys with the stronger equipment…if they missed right, they were dead in the water. You were better off missing left and throwing through the river of oil where at least the ball would hold and probably hit the headpin…at the risk of splits and multi-pin spare leaves.

Overall, VERY bad experience.

1) Tournaments are WAY more expensive than they appear. If you see a flyer or something in the paper…they make it seem like you pay about $50…maybe another $15 to get in on some side pots and brackets…so about $65 per squad you participate in. Well, by the time you add in the various different categories in order to get the highest payout…I think I spent nearly $250 to bowl in 3 squads and all I kept out of the experience was I got a nice collared shirt and 2 bowling towels.

2) I don't have the equipment nor rev rate to compete on heavy oil. It was VERY evident that even at low speeds, my ball was working against me. Remember Rob's "you can't out bowl a bad ball reaction"? Well, I spent all 3 squads trying to out bowl a bad ball reaction. I couldn't move inside and didn't have a stronger ball in my bag…so I was at the mercy of the heavy oil and it was the Vegas nightmare all over again. Most of those guys were throwing pro level equipment…masterminds, mastermind genius, virtual gravity nano, C Systems, SYNCs, Lucids, Networks, Totally Defiants, Defiant Souls, Hammer Deadly aims….a lot more "big hook" equipment than I was used to going up against. So they could throw it out…and if they hit the 3-4 board break-point area (right around 10-8 boards down lane)…they'd have a nice pocket hit. Gonna drill up some stronger equipment late July/Earl August and hopefully that will give me something to be competitive with when I bowl sweeps in Laughlin. If not, I need to go back to the drawing board and develop a much higher rev rate release…which means I'll be back to "trying" to make the ball hook…which I've tried to stay away from as best I can.

3) I think this tournament was a "reach". I thought I could compete…figured I had a 584 series in me…but I was out of my league with these players. I think I'll put ABTA tournaments on the back burner until I can increase my average to say, 193. I mean, if you're a low 190s bowler, ABT and ABTA tournaments could be fun and you might even win some money. But I just think until my game is at that level, I'm going to stick to the local, smaller USBC tournaments where it's not quite as costly and I have a better chance.

06-08-2014, 06:20 PM
I understand. I definitely think it's time to punch some of that stronger equipment low revs and weaker equipment on tougher conditions can get in your head and if your like me you start trying to make the ball do what it needs to and that just makes it worse.

06-08-2014, 07:42 PM
I just have to settle down, be more patient, and remember my goals:

My goals for 2014 are:

1) Improve my average to 190+.
2) Always either bowl a clean game and/or have a 525+ series.
3) Improve strike rate to 40% or higher.
4) Improve single-pin spare shooting % to 70% or higher.
5) Improve split pick-up rate to 10% or higher.

I'll change #1 to "193" instead of 190+…but those are my goals. And I need to stop getting ahead of myself and stop worrying that my release is PBA ready and I don't understand ball specs the way I want to and, etc.., etc…, etc… I'm far too impatient.

06-10-2014, 08:37 AM
1) Tournaments are WAY more expensive than they appear. If you see a flyer or something in the paper…they make it seem like you pay about $50…maybe another $15 to get in on some side pots and brackets…so about $65 per squad you participate in. Well, by the time you add in the various different categories in order to get the highest payout…I think I spent nearly $250 to bowl in 3 squads and all I kept out of the experience was I got a nice collared shirt and 2 bowling towels.It's the sad reality about money tournaments, but for every guy that won 600$ there's 6 guys who just paid 100 bucks for 6-8 games of bowling. I don't know if I'd recommend putting tourneys completely on hold. Taking your lumps those first few tournaments is part of becoming a good tournament bowler. Putting off larger or more expensive tournaments (I'm guessing the ABT tournaments are like that) is probably not a bad idea though.

I'm far too impatient.That's what we've been telling you for ages. As long as you recognize it yourself, it's the first step to correcting it :)

06-10-2014, 10:07 AM
It's the sad reality about money tournaments, but for every guy that won 600$ there's 6 guys who just paid 100 bucks for 6-8 games of bowling. I don't know if I'd recommend putting tourneys completely on hold. Taking your lumps those first few tournaments is part of becoming a good tournament bowler.

Particularly handicap ones, and particularly if they aren't on your normal house shot/on a sport pattern you have no idea how to play. The first couple tournaments I did were... quite disappointing. But, they build experience and after a couple you know what you're getting into an how to play them :)

06-10-2014, 12:00 PM
I "may" participate in a tournament again, whether TNBA or ABT or ABTA.

BUT…it's going to be at a venue I know I can be competitive at. No more showing up at an alley I never played at or going to a heavy oil house that I know I will likely average in the 150s at.

I DO think adding a heavy oil Pearl/assymetric to my arsenal…which is looking like a late July/early August type of thing…will help. But based on the schedule I saw for the ABTA, they generally stick to the same 7-8 centers and they all happen to be heavier oil houses where I haven't done well.

Like I said, most high level bowlers tend to "like" heavy oil versus drier conditions. They have pro level equipment that is able to handle heavy oil and reacts badly on dry conditions. So until I can develop my heavy oil arsenal/game…it doesn't make sense to pay $250 to average 155-160.

I think I might look into the TNBA tournaments and see what they're all about. Their website is kinda cra**y at explaining how their tournaments work. It might be a situation where you have to join a TNBA sanctioned league and somehow that qualifies you for larger regional tournaments…but I'm unsure.

06-10-2014, 12:09 PM
Aslan Have you considered just balling up to a heavy oils symmetric ball. I have never thrown an asymmetric but from what I have been told unless your release is just right and vary consistent your going to struggle with them. May just may be a bunch of crap I don't know. If anyone on here has experience with this it would be nice if they comment.

06-10-2014, 12:29 PM
I "may" participate in a tournament again, whether TNBA or ABT or ABTA.

BUT…it's going to be at a venue I know I can be competitive at. No more showing up at an alley I never played at or going to a heavy oil house that I know I will likely average in the 150s at.

You can't just expect to put up a certain number at any house. You also can't expect that at your most comfortable house you are going to do well. You will have off days just like you have on days. Going into it with a preconceived "number" that you MUST throw is just going to put you off your game. Open mind and take it shot by shot and adjust when needed.

My $.03

06-10-2014, 12:40 PM
You can't just expect to put up a certain number at any house. You also can't expect that at your most comfortable house you are going to do well. You will have off days just like you have on days. Going into it with a preconceived "number" that you MUST throw is just going to put you off your game. Open mind and take it shot by shot and adjust when needed.

My $.03

I am not sure that being familiar with the house is really going to help unless you bowl there a lot and know it is going to be on the same pattern you typically bowl on. Even at my house if you go in the next day after the lanes were oiled the night before its a huge difference than playing there with fresh. If they were doing a tournament it could be completely different again. All you can do is throw your best and hope its a good day. I know every time I go out I'm capable of putting up a 600 series I also know I'm capable of throwing below 400 (doesn't happen often than god) that's all I really can expect. I practice and will eventually add to my arsenal to try and raise those numbers. Doesn't keep me from being happy about the 600's or pissed at myself over the 400's though. Can't wait for the day those numbers become 650-700 and 500.

06-10-2014, 01:00 PM
Aslan Have you considered just balling up to a heavy oils symmetric ball.

Already have one. The Rhythm is a medium-heavy oil solid overstock, symmetric ball. But at my rev rate, I can't play inside with it….even on drier conditions. It DOES allow me to play the outside (4-9 boards) to get a little more angle into the pocket. But I can't play the center of far to the left…if I miss right it grabs too early and hits center-left. If I miss a little left it can't recover (even at my low speed) and I leave a washout.

On dry-medium oil, not a big issue. I stand center and throw it out towards the 7-9 boards…ball goes out to the 2-3 board and makes a very long, smooth curve into the pocket. But on medium-heavy oil…especially if there is no real dryness on the outside…I have to move 4-6 boards right of center (14-16) and try to throw it almost straight up the 8-9 boards and "hope" it doesn't take a "weird turn" in the dry area just before the pin deck. On heavy oil, I'm almost better off playing the Frantic up the 13-board because it won't react early.

Like Bowl and Rob and Mike and VDub have said…it's not how much the ball hooks, it's where. My Rhythm hooks a great deal…but it's an early, big curve type of hook. Not an angular back end type of hook. So the next step would be a more aggressive version of my Frantic, that will go longer (pearl coverstock), but have a more angular (asymmetric core) back end and more drastic turn to the pocket (higher differential).

If that doesn't work…then I have no choice but to change my release. My current release is designed for accuracy over anything else. And I've seen MASSIVE improvements in my average, spare shooting, and accuracy. But at the expense of angle into the pocket, speed/power, and ultimately pin carry.

IF I need to fix my heavy oil game AND develop an inside game on drier conditions…then a more aggressive ball OR a release/revs change is going to be necessary. I thought I might be able to just reduce speed to buy me some time…but I'm already around 11-14mph and going lower doesn't seem to help…the ball just starts rolling into the pin deck before it gets back to the pocket.

Hammer Rhythm; PerfectScale rating = 211.3. (RG = 2.48, diff. = 0.045, Solid cover stock, symmetric core)
Storm Frantic; PerfectScale rating = 189.5. (RG = 2.53, diff. = 0.045, Hybrid cover stock, symmetric core)

Columbia300 Encounter; PerfectScale rating = 203.8. (RG = 2.50, diff. = 0.052, Pearl coverstock, assymetric core)

06-10-2014, 01:13 PM
Can't wait for the day those numbers become 650-700 and 500.

I believe VDub had a goal of not throwing under a 600 series or under a 700 series or something. Obviously, I'm not "there" yet. I did make the mini-goal at the start of this summer league that I didn't want to throw any more < 500 series. But, even though I've seen a LOT more series over 500…I'm still frustrated that I'm seeing virtually NO 600 series.

I got to be patient. I need to be happy with series consistently in the 480s to 570s rather than miss the days where I'd throw an occasional 600 series but then throw mostly < 500 series the rest of the time.

It's all about the numbers. I urge people to use apps like PinPal to track their stats. Because more important than your actual scores (especially during practice)…are your "stats". What is your "strike rate"? What is your "first ball average"? What are your most common leaves? What spares are you most struggling with?

Anyone that hasn't checked out my scores page ("Aslan's Scores of the Non-Lady kind")…if you check it out you'll see a PinPal summary after most games and tournaments and practice sessions where it gives me all the metrics that are important. And those metrics are more important than the scores because they actually "explain" why the scores were what they were. I may have had great scores because I struck a lot…but a troubling spare shooting rate that still needs attention. Things like that.

06-10-2014, 01:33 PM
I believe VDub had a goal of not throwing under a 600 series or under a 700 series or something. Obviously, I'm not "there" yet. I did make the mini-goal at the start of this summer league that I didn't want to throw any more < 500 series. But, even though I've seen a LOT more series over 500…I'm still frustrated that I'm seeing virtually NO 600 series.

I got to be patient. I need to be happy with series consistently in the 480s to 570s rather than miss the days where I'd throw an occasional 600 series but then throw mostly < 500 series the rest of the time.

It's all about the numbers. I urge people to use apps like PinPal to track their stats. Because more important than your actual scores (especially during practice)…are your "stats". What is your "strike rate"? What is your "first ball average"? What are your most common leaves? What spares are you most struggling with?

Anyone that hasn't checked out my scores page ("Aslan's Scores of the Non-Lady kind")…if you check it out you'll see a PinPal summary after most games and tournaments and practice sessions where it gives me all the metrics that are important. And those metrics are more important than the scores because they actually "explain" why the scores were what they were. I may have had great scores because I struck a lot…but a troubling spare shooting rate that still needs attention. Things like that.

Yep, one of my goals from the last Fall leagues was to not throw under 600. I achieved that in one league that ended up being 32 weeks long(low 625), and in the other I bowled a low of 574 with 3 other 580 something in there for that 34 week league.

06-10-2014, 02:32 PM
Aslan glad you posted the stats on the Rhythm I wasn't familiar with that one. Not a huge Hammer guy and it looks like that one was a special release for TNBA. Do you know what surface you have on it. The highest symmetrical I see listed is the Marvel-S at 219.90 not sure how much difference that would make. Definitely post it when you punch that asymmetrical I want to know how that works for you.

06-10-2014, 02:33 PM
Yep, one of my goals from the last Fall leagues was to not throw under 600. I achieved that in one league that ended up being 32 weeks long(low 625), and in the other I bowled a low of 574 with 3 other 580 something in there for that 34 week league.

That's impressive what did you average in the league with the 625 low?

06-10-2014, 03:57 PM
That's impressive what did you average in the league with the 625 low?

231 on my Thursday night league, 219 on the Tuesday night. Different houses.

06-10-2014, 06:24 PM
231 on my Thursday night league, 219 on the Tuesday night. Different houses.

That's great bowling I'm sure there is no one on any of the leagues in my house averaging over 210. I bowl in an older house wood lanes well maintained but you don't get the pin action there that you do in some of the newer places congrats on that

06-10-2014, 10:02 PM
Aslan glad you posted the stats on the Rhythm I wasn't familiar with that one. Not a huge Hammer guy and it looks like that one was a special release for TNBA. Do you know what surface you have on it. The highest symmetrical I see listed is the Marvel-S at 219.90 not sure how much difference that would make. Definitely post it when you punch that asymmetrical I want to know how that works for you.

The Rhythm has had a little surfacing done to it from out of the box. Rob could answer that since he was the one that touched it up for me when I was out in Vegas.

I actually have a symmetric core ball with a higher PerfectScale than the Marvel-S…the 900Global Bullet Train (222.8) which I plan to use as a replacement for the Frantic later in the year or early in 2015.

Why as a replacement for the Frantic and not the Rhythm??

1) The Frantic is my oldest ball in the bag and it will be "time". It doesn't get used much anymore now that my home house has gone to synthetics…but I bought it back in August and have a lot of games on it….so I figure by the end of the year/early in 2015…it'll be time to retire it permanently.

2) It's a hybrid overstock with virtually identical numbers to the Frantic. By having both the Bullet Train AND Rhythm in my bag….I have both a Hybrid and Solid overstock option rather than 2 Pearls and 2 Hybrids.

The Bullet Train is the ball that caused me to put using the Asylum I won on hold. I'm gonna try switching to a 15lb arsenal in mid-late 2015 and the Asylum will replace the Bullet Train (hybrid overstock).

As is my reputation for wordiness….I'm sure you'll hear all about the new ball as fall approaches after I get it drilled up.

06-10-2014, 10:30 PM
Well good luck I have never seen anybody around here throwing any of the global stuff should be interesting to see how it works out for you.

12-08-2014, 02:40 PM
Another tournament in the books.

The scores are in my "Aslan's Scores of the non-lady kind" if anyone wants to review.

In general, I did fairly well at the OC BVL tournament earlier this year. And I again did fairly well at the Citrus Belt BVL tournament.

I'm not sure "why". I think the BVL tournaments are less intimidating...it's more just "regular bowlers". And it's "divisions", so I'm not necessarily competing against the best players there.

In terms of a comparison of the OC BVL earlier in the year to the Citrus Belt BVL:

Average: 187.67
Strike %: 43%
Spare %: 58%

Single Pin Spare %: 85%
Multi-Pin Spare %: 40%

Splits per Game: 1

Citrus Belt BVL:
Average: 181.56
Strike %: 38%
Spare %: 63%

Single Pin Spare %: 88%
Multi-Pin Spare %: 52%

Splits per Game: 1.11

So, very similar results. Both tournaments were at very "dry" centers so that definitely helped me and makes the results even more comparable. It looks like maybe my strike rate has fallen off a bit but my spare shooting has improved a bit.

I used all 5 balls in my arsenal because they didn't re-oil after Squad 1 so I ended up using the lesser hooking balls in Squad 2. They then re-oiled for Squad 3. The Hammer Rhythm was KILLING it yesterday. I made a mistake and didn't try it out before Squad 1 (just nerves, forgot...).

Looking at the ball performance...since I often switched from ball to ball during a game...I just added up consecutive frames for each ball to give me a score comparison:

900Global Bullet Train: 140-137
Average = 138

Hammer Rhythm: 254-217-168
Average = 213

Columbia Encounters: 181-195-188
Average = 188

Brunswick Slingshot: 168
Average = 168

I won't share this with my Thursday bowling league team because it'll just encourage them further to harass me whenever I DON'T use the Rhythm...which they claim I throw much better than the other balls in my arsenal. :o

The problem with the Bullet Train in the 140 game was it wasn't making it back. We're talking about 1-2-10s, 1-2-8s, 1-2-8-10s, 1-2-4-10s, 2-4-5s, 2-4-5-8s, etc... That leaves some very difficult spares to shoot at.

I'm not 100% sure the Bullet Train IS stronger than the Rhythm. It's something I'll have to look at. But once I made the move to the Rhythm...all the sudden it rainbows and lollipops!! I had 3 open frams in 3 games worth of shots...one was a 8-10 split, one was a 1-2-10 and another was a - 8 and those last two were just bad shots where I didn't get my shoulders square and threw the ball way right.

After the tournament I had MWhite take the Bullet Train from 2500 to 2000 abralon and I had the Rhythm resurfaced at 2000 abralon. That should weaken the Rhythm just a 'tad'...but it will hopefully get the Bullet Train to move/hook just a little more/sooner.

That was SO stupid not to try the Rhythm in practice before Squad 1. I always try the two most aggressive balls on the 2-3 lines. This time I just forgot and it cost me BIG time.

12-08-2014, 05:04 PM
Oh...and GET THIS!!

I bowled a clean 217 game, first game of Squad 3.

Then I bowl X, X, 9/...

...who comes stolling into the center?? MWHITE!! So he comes over asking me how things are going...TOTALLY JINXS ME!!! I throw the next shot in the gutter and get a - 8!!! THANKS ALOT MIKE!! 13 clean frames to start Squad 3 and then SPLAT. Opened 2 frames later with a 1-2-10...and finsihed Game 2 with a 199 after a 4-bagger and picking up a baby split...but STILL!

J Anderson
12-08-2014, 05:27 PM
Oh...and GET THIS!!

I bowled a clean 217 game, first game of Squad 3.

Then I bowl X, X, 9/...

...who comes stolling into the center?? MWHITE!! So he comes over asking me how things are going...TOTALLY JINXS ME!!! I throw the next shot in the gutter and get a - 8!!! THANKS ALOT MIKE!! 13 clean frames to start Squad 3 and then SPLAT. Opened 2 frames later with a 1-2-10...and finsihed Game 2 with a 199 after a 4-bagger and picking up a baby split...but STILL!

"So he comes over asking me how things are going...TOTALLY JINXS ME!!!"

Seriously!!! Here I thought that Aslan was the champion of rational thought, analysing each of the 472 factors that could possibly effect the shot before every throw. Yet you believe that Mike has some supernatural power to make you throw the ball in the gutter. What's next? Pouring a shot of lane oil over an ice cube as an offering to Icegod before each game?

Mike White
12-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Oh...and GET THIS!!

I bowled a clean 217 game, first game of Squad 3.

Then I bowl X, X, 9/...

...who comes stolling into the center?? MWHITE!! So he comes over asking me how things are going...TOTALLY JINXS ME!!! I throw the next shot in the gutter and get a - 8!!! THANKS ALOT MIKE!! 13 clean frames to start Squad 3 and then SPLAT. Opened 2 frames later with a 1-2-10...and finsihed Game 2 with a 199 after a 4-bagger and picking up a baby split...but STILL!

Thats odd, I talked to a number of other bowlers before I made it to you, and they didn't seem to be effected the same way.

12-09-2014, 09:16 AM
Well it doesn't take much to Jinx Aslan :cool:

12-09-2014, 11:58 AM
Okay...you can all bite me.

And in my defense...I was able to QUICKLY recover and salvage a 199 game.

12-10-2014, 03:58 PM
Well folks...unofficial results are in!!!


- I have a composite USBC Sanctioned average of 166 based on last season....using the approriate chart for the conversion of the 149 sport average that I got from bowling 24 games that last season in a sport league.

- Currently...this season....I have a 150 average in the sport league and a 162 average in my house league...both sanctioned.

- I've NEVER averaged over 166 except for a 12-game sub situation when I averaged a 172...but thats factored in the 166 composite even though it's not 21 games...

I bowled in the tournament...I bowled a 593 series...I won 3 sidepots and the men's bracket...



The person listed as winning it rolled a 583.

BUT UNFORTUNATELY!!! I was put in Division A (170-190 average bowlers)...where the bowler who bowled a tournament best 729...will be representing the Citrus Belt at the State BVL Tournament. And kinda "fishy" too that a guy that doesn't have a USBC average on Bowl.com got placed in Division A and not the Scratch/Classic division. I mean, he'd have won the scratch/classic division. I don't know. Seems shady. :mad:

Oh well. :( It was meant to be a warm-up for the Orange County BVL that will take place probably the end of January. And, thats what it was.

Mike White
12-10-2014, 07:00 PM
Well folks...unofficial results are in!!!


- I have a composite USBC Sanctioned average of 166 based on last season....using the approriate chart for the conversion of the 149 sport average that I got from bowling 24 games that last season in a sport league.

- Currently...this season....I have a 150 average in the sport league and a 162 average in my house league...both sanctioned.

- I've NEVER averaged over 166 except for a 12-game sub situation when I averaged a 172...but thats factored in the 166 composite even though it's not 21 games...

I bowled in the tournament...I bowled a 593 series...I won 3 sidepots and the men's bracket...



The person listed as winning it rolled a 583.

BUT UNFORTUNATELY!!! I was put in Division A (170-190 average bowlers)...where the bowler who bowled a tournament best 729...will be representing the Citrus Belt at the State BVL Tournament. And kinda "fishy" too that a guy that doesn't have a USBC average on Bowl.com got placed in Division A and not the Scratch/Classic division. I mean, he'd have won the scratch/classic division. I don't know. Seems shady. :mad:

Oh well. :( It was meant to be a warm-up for the Orange County BVL that will take place probably the end of January. And, thats what it was.

The guy who won the A division has a Citrus Belt average. He is ID # is 222-20718

Not too sure what the average rules are the allowed him into the 170-190 range.

Since he shot the highest overall, he deserved 1st place, just a question of wether he was in the proper division.

As for you being in the proper division, that's unknown.

12-11-2014, 09:17 PM
The guy who won the A division has a Citrus Belt average. He is ID # is 222-20718

Not too sure what the average rules are the allowed him into the 170-190 range.

Since he shot the highest overall, he deserved 1st place, just a question of wether he was in the proper division.

As for you being in the proper division, that's unknown.

Well, if thats him then his 189 gets him in the A-Division so it's legitimate.

It's odd that a guy that averaged over 200 since 2007...suddenly last year averaged 189...but...whatever. The point is...I bowled competitively against the bowlers in my division. And that was the goal. Now if OC USBC would get off their ***s and post when their tournament is going to be...I could start making plans.

I wish Citrus Belt would post the entire results. They always lazily post just the winners. I'd have liked to see how close I got in Division A...where I ended up finishing.

12-12-2014, 02:15 AM
Good job Aslan, 3 sidepots and a bracket. Bringing the $ home.