View Full Version : A rare rant by TGS...

The German Shepherd
01-23-2014, 06:21 PM
I believe that bowling is the best game there is. It can be done by people of all ages and levels of expertise; its fun, challenging, aggravating and exhilarating at the same time. This is why I think it is good for those who love the game to defend it, and this is my motivation for this RANT.

Please understand that all of the following is my OPINION and that I just took a Percoset for some excruciating pain I am presently enduring...

I believe that it is HIGH TIME (no pun intended) that ball manufacturers address the problem of pre-mature bowling ball death due to oil soaking/saturation. Now I know some of you may say that, "I have used the same ball for X years and never had it die on me." I am glad that you have had that experience, and I share that experience as well. But when there are numerous reports of a particular ball dying prematurely and it becomes a pattern, then there is just no denying that there is an issue.

Some years ago, the Hammer Black Widow was a sensation. It's "out of the box" performance level was astounding. Then we began to hear the voices of people who began to complain about the ball quitting on them after 40 - 50 games (once again, let me say that YMMV if you had one, but...). If this had occurred in a random and rare fashion, then it could have been atributed to poor ball care and maintenance, but it became a trend and many people stopped throwing them. More recently, I have had two balls die on me. One was a Storm Vivid and lately it was a Storm Sync. Neither was ever abused, neglected, left out in the cold or heat or even spoken to harshly, yet both died at right around 60 games. I cleaned them religiously, and my level of care for them, and all of the balls in my kennel (Get it? German Shepherd - kennel? Haha) was, and continues to be, absolutely fastidious.

This problem MUST be addressed by the bowling ball manufacturers! And to make matters worse, it's the higher end/higher priced balls that tend to soak up/absorb more oil and therefore die most prematurely! Let me repeat, the ball manufacturers MUST address this problem. If people are going to spend $200.00 plus for a bowling ball, then wouldn't it be fair to be allowed to think that you could expect good service from that ball for a looooong time??

BTW, the Vivid and Sync were both professionally serviced. That means they were both heated, de-oiled, and resurfaced and it did NOT ONE bit of good. So, not only were the balls uber-expensive, but they were cleaned with expesive cleaners and, in the end, put through very expensive processes designed to restore their performance, and it did no good.

With all of the technology and brilliant minds currently working in our industry (people like Hank Boomershine, Mo Pinel, et al), don't you think it would be possible for them to make a ball that performs and keeps it's performance? Yes, I understand that proper cleaning, upkeep and maintenance is incumbent on the consumer - but when all reasonable efforts are made to care for one's beloved products and they STILL fail, then that issue rests firmly on the shoulders of the manufacturers.

There. I've said my piece. Please let the cat in when you leave...


01-23-2014, 06:47 PM
I believe that it is HIGH TIME (no pun intended) that ball manufacturers address the problem of pre-mature bowling ball death due to oil soaking/saturation.

They did try at one time to address the problem, that was around when they came out with the Acryllium coverstock and I believe the first Gen. pro-active covers.

But it never seemed to go anywhere, the balls were tougher but the performance was lacking.

And performance sells more than toughness.

01-23-2014, 07:13 PM

01-23-2014, 07:30 PM
I tend to agree with you there Shepard, but not sure what or will be done about it. Today we live in a "disposable" society. Everyone wants something new, newer or the best, or the newest item to come out, so the manufactures cater to this mentality by not providing long lasting items.

Just my opinion....by the way, the cat is in.

01-23-2014, 07:53 PM
Its funny because I recently bought a higher end ball (Brunswick Aura) to replace my used Ebonite Cyclone (I've personally put at least 300 games on it). I did get the new ball drilled and threw a few games to make sure the fit was good, but I'm still working on perfecting my release and until I'm satisfied with it I'm not using my new ball.

1) I don't want the ball technology to mask my technique deficiencies (and yes the Aura will make it to the pocket on throws the Cyclone has no chance at
2) I'm reading about ball death all over the place, and because I practice so much I'm afraid to kill the ball before I get good enough to fully benefit from it

That said, in talking with a local coach here who competes year round in tournaments all over the place, he told me he typically goes through 8-12 balls a year, he is a Brunswick staffer so I guess that isn't such a big deal for him. But it does show if you bowl 5-6 times or more per week, like I do, and want to eventually be able to do local tourneys as well that it becomes a VERY expensive hobby since the equipment is so disposable apparently.

01-23-2014, 11:05 PM

01-24-2014, 01:51 PM
2) I'm reading about ball death all over the place, and because I practice so much I'm afraid to kill the ball before I get good enough to fully benefit from it

YUP. Same boat. I probably have nearly 400 games on the Frantic I bought in August. I tend to bowl at LEAST 15 games a week.

I talked to a pro shop guy and he told me he goes through a ball/year. But he bowls in 2 leagues, rarely practices. So thats 6 games a week generally. So 312 games. I've heard people on the OTHER end of the spectrum who completely resurface their ball after 30 games...and generally are onto the next ball after a 21-24 week league.

I haven't seen "ball death" yet with mine. The Frantic lost it's "snap" relatively quickly (about 3 weeks), but it's still holding it's own. Granted, I towel between frames, clean the ball with alcohol/soap after each use, and I soak it in really hot, soapy water 1-2 times a month to get the oil out...so it's well cared for.

01-24-2014, 04:42 PM
Ok I agree it would be nice. But like my grand daddy told me - want in one hand and crap in the other - see which one fills up first.

This is not an issue of planned obsolescence. This is not a conspiracy by the ball manufacturers. This comes down to material science.

The new higher tech balls sacrifice longevity for performance.

It's like saying I have a 1,200hp top fuel dragster but I don't want to rebuild the engine after every weekend I race. Well that's just how it is kid. You don't like it then drive a Chevy Spark.

01-24-2014, 09:06 PM
De-oil your ball?