View Full Version : Ok, time to be a little more accurate - targeting system?

01-25-2014, 12:54 AM
So tonight in league I got to the point where I missed the headpin maybe 3-4 times the entire night, and mostly hit the pocket. And while I had a nice hambone in my second game, a lot of my pocket hits were misses in that they didn't strike for various reasons.

I think the next step would be to try to add a targeting system, in the past the 3 point quiet eye targeting system was mentioned to me, is this pretty much the standard targeting system, or is it like spare systems where there are a 1001 different systems and its a pick whatever works best for you kind of thing.

01-25-2014, 08:30 AM
While at the Kegel Training Center, Coach Slowinski teaches a client the 3-Point Targeting with Quiet Eye system in DETAIL (14 minute video)


Using a Quiet Eye is the Key to Improving Target Accuracy
(Bowling This Month March 2008 in PDF)

The Effectiveness of the 3-Point Targeting with Quiet Eye System
(BTM November 2008 in PDF)

Using the Quiet Eye to Avoid Choking
(Bowling This Month July 2010 in PDF)

01-25-2014, 09:03 AM
You are a wealth of info Bowl1820. Good articles.

01-25-2014, 12:37 PM
You are a wealth of info Bowl1820. Good articles.

X2. Always helpful!

01-25-2014, 01:45 PM
You are a wealth of info Bowl1820. Good articles.

X3 thank you again sir!

01-25-2014, 03:12 PM
I haven't exactly used the quiet eye method but I do know that for me varying where I spot can make a huge difference. As a general rule, the tighter the lanes are the closer I spot. If I am having trouble with my timing or release I might spot just past the foul line. This is as close as I can come to bowling with my eyes closed. That I can't seem to do.

Last Wednesday I bowled after leagues were done and the lanes were toast. In the last couple of games I found a decent line throwing the ball way out from just left of second arrow. This would have hooked early but I compensated by spotting at the break point and also lining up all the way to the ten pin so I would follow through OUT towards the ten pin. That spotting method allowed me to use more side roll without cutting the shot off. Basically it gave me a good inside out release. I threw the last 8 strikes one game and started the next with the first 4. When I missed striking I quit and went home. It was all-you-can-bowl so I didn't have to finish the game.

J Anderson
01-25-2014, 04:02 PM
So tonight in league I got to the point where I missed the headpin maybe 3-4 times the entire night, and mostly hit the pocket. And while I had a nice hambone in my second game, a lot of my pocket hits were misses in that they didn't strike for various reasons.

I think the next step would be to try to add a targeting system, in the past the 3 point quiet eye targeting system was mentioned to me, is this pretty much the standard targeting system, or is it like spare systems where there are a 1001 different systems and its a pick whatever works best for you kind of thing.

"3 point with quiet eye" is the only system I've seen written up. I suspect that most self taught evolve their own system and while most programs for beginning bowlers try to get the new bowler to use the arrows as targets, they too will evolve something unique.

I've never heard anyone say that "3 point" doesn't work for them.

01-25-2014, 04:34 PM
Actually after reviewing the 3 point quiet eye system this is exactly what I was doing when I threw 12 in a row on Wednesday. I haven't watched the video in a long time and I think I just did it accidentally. Having that focal point was huge. I definitely will start incorporating that all the time now regardless of how close my visual target is. It doesn't matter if I am looking just past the foul line I can still use the three point system.

One thing that is unusual about the house I bowl at is the uniqueness of the pattern. It is well known to have the most oil in the Twin Cities, however the outside is quite dry. So it is a 42 foot pattern but it plays shorter. The zone with the greatest margin for error does not seem to be just off the edge of the 42 foot length of max oil. There is more of an even taper towards the outside which lends the pattern to be attacked from multiple points at the end of the pattern. Your always trying to get the ball well outside at the end of the pattern but there is probably a 5 board range depending on the bowlers style. On top of that the best board to hit at the end of the pattern seems to change as the pattern breaks down.

01-27-2014, 02:09 PM
Thanks. I am going to check those out.

01-27-2014, 02:30 PM
I tried 3-point and didn't like it. I have a hard enough time focusing on the dots (to lay the ball down earlier) and the corresponding arrow without also worrying about a breakpoint or pin off in the distance. I tried it a little bit...just too much all going on at once. My modified 2-point seems to do fine.

01-27-2014, 02:41 PM
I use visualization a lot. If I am on a critical shot in the game I will visualize a strike in my mind before I get up to bowl. Then when I get on the approach I will look exactly where I want the ball to hit. Then I look at my mark.

01-27-2014, 03:31 PM
I use visualization a lot. If I am on a critical shot in the game I will visualize a strike in my mind before I get up to bowl. Then when I get on the approach I will look exactly where I want the ball to hit. Then I look at my mark.

"Be the ball, Danny".


03-01-2014, 09:32 PM
Here's a question, Ron Clifton has this article http://www.bowl4fun.com/ron/btm01_files/btm1.htm which appears to be a simplified version of the Kegel 3 point targeting system. In this one, apparently you only worry about two points, your target and the actual breakpoint, which means you don't need to know the pattern length and subsequent endpoint. In the Kegel method, you use your target, the endpoint (not breakpoint), and a focal point.

Anybody have any opinions as to the differences between these two targeting systems? Is one more accurate (when done properly), or is it more of a "use whichever works best for you" scenario?

03-01-2014, 11:27 PM
Here is my current targeting system; take it for what it is worth.

If the shot is the normal house shot that I am most comfortable with, then I pick my spot on the approach, look at a spot at the base of a pin, draw a line back to the arrows, and finally spot at the arrows.

If I am playing inside more and therefore the alignment is something I am not as comfortable with, then I will pick my spot on the approach, look at a spot at the base of a pin and then draw a line back to about 40 ft and that is my final target.

If I am playing way outside, like 1st arrow and even further out (yes, this shot is sometimes there at my home house even with my high rev rate), then I will pick my spot on the approach, visualize alignment parallel to the right gutter, never looking past the arrows and then spot just past the dots. I can just barely see my ball cross my target but that is OK because I just want to feel like I am staying parallel to the right gutter.

That's it. To each his own.

03-01-2014, 11:35 PM
Interesting, thanks for sharing Sprocket. I'm kinda playing around with my own version using two points, my main problem is that I can no longer play the outside as I've increased my revs and haven't figured out how to increase my speed accordingly - so if my ball so much as breathes on the dry part it shoots across the lane and I'm lucky if I can hit the 7 pin.

That said I'm playing farther and farther inside, but of course I'm having trouble finding the proper line to play without spending the first game or two playing trial and error and its killing my scores.

03-04-2014, 02:05 PM
i use a 1 point system i trust my release so as long as i hit my mark ill be in the pocket and can adjust my angel with a inch back or forward thats just me tho

03-04-2014, 02:13 PM
i use a 1 point system i trust my release so as long as i hit my mark ill be in the pocket and can adjust my angel with a inch back or forward thats just me tho

I used to do this when I was playing straighter, but I've been working furiously on my release for several months now - the good is that I get a lot more hook on the ball, the bad is that my speed is still too low so I have to play way inside now to avoid hooking the ball off the lane. Down and in is unplayable in my current state, although once I get some speed in my game I suspect things will change once again, but this is why I've been targeting a line lately rather than just the arrow.